Warnings: Warning: Violence
Other Results: 3 Series

A Friend In Need ... by Xena
Rated: PG 13 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 17]



A friend in need is a friend indeed.



Categories: Stories
Characters: Jarod, Miss Parker
Classifications: Genres: Drama
Warnings: Warning: Violence

Series: None
Chapters: 4 Table of Contents
Word count: 3291
Read Count: 63411
[Report This] Published: 08/06/23 Updated: 16/01/25


(Complete.) A pretender can become anyone they want to be. A lesser could become someone that anyone chose them to be. Jarod didn't know he knew a lesser, until he learned what happened in his missing days when he died. (Jarod/Parker Romance.)

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: Broots, Jarod, Jarod's Family, Miss Parker, Sydney, Telling Would Spoil, The Clone
Classifications: Genres: Drama, Romance, Suspence/Mystery
Warnings: Warning: Language, Warning: Violence

Series: None
Chapters: 13 Table of Contents
Word count: 49101
Read Count: 46854
[Report This] Published: 23/04/19 Updated: 25/11/19

Rated: PG 13 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 1]
Summary: After having finished one pretend and on the verge of beginning a new one, Jarod comes face to face with one of the most heartbreaking evils of this world. And he handles it in the only way he knows possible, to take immediate action!!!

Categories: Indefinite Timeline
Characters: All the characters
Classifications: Genres: Drama
Warnings: Warning: Violence

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 16961
Read Count: 2781
[Report This] Published: 27/04/05 Updated: 27/04/05

A winter's tale by whashaza
Rated: PG 13 starstarstarstar [Reviews - 124]
Summary: stories/395/images/parkerjarod.jpg A love story...my way. ;-) Read and review please

Categories: Indefinite Timeline
Characters: All the characters
Classifications: Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance
Warnings: Warning: Violence

Series: None
Chapters: 27 Table of Contents
Word count: 55206
Read Count: 183637
[Report This] Published: 05/08/06 Updated: 19/06/11

Aftermath by jacci
Rated: PG 13 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 23]
Summary: This is the sequel to Entropy. I strongly suggest you do not read unless you have read Entropy as none of this will make any sense otherwise.

Poor Jarod is in a bad way now and there seems to be no hope for him. Will Sydney and Parker finally pull through and help him, or will Lyle really win this time?

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: All the characters
Classifications: Genres: Angst
Warnings: Warning: Violence

Series: None
Chapters: 9 Table of Contents
Word count: 47658
Read Count: 52175
[Report This] Published: 13/05/05 Updated: 10/04/06

All or nothing by Cuddles
Rated: R starstarstarstar [Reviews - 30]

Nothing is ever as it seems... Jarod goes for under cover mission that will turn his life upside down... old friends, lost love and powerful enemies await... Set post IOTH.

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: Jarod, Miss Parker
Classifications: Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst
Warnings: Warning: Language, Warning: Sexual Content, Warning: Violence

Series: None
Chapters: 16 Table of Contents
Word count: 34366
Read Count: 15307
[Report This] Published: 20/04/12 Updated: 11/02/13

All The Kings Men by jacci
Rated: M starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 4]

All The King's Men




The conclusion to Entropy and Aftermath. Jarod is finally out but will there be a happy ever after?

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: All the characters
Classifications: Genres: Angst
Warnings: Warning: Violence

Series: None
Chapters: 6 Table of Contents
Word count: 22766
Read Count: 14524
[Report This] Published: 25/05/16 Updated: 15/11/22


Mercy is sweet poison.
Especially when it comes to Jarod and Miss Parker.

Categories: Alternate Universe
Characters: Jarod, Miss Parker
Classifications: Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance
Warnings: Warning: Language, Warning: Sexual Content, Warning: Violence

Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Word count: 3263
Read Count: 956
[Report This] Published: 09/03/19 Updated: 15/09/23

Summary: German fic. read it if you can! :)

Categories: German
Characters: Telling Would Spoil
Classifications: Genres: Action/Adventure, General, Romance
Warnings: Warning: Sexual Content, Warning: Violence

Series: None
Chapters: 7 Table of Contents
Word count: 10773
Read Count: 1551
[Report This] Published: 28/05/05 Updated: 06/01/06

Almost Home by Starbuck
Rated: NC 18 starhalf-star [Reviews - 0]
Summary: (Sequel to Awakenings.) An event to change for a lifetime? Read Author's Note at end of story.

Categories: Alternate Universe
Characters: Jarod, Miss Parker, Sydney
Classifications: Genres: Drama
Warnings: Warning: Non Consensual Sexual Content, Warning: Sexual Content, Warning: Violence

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 3170
Read Count: 3017
[Report This] Published: 10/05/05 Updated: 10/05/05

Summary: Sometimes there is no choice to make, no way out, no way forward. Just your gun, their will and you.

Categories: Indefinite Timeline
Characters: Broots, Miss Parker
Classifications: Genres: Drama, Tragedy
Warnings: Warning: Violence

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 756
Read Count: 2663
[Report This] Published: 19/04/05 Updated: 19/04/05

Anti-Climactic by Eveylin
Rated: PG 13 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 1]
Summary: When he finally...

Categories: Storms
Characters: Lyle, Miss Parker
Classifications: Genres: Drama
Warnings: Warning: Incest/Twincest, Warning: Non Consensual Sexual Content, Warning: Violence
Challenges: Drabble #26 Storms

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 102
Read Count: 3157
[Report This] Published: 19/04/05 Updated: 19/04/05

Asphyxia by Mirage
Rated: R starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 23]

Wild Horses prequel.

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: Broots, Jarod, Lyle, Miss Parker, Original Character, Sydney
Classifications: Genres: General, Tragedy
Warnings: Warning: Character Death, Warning: Language, Warning: Violence

Series: Unforeseen
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1957
Read Count: 591
[Report This] Published: 22/12/18 Updated: 22/12/18

Summary: Jarod, Miss Parker, Broots and Sydney stumble on a new Centre project involving people with special abilities. Miss Parker and team try to find as much as they can on their end while Jarod turns to his PHQ friends. Meanwhile, the Mutant X Team realized someone is trying to play Genomex again and they vow to stop it but who exactly are they going up against?

Categories: Crossovers
Characters: Angelo, Broots, Jarod, Lyle, Miss Parker, Mr Raines, Original Character, Other Non-Centre Related Character
Classifications: Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama
Warnings: Warning: Violence

Series: Pretender Headquarters Series
Chapters: 4 Table of Contents
Word count: 15493
Read Count: 12295
[Report This] Published: 22/06/05 Updated: 22/06/05

Black Visitor by chopsticks
Rated: PG starhalf-star [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Sometimes, things go exactly as planned. . .and more.

Categories: Alternate Universe
Characters: Broots, Jarod, Miss Parker, Mr Parker, Mr Raines, Other Centre Character, The Clone
Classifications: Genres: Drama, Tragedy
Warnings: Warning: Character Death, Warning: Violence

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1526
Read Count: 3054
[Report This] Published: 23/05/05 Updated: 23/05/05

Blindsided by Mirage
Rated: PG 13 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 193]


Categories: Indefinite Timeline, Stories
Characters: Jarod, Miss Parker, Original Character
Classifications: Genres: Angst, General
Warnings: Warning: Language, Warning: Violence

Series: None
Chapters: 6 Table of Contents
Word count: 10214
Read Count: 5885
[Report This] Published: 23/12/21 Updated: 18/04/24

Summary: Parker gets an unexpected surprise during her time in boarding school.

Categories: Prequel
Characters: Jarod, Miss Parker, Mr Parker, Mr Raines, Original Character
Classifications: Genres: Romance
Warnings: Warning: Language, Warning: Sexual Content, Warning: Violence

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 5141
Read Count: 2044
[Report This] Published: 24/06/05 Updated: 24/06/05

Summary: Jarod is taken by someone not involed with the Centre... Who are they and what do they want?

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: Jarod
Classifications: Genres: General
Warnings: Warning: Violence

Series: None
Chapters: 19 Table of Contents
Word count: 118742
Read Count: 106157
[Report This] Published: 14/05/05 Updated: 01/05/08

Cause and Effect by chopsticks
Rated: PG 13 starstarstarstar [Reviews - 2]
Summary: With the arrival of two not-quite-familiar twins to the game, Jarod and the Retrieval Team are about to make some discoveries they never could have imagined, and be placed in the crosshairs of a man they barely know, but fear anyway.

Categories: Post Pretender 2001
Characters: All the characters, Original Character
Classifications: Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Suspence/Mystery
Warnings: Warning: Character Death, Warning: Violence

Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Word count: 9873
Read Count: 8081
[Report This] Published: 13/07/05 Updated: 20/09/05

Charnel by Elliott Silver
Rated: PG starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 2]
Summary: When the end is only the beginning.

Categories: Alternate Universe
Characters: Jarod, Miss Parker
Classifications: Genres: Angst
Warnings: Warning: Violence

Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Word count: 2560
Read Count: 5072
[Report This] Published: 10/08/05 Updated: 10/08/05

Summary: Die "Schwarzen Akten" sind das neue Projekt des Centers - und dieses Mal gehen sie noch einen Schritt weiter. Werden Jarod und Miss Parker die Jagd unterbrechen wenn sie herausfinden, dass jemand im Center ihre Hilfe braucht?

Categories: German
Characters: All the characters
Classifications: Genres: Drama
Warnings: Warning: Violence

Series: None
Chapters: 11 Table of Contents
Word count: 4008
Read Count: 940
[Report This] Published: 17/09/05 Updated: 17/09/05

Close by Julie Fortune
Rated: R starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 12]
Summary: (Two parts) - A disturbing serial killer is at work, and Jarod is hot on the trail ... but when Miss Parker crosses the wrong path, it becomes a race against time for Jarod to find her.  Will he dare to take on the persona of a killer to save the woman he both loves -- and hates?

Categories: Season 4
Characters: Broots, Jarod, Lyle, Miss Parker, Sam, Sydney
Classifications: Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Romance, Suspence/Mystery
Warnings: Warning: Language, Warning: Violence

Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Word count: 21082
Read Count: 4578
[Report This] Published: 09/02/07 Updated: 09/02/07

Summary: There's a new rival in the race to find Jarod and exploit him:  a group called The Cooperative, and they make the Centre look gentle.  When Jarod is grabbed by them, it's up to Miss Parker and Broots to stage a risky rescue mission ... but Jarod may be too far gone to help.

Categories: Season 3
Characters: Broots, Jarod, Original Character, Sydney
Classifications: Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Romance
Warnings: Warning: Violence

Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Word count: 25032
Read Count: 2946
[Report This] Published: 09/02/07 Updated: 09/02/07

Crux by Eveylin
Rated: R starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 8]
Summary: An ending.

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: Jarod, Lyle, Miss Parker
Classifications: Genres: Angst, Drama, Suspence/Mystery
Warnings: Warning: Language, Warning: Violence

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 4089
Read Count: 1391
[Report This] Published: 19/04/05 Updated: 19/04/05

Summary:  Jarod’s hunt for a serial killer takes a devastating turn, when Miss Parker becomes the prey. Will Jarod be able to overcome his fears in time to unravel the clues and stop a madman seeking the ultimate revenge against him?

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: Alex, Broots, Jarod, Miss Parker, Original Character, Sydney
Classifications: Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance, Suspence/Mystery, Tragedy
Warnings: Warning: Character Death, Warning: Language, Warning: Sexual Content, Warning: Violence

Series: None
Chapters: 15 Table of Contents
Word count: 104892
Read Count: 23520
[Report This] Published: 03/03/11 Updated: 23/07/11