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Disclaimer: I don’t own the pretender and everything’s used without permission.

He Runs, She Chases
part 4
By Schmidt

January 18th 2002, 21:30
Rachel’s Motel, Pacific Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland

In his room Jarod was getting his Lap Top ready. While the computer was warming up he took the picture with his mother as a young woman out of his pocket. He always carried that picture with himself. It was his only connection to her. Yet.

Suddenly someone knocked at his door.

“Come in, please”, he replied and an old woman entered the little room. She was about eighty. Her white hair made a nice contrast to her black skin.

“Hallo.”, she greeted Jarod. “I hope, I haven’t interrupted you?”

“No, you haven’t.”

“I’m Victoria, Rachel’s mother-in-law. I only wanted to see who’s our new guest.”

The nice woman offered him his hand. “Welcome to our motel. I hope you’ll like it here.”
After shaking his hand Victoria suddenly realized the picture with Jarod’s mother.

“Who’s that?”, she demanded.

“She’s my mother”, he replied truly.

“Then…are…you…J-…Jarod, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I am. How do you know?”

“She was here only a few days ago. she was looking for you. All the time she spoke of you. And now…”

“You talked to her?!?”, Jarod interrupted the woman.

“Oh, yes, I did. We talked a lot. She told me everything about her and about what she’s looking for.”

“I’m looking for her as well, you know. So, do you have any idea, where she might have gone?”

“Well, …she didn’t tell me exactly. She only told me…yeah, that she was going to go back to the place where she got to know her husband…Because of the promise they gave each other when they were teenagers.”


“Yes, they promised each other, that they’d meet each other exactly on February 22nd 2002 at the place they got to know each other. And she went there to meet her husband again and, as she hoped, some of her children as well.”

“What’s the name of the town? Please tell me!”

“I’m really sorry, Jarod, but I don’t know. I don’t even believe she told me…”

Even Victoria’s last words had disappointed him a bit he cheered up. There was a chance. The chance of finding his mother together with his father, his sister Emily, his brother Ethan and the boy. If his mother remembered the promise, his father would as well and the Major would be with the others. There was his chance to find his family, finally. Now, he only had to figure out which place they meant and hope.

January 19th 2002, 8:10 a.m.
Miss Parker’s office
The Centre, Blue Cove, Delaware

Miss Parker was sitting in her office and looking at the photo of her “supposed” father Mr. Parker and her. She was afraid of what she’s going to get to know soon. – Broots just phoned her to say that he had gotten some blood of Mr. Raines. He’d be with her soon.

And then? She’d run a genetic test and wait for the result. Till she’d get the result she could only hope and pray.
As if it wouldn’t be enough to have a brother who killed in fifteen years more people than Al Capone in his entire life. No, maybe she’d have the man as father that killed her mother and hurt herself at every occasion he’d ever had…
She was interrupted by Sydney who came into her office.

“Oh, Syd, you’re here yet?”

“Yes, I…never mind. I only wanted to ask you about a rumour I’ve just heard.”

“A rumour?”

“Well, is it true, that Mr. Raines made your brother to his new right hand? That Lyle has all control over the search for Jarod now?

“Yes, it’s true.”

“But he cannot…”

“Oh yes, he can. How you’re used to say, it’s The Centre.”

Suddenly Broots came in.

“Miss Parker, I’ve got Mr. Raine’s blo…oh, Syd, what are you doing here so early?”

“You’re going to run a genetic test, aren’t you?”, Sydney asked.

“I know, you are against it, but I have to know the truth.”, Miss Parker replied.

“I’m not against it anymore, Miss Parker. Do what you have to do and I’ll do anything to help you.”

After giving Sydney his second smile in three days Miss Parker faced Broots again.

“How did you get it, Broots?”

“Oh, um, there’s a man, Paddy, who owed me a favour. You know, he has access to Raines’ personal address book. And he gave me his doctor’s. It’s some Mr.Bruce in SL 10. Then I went there and found out, that I know the doctor’s assistant,Matt, and I asked him to get me some blood of Mr. Raines and he did me the favour. That’s it.”

“Well done, 007.”

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