Table of Contents [Report This]

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters. Please don't sue me.
Notes: Okey-dokey . . . this started out as a response to Mickey's letter challenge and ended up spending the better part of last year just sitting on my hard drive. When a couple of people asked for more, I thought I might as well do a bit of spring-cleaning, and fix up a few mistakes. Anyway, here's the latest version. Enjoy J
Better Late Than Never
Chapter 1
Jarod felt the man push him against the alley wall and jerked his elbow backwards, hoping to break free. He heard the man gasp in surprise and then felt a sharp pain in his lower back. Sliding to the floor, he realized he was bleeding. His vision started blurring and there was a high-pitched buzzing in his ears. As he succumbed to the darkness he thought of Parker and wished he'd had the chance to tell her . . .
2 weeks later . . .
"Anything?" Miss Parker drummed her fingers irritably on her desk.
"N-no, sorry, Miss Parker," Broots stammered, staring at his feet.
"You'd better be."
"Come now, Parker. Maybe he's too busy with a Pretend to leave breadcrumbs for us to follow," Sydney said.
"No." Parker sighed. "He'd make the time. He always has." He's mad at me and he has every right to be.
"Maybe he's sick."
"Yes," Parker muttered. "Broots, check hospital records for anyone matching Jarod's description."
"Countrywide?" Broots asked unhappily.
Parker nodded. She doubted that Broots would find anything but at least it was something to do. She had a horrible feeling that she would never hear from Jarod again.
Please don't give up on me, she prayed silently.
A phone call woke Parker at 2am. She jumped out of bed, hoping it was Jarod.
"Uh, Miss Parker?"
"Broots?" The tech was brave to call at this hour of the morning.
"I, uh, I think I found him."
"Well, I started searching Delaware hospitals 'cause I didn't really know where else to start and-"
"Get to the point."
"St. Matthews hospital has an unidentified white male patient who matches Jarod's description."
"Where is it?'
"Right here in Blue Cove . . . uh, Miss Parker?"
"He's in a coma, in intensive care."
Parker suddenly felt like a planet had just hit her.
"Thank you, Broots."
No, no, no! Please let him be okay!
She dressed hurriedly and pausing briefly to look up the hospital's address, hopped in her car and sped away.
"I'm afraid that it isn't looking good at all," a tiny nun said to Parker.
"Please, I just need to see if it's him."
The nun led her to the ICU and Parker had to fight back tears when she realized that it was in fact Jarod.
"Oh, Jarod," she whispered.
The nun squeezed her hand.
"I'm so sorry, Miss."
"What happened?" Parker asked, her eyes never leaving Jarod.
"We're not sure. He was stabbed, probably during a mugging. By the time he was found he had lost a considerable amount of blood."
"How long has he been here?"
"Just over two weeks now. Here, sit down, Miss."
Parker held Jarod's hand, watching the machine breathe for him. She wiped away tears with the back of her hand and didn't hear what the nun was saying.
"I said his things are in that cupboard, if you want them."
"Thank you," Parker whispered as the nun left. "Oh, Jarod, how could you let this happen?"
Glancing at the cupboard, she reached over to open it. It contained the DSA case and a bloodstained envelope. Parker picked up the envelope and saw her name on the front. Biting her lip, she opened it and began to read.
Dear Parker
Why do we continue to play this game day after day? I am tired of it, despite what you think mind games are not my style. I don't care who is wrong or right anymore. I just want us to be able to have a 'normal' conversation sometimes. I don't want the rude remarks or the tantalizing clues; I just want to be able to talk to you like we used to. Do you remember that? We used to talk all the time. You were always the only one who could understand me.
Parker looked up at Jarod, tears pouring down her cheeks. She no longer cared about being strong or being the Ice Queen. She put the letter down and walked over to the window. It had started raining and she watched people rush in and out of the emergency room doors.
"Excuse me," a voice said.
"Uh, we were wondering if you could shed some light on this man's identity."
Parker turned to see a young doctor standing in the doorway.
"His name is Jarod, uh, Gates."
"And you are?"
"I see," said the doctor, although he didn't. "How are you connected?"
"I'm his wife," she said without thinking.
"Ah, we need to speak."
"Your husband might not recover. Even if he does the chances are great that he has suffered permanent brain damage."
Parker shook her head, hating the stranger for telling her this. Oh, Jarod!
"Have you considered donating his organs?"
"There's a chance-"
"Get out!" Parker hissed and the doctor fled, startled at the sudden change in her.
She returned to Jarod's side, laying her hand gently against his cheek. Remembering the letter, she continued reading.
When did we become enemies? Can you not stand me anymore because you blame me for leaving the Centre? I had to leave, the Centre is evil. That is what I have been trying to tell you all along. I am sorry. I just thought that maybe, just maybe, if you could forgive me, it could be like it used to be between us. Before whatever happened to us happened. I don't even remember exactly what happened. You'd think that I would remember something like that, but I guess it is just another one of the precious memories that are forever lost, thanks in part to the Centre.
Parker couldn't finish it. She stood up and stretched.
"Don't go away, Jarod. I'll be right back."
She walked out onto the corridor. Spying the same nun she had encountered earlier, she asked where she could find coffee. Returning to Jarod's room a few minutes later, she picked up the letter.
I miss you, Parker, more than you could ever know. I'm not asking you to be my best friend again. I saw something in your eyes when we kissed, well, almost kissed anyway. I saw a glimpse of the old you in front of the fire at Ocee's and I realized just how much I missed it. I know you said I run, you chase, but from the tone in your voice I can tell you didn't mean that with all your heart. I'm just asking you to think about us. Just…think about it. Think about the way we used to be and the way we are now. Then when and if you make a decision about how you really want things to be between us, to just let me know. Right now, just think about it. That's all I'm asking. Just please don't take another 20 years. I haven't got all the time in the world you know. BUT you also know that I won't give up until I get an answer. Even if I get an answer and I don't like it, I still probably won't give up. I haven't yet. You know me and you know where to find me. I'll be waiting.
Finally finished, all Parker could do was stare at the piece of paper she held. Her hands were shaking and the paper was moist, she realized, from her tears. She looked at Jarod. He seemed peaceful, regardless of all the wires and tubes.
He's going to die, Parker realized numbly. Tell him, you owe him that much.
"Jar," she began, "I . . . I wish it didn't have to end like this. I have something I have to say to you . . . I don't blame you, okay? You're as much a victim of the Centre as I am. And you know what's funny? I only realized just now that I'm a victim. You showed me. You showed me that it didn't have to be like that. That there is life away from the Centre . . . Jarod, you don't need my forgiveness. I need yours.
"You're right, you know. I didn't mean it when I said 'you run, I chase'. You know why we stopped being friends? Because Daddy told me that you didn't want to see me anymore, that you hated me 'cause I got to go outside and you didn't. I'm sorry I believed him.
"Why'd you have to go and get hurt? Do you know you could die? What am I supposed to do without you?" she sobbed.
"Well, Jarod, here's your answer. I guess you were right about not having all the time in the world, huh? So, uh, what I'm trying to say is that I wish I had kissed you. You were right. I love you, Jarod. I always have, ever since I was a little girl and I'm sorry I never told you while there was still time to do something about it."
She leaned across him and kissed him, not caring about the tubes blocking his mouth.
What did you expect? Him to miraculously wake up when you kissed him? Aren't you too old to believe in fairy tales?
"I love you."
She ran out, not knowing where she was running to but needing to get out. She stood in the rain, her arms wrapped around her chest as she sobbed.
When she had calmed down she turned around and walked back to Jarod's room, ignoring the strange looks she was getting from the people she passed. She didn't want Jarod to die alone. Nearing his room she saw doctors and nurses rushing in and out.
Oh no!
"It's okay, Miss. He woke up," the nun said.
"He's awake?" Parker was sure she'd heard wrong.
The nun nodded and smiled when she saw the look of pure happiness on Parker's face. She hugged her and gestured for her to go see him.
Thank you, Parker whispered as she entered Jarod's room.
Notes: Okey-dokey . . . this started out as a response to Mickey's letter challenge and ended up spending the better part of last year just sitting on my hard drive. When a couple of people asked for more, I thought I might as well do a bit of spring-cleaning, and fix up a few mistakes. Anyway, here's the latest version. Enjoy J
Better Late Than Never
Chapter 1
Jarod felt the man push him against the alley wall and jerked his elbow backwards, hoping to break free. He heard the man gasp in surprise and then felt a sharp pain in his lower back. Sliding to the floor, he realized he was bleeding. His vision started blurring and there was a high-pitched buzzing in his ears. As he succumbed to the darkness he thought of Parker and wished he'd had the chance to tell her . . .
2 weeks later . . .
"Anything?" Miss Parker drummed her fingers irritably on her desk.
"N-no, sorry, Miss Parker," Broots stammered, staring at his feet.
"You'd better be."
"Come now, Parker. Maybe he's too busy with a Pretend to leave breadcrumbs for us to follow," Sydney said.
"No." Parker sighed. "He'd make the time. He always has." He's mad at me and he has every right to be.
"Maybe he's sick."
"Yes," Parker muttered. "Broots, check hospital records for anyone matching Jarod's description."
"Countrywide?" Broots asked unhappily.
Parker nodded. She doubted that Broots would find anything but at least it was something to do. She had a horrible feeling that she would never hear from Jarod again.
Please don't give up on me, she prayed silently.
A phone call woke Parker at 2am. She jumped out of bed, hoping it was Jarod.
"Uh, Miss Parker?"
"Broots?" The tech was brave to call at this hour of the morning.
"I, uh, I think I found him."
"Well, I started searching Delaware hospitals 'cause I didn't really know where else to start and-"
"Get to the point."
"St. Matthews hospital has an unidentified white male patient who matches Jarod's description."
"Where is it?'
"Right here in Blue Cove . . . uh, Miss Parker?"
"He's in a coma, in intensive care."
Parker suddenly felt like a planet had just hit her.
"Thank you, Broots."
No, no, no! Please let him be okay!
She dressed hurriedly and pausing briefly to look up the hospital's address, hopped in her car and sped away.
"I'm afraid that it isn't looking good at all," a tiny nun said to Parker.
"Please, I just need to see if it's him."
The nun led her to the ICU and Parker had to fight back tears when she realized that it was in fact Jarod.
"Oh, Jarod," she whispered.
The nun squeezed her hand.
"I'm so sorry, Miss."
"What happened?" Parker asked, her eyes never leaving Jarod.
"We're not sure. He was stabbed, probably during a mugging. By the time he was found he had lost a considerable amount of blood."
"How long has he been here?"
"Just over two weeks now. Here, sit down, Miss."
Parker held Jarod's hand, watching the machine breathe for him. She wiped away tears with the back of her hand and didn't hear what the nun was saying.
"I said his things are in that cupboard, if you want them."
"Thank you," Parker whispered as the nun left. "Oh, Jarod, how could you let this happen?"
Glancing at the cupboard, she reached over to open it. It contained the DSA case and a bloodstained envelope. Parker picked up the envelope and saw her name on the front. Biting her lip, she opened it and began to read.
Dear Parker
Why do we continue to play this game day after day? I am tired of it, despite what you think mind games are not my style. I don't care who is wrong or right anymore. I just want us to be able to have a 'normal' conversation sometimes. I don't want the rude remarks or the tantalizing clues; I just want to be able to talk to you like we used to. Do you remember that? We used to talk all the time. You were always the only one who could understand me.
Parker looked up at Jarod, tears pouring down her cheeks. She no longer cared about being strong or being the Ice Queen. She put the letter down and walked over to the window. It had started raining and she watched people rush in and out of the emergency room doors.
"Excuse me," a voice said.
"Uh, we were wondering if you could shed some light on this man's identity."
Parker turned to see a young doctor standing in the doorway.
"His name is Jarod, uh, Gates."
"And you are?"
"I see," said the doctor, although he didn't. "How are you connected?"
"I'm his wife," she said without thinking.
"Ah, we need to speak."
"Your husband might not recover. Even if he does the chances are great that he has suffered permanent brain damage."
Parker shook her head, hating the stranger for telling her this. Oh, Jarod!
"Have you considered donating his organs?"
"There's a chance-"
"Get out!" Parker hissed and the doctor fled, startled at the sudden change in her.
She returned to Jarod's side, laying her hand gently against his cheek. Remembering the letter, she continued reading.
When did we become enemies? Can you not stand me anymore because you blame me for leaving the Centre? I had to leave, the Centre is evil. That is what I have been trying to tell you all along. I am sorry. I just thought that maybe, just maybe, if you could forgive me, it could be like it used to be between us. Before whatever happened to us happened. I don't even remember exactly what happened. You'd think that I would remember something like that, but I guess it is just another one of the precious memories that are forever lost, thanks in part to the Centre.
Parker couldn't finish it. She stood up and stretched.
"Don't go away, Jarod. I'll be right back."
She walked out onto the corridor. Spying the same nun she had encountered earlier, she asked where she could find coffee. Returning to Jarod's room a few minutes later, she picked up the letter.
I miss you, Parker, more than you could ever know. I'm not asking you to be my best friend again. I saw something in your eyes when we kissed, well, almost kissed anyway. I saw a glimpse of the old you in front of the fire at Ocee's and I realized just how much I missed it. I know you said I run, you chase, but from the tone in your voice I can tell you didn't mean that with all your heart. I'm just asking you to think about us. Just…think about it. Think about the way we used to be and the way we are now. Then when and if you make a decision about how you really want things to be between us, to just let me know. Right now, just think about it. That's all I'm asking. Just please don't take another 20 years. I haven't got all the time in the world you know. BUT you also know that I won't give up until I get an answer. Even if I get an answer and I don't like it, I still probably won't give up. I haven't yet. You know me and you know where to find me. I'll be waiting.
Finally finished, all Parker could do was stare at the piece of paper she held. Her hands were shaking and the paper was moist, she realized, from her tears. She looked at Jarod. He seemed peaceful, regardless of all the wires and tubes.
He's going to die, Parker realized numbly. Tell him, you owe him that much.
"Jar," she began, "I . . . I wish it didn't have to end like this. I have something I have to say to you . . . I don't blame you, okay? You're as much a victim of the Centre as I am. And you know what's funny? I only realized just now that I'm a victim. You showed me. You showed me that it didn't have to be like that. That there is life away from the Centre . . . Jarod, you don't need my forgiveness. I need yours.
"You're right, you know. I didn't mean it when I said 'you run, I chase'. You know why we stopped being friends? Because Daddy told me that you didn't want to see me anymore, that you hated me 'cause I got to go outside and you didn't. I'm sorry I believed him.
"Why'd you have to go and get hurt? Do you know you could die? What am I supposed to do without you?" she sobbed.
"Well, Jarod, here's your answer. I guess you were right about not having all the time in the world, huh? So, uh, what I'm trying to say is that I wish I had kissed you. You were right. I love you, Jarod. I always have, ever since I was a little girl and I'm sorry I never told you while there was still time to do something about it."
She leaned across him and kissed him, not caring about the tubes blocking his mouth.
What did you expect? Him to miraculously wake up when you kissed him? Aren't you too old to believe in fairy tales?
"I love you."
She ran out, not knowing where she was running to but needing to get out. She stood in the rain, her arms wrapped around her chest as she sobbed.
When she had calmed down she turned around and walked back to Jarod's room, ignoring the strange looks she was getting from the people she passed. She didn't want Jarod to die alone. Nearing his room she saw doctors and nurses rushing in and out.
Oh no!
"It's okay, Miss. He woke up," the nun said.
"He's awake?" Parker was sure she'd heard wrong.
The nun nodded and smiled when she saw the look of pure happiness on Parker's face. She hugged her and gestured for her to go see him.
Thank you, Parker whispered as she entered Jarod's room.