Reviews For Amaranthine
Title: -
Date: 11/08/11 10:33 am
Ooooh this was interesting.
Reviewer: BlueRose Signed [Report This]Date: 11/08/11 10:33 am
Title: -
Date: 10/11/10 08:21 pm
This is very different from anything else I've read as far as structure is concerned. You left just enough to the reader's imagination. Good job.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 10/11/10 08:21 pm
Title: -
Date: 13/10/08 06:18 am
That was totally confusing. What on earth just happened there? I got bits and pieces, but it wasn't clear enough to put the puzzle together.
Reviewer: Doranwen Anonymous [Report This]Date: 13/10/08 06:18 am