Summary: With the arrival of two not-quite-familiar twins to the game, Jarod and the Retrieval Team are about to make some discoveries they never could have imagined, and be placed in the crosshairs of a man they barely know, but fear anyway.
Summary: The Centre is full of conspiracies and ulterior motives. This one is no different, except that it will forever alter the lives of those involved.
Summary: Sometimes disappearing is the only option. Mr. Lyle has gotten very good at disappearing, and he exercises his talent once again after the debacle at Dry River, Arizona.
Categories:Season 2 Characters: Lyle Classifications: Genres: General Warnings: None
Series: None Chapters: 1 Table of Contents Completed:Yes Word count: 1451 Read Count: 2062
Summary: Lyle's been secure in his new position in The Centre, but then, in an instant, his life is in danger and it's Jarod with the gun this time. What does Lyle think about all of this?