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Disclaimer: They're not mine but if I were a big important producer person, I’d buy the rights to the Pretender and do what I please with the characters! And then the day is mine... well... um... errr.. Never mind just disregard that last remark. BTW if you are a big important producer person don't sue I only make $5.15 an hour, it wouldn't be worth it.

Note: I love feed back so if you loved it or hated it, if you’ve got a second drop me an e-mail and tell me what you thought. Having just started college, I don’t have much time but if people like it, I’ll keep doing it!

part 2
By: The Injury Princess

“Jarod stop or I’ll shoot!” Parker Shouted but it only made Jarod run faster. Her pursuit lasted until Jarod lost her through a maze of turns, once she realized there was no use; she stopped to allow the sweepers to catch up.

“It’s ok Miss. Parker, there’ll be another day.” Sam said only a few steps behind her. “Look there are more than enough sweepers here we’ll catch him if he comes back. Why don’t you go home, you’ve had a rough day.”

“Maybe your right Sam.” She replied.

At Miss Parkers house, she tested the bathwater with her fingertips. “Good.” She sighed and threw her robe over the sink. Placing one foot in then the next as she slowly slid into the warm foamy water. Miss Parker let out a sigh, she almost felt relaxed. Resting her head back she gazed at the ceiling and was just about to close her eyes when she sensed some one in the room. “Jarod.” She said calmly, silently cursing that she had left her gun in the other room.

“Miss me?” He asked slyly.

“Maybe.” She answered deciding to play along with his little game of seduction, of course his nice black jeans, tight black T-shirt, and leather jacket just made it easier. He stood in the doorway looking at her for an extended moment.

“I came over to say I’m sorry for giving you the slip earlier.” His features turned apologetic as he removed his jacket.

“Really?” She said trying to keep her cool. Inside wondering what was going on in that genius mind of his.

“I thought if you weren’t busy maybe we could spend some quality time together.” Miss Parker raised an eyebrow, although secretly finding it hard to remain calm while defenseless and naked with Jarod in the room. “Want some company?” He asked as he placed his jacket over her robe and stood at the foot of the tub. Mss Parker was very intrigued, all the time she’d been tracking him she always harbored some attraction for him. He was the enemy but he was also only a man. “Say it Miss Parker.” Jarod instructed.

“Say what?’ She asked having no idea where he was going with this.

“Say pleases.” He answered. She smiled this may go against all the rules of the Centre but she didn’t care, she wanted Jarod not the Centre.

“Please.” She purred. This time it was his turn to smile.

“I always wanted to hear you beg for your life.” His seductive smile turned menacing as he reached into his back pocket and brought forth her gun and pointed it right at her. Pure hatred blared in his eyes. Miss Parker’s heart skipped several beats; she was unable to move fear had taken control of her entire body.

“Jarod, please!” She begged but he only seemed to ignore her.

“You shouldn’t leave your gun lying around like that!” The anger and pain built up through out his entire life seemed aimed down the barrel of the gun. With a swift and sudden movement, he pulled the trigger.


Miss Parker jumped as Lyle entered the room. “Sleeping on the job again, sis? No wonder you can’t catch Jarod. Anyway, Dad wants to see you. Says it’s important. Oh and wash your face or something you look like death.” With that, Lyle turned and left her office letting the doors slam behind him again.

Some times, it doesn’t pay to get out of bed in the morning. She thought wearily.

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