Other Results: 1 Challenges

A Christmas Tale by coldqueen
Rated: PG 13 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 11]
Summary: A fic!gift for my friend Elisabeth. Anything else would be SPOILING.

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: Ethan, Jarod, Miss Parker
Classifications: Genres: Romance
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 4189
Read Count: 5010
[Report This] Published: 22/01/08 Updated: 22/01/08

Summary: Jarod's world has been turned upside down, all that he has known has changed. But should he believe his head over his heart?

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: Angelo, Baby Parker, Debbie, Ethan, Jarod, Lyle, Miss Parker, Mr Raines, Sydney, The Clone
Classifications: Genres: Angst
Warnings: Warning: Character Death

Series: None
Chapters: 9 Table of Contents
Word count: 7012
Read Count: 18548
[Report This] Published: 07/03/08 Updated: 24/03/08

Summary: Jarod has finally found the life he has been searching for, but can it live up to his expectations?

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: Ethan, Jarod, Jarod's Family, Miss Parker, Sydney
Classifications: Genres: Angst, Drama
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 7 Table of Contents
Word count: 28451
Read Count: 53185
[Report This] Published: 29/04/05 Updated: 29/04/05

Summary: When a friend disappears everybody suffers

Categories: Post Pretender 2001
Characters: Broots, Ethan, Jarod, Lyle, Miss Parker, Original Character
Classifications: Genres: Drama, General
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 20 Table of Contents
Word count: 33428
Read Count: 58005
[Report This] Published: 19/08/05 Updated: 22/08/05

Amazing Grace by Galatea
Rated: PG 13 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 8]
Summary: A year after IOTH, Miss Parker tries to ignore unresolved issues

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: Ethan, Jarod, Miss Parker, Original Character
Classifications: Genres: General, Romance
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1346
Read Count: 3876
[Report This] Published: 27/02/06 Updated: 27/02/06

Summary: A new Centre-secret is uncovered

Categories: Post Season 4
Characters: Broots, Ethan, Jarod, Miss Parker, Original Character, Sydney
Classifications: Genres: Action/Adventure, General
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Word count: 1335
Read Count: 5350
[Report This] Published: 10/05/05 Updated: 10/05/05

B for Blues by Joel Gomes
Rated: PG starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 2]

Ethan meets a girl with a past as troubled as his own.

This story will be further developed in letters W and X.

Categories: Character Musing
Characters: Ethan, Original Character
Classifications: Genres: Romance
Warnings: None

Series: The Alphabet Series
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1329
Read Count: 2410
[Report This] Published: 29/12/08 Updated: 29/12/08

Bridge of the Abyss by Phenyx
Rated: PG 13 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 8]
Summary: This story will be like a soap opera during sweeps week.

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: Ethan, Jarod, Miss Parker, Sydney
Classifications: Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 7 Table of Contents
Word count: 20592
Read Count: 32957
[Report This] Published: 29/04/05 Updated: 29/04/05

Summary: "Darling, I never showed you; assumed you'd always be there; I took your presence for granted; but I always cared.âs64;a33; âs64;r0;Mariah Carey

Categories: Season 2
Characters: Broots, Ethan, Jarod, Miss Parker, Mr Parker, Sydney
Classifications: Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Word count: 33901
Read Count: 7250
[Report This] Published: 17/11/05 Updated: 17/11/05

Ceia de Natal by Vania
Rated: PG starstarstarstar [Reviews - 1]
Summary: O que é que aconteceria se as famílias do Jarod e da Miss Parker se juntassem no Natal?

Note: this story is in portuguese, but also available in english Christmas Eve

Categories: Portugese
Characters: Brigitte, Broots, Debbie, Ethan, Jarod, Lyle, Miss Parker, Mr Parker, Mr Raines, Sydney, The Clone
Classifications: Genres: General, Romance
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 5107
Read Count: 20181
[Report This] Published: 23/05/05 Updated: 23/05/05

Christmas Eve by Vania
Rated: PG starstarstarstar [Reviews - 1]
Summary: What if Miss Parker and Jarod's family joined together in Christmas?

Note: this story is also available in portuguese Ceia de Natal

Categories: Post Season 4
Characters: Brigitte, Broots, Debbie, Ethan, Jarod, Lyle, Miss Parker, Mr Parker, Mr Raines, Sydney, The Clone
Classifications: Genres: General, Romance
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 4830
Read Count: 3267
[Report This] Published: 23/05/05 Updated: 23/05/05

Confused Yet? by Dede
Rated: PG starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 4]
Summary: Picks up right after the bombing at the end of season four.

Categories: Post Season 4
Characters: Broots, Ethan, Jarod, Lyle, Miss Parker, Mr Parker, Mr Raines, Original Character, Sam, Sydney
Classifications: Genres: Angst, Vignette
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 3408
Read Count: 2588
[Report This] Published: 25/06/05 Updated: 25/06/05

Contingency by ndv
Rated: PG starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 41]
Summary: Miss Parker finds answers, but not to the questions she thought she was asking. And Jarod? This time he's the one in the dark. - IN PROGRESS, on hiatus for a few short months (will be back in December).

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: Broots, Catherine Parker, Debbie, Ethan, Jarod, Jarod's Family, Miss Parker, Sydney, The Clone
Classifications: Genres: Angst, Drama, General, Romance, Suspence/Mystery
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 27 Table of Contents
Word count: 63162
Read Count: 168260
[Report This] Published: 21/05/05 Updated: 27/07/08

Despite, Herself by Trish
Rated: PG 13 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 3]
Summary: The beginning of the Fifth season, IMHO In other words after the subway tunnel blew up. . .

Categories: Post Season 4
Characters: Ethan, Jarod, Miss Parker, Sydney
Classifications: Genres: Drama
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Word count: 1966
Read Count: 9217
[Report This] Published: 16/05/05 Updated: 16/05/05

Ending Changed by Kassa
Rated: G starhalf-star [Reviews - 0]
Summary: I was 'mildly' unhappy with the ending of the movie. The train exploding! So I've added some to the ending. Read, read. Go for your life!!!!

Categories: Post Season 4
Characters: Broots, Ethan, Jarod, Miss Parker, Sydney, Zoe
Classifications: Genres: General
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 3803
Read Count: 2782
[Report This] Published: 14/08/05 Updated: 14/08/05

Escape From Alcatraz by KB
Rated: G starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 1]
Summary: Forget everything you thought you knew; it all starts here

Categories: Alternate Universe
Characters: Angelo, Broots, Ethan, Jarod, Kyle, Miss Parker, Mr Parker, Mr Raines, Original Character, Other Centre Character, Sydney, The Clone
Classifications: Genres: Action/Adventure
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 13 Table of Contents
Word count: 87422
Read Count: 64165
[Report This] Published: 01/06/05 Updated: 01/06/05

Falling off the edge by Vicky
Rated: PG 13 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 12]

Miss Parker and Jarod have uncovered the truth behind Project Renewal. Now on the run from the Centre, they must stop its wrongdoings once and for all and free its prisoners. Sequel to Standing off the edge

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: Angelo, Broots, Cox, Ethan, Jarod, Jarod's Family, Lyle, Miss Parker, Mr Raines, Sydney
Classifications: Genres: Angst, Romance
Warnings: Warning: Language

Series: None
Chapters: 6 Table of Contents
Word count: 37800
Read Count: 24957
[Report This] Published: 02/09/13 Updated: 12/09/13


Nothing is more hideous than human nature.

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: Angelo, Broots, Ethan, Jarod, Lyle, Miss Parker, Mr Raines, Original Character, Sam, Sydney
Classifications: Genres: General
Warnings: Warning: Character Death, Warning: Language, Warning: Sexual Content, Warning: Violence

Series: None
Chapters: 40 Table of Contents
Word count: 95072
Read Count: 101465
[Report This] Published: 08/11/08 Updated: 27/09/10

Free Falling by slowly
Rated: R starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 27]
Summary: Miss Parker is forced to rely on Jarod for help when she is hurt fleeing Centre Sweepers.

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: Baby Parker, Broots, Ethan, Jarod, Jarod's Family, Lyle, Miss Parker, Mr Raines, The Clone, Zoe
Classifications: Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance
Warnings: Warning: Sexual Content

Series: None
Chapters: 19 Table of Contents
Word count: 45768
Read Count: 66095
[Report This] Published: 22/07/07 Updated: 22/07/07

Freedom by 24
Rated: PG [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Jarod is still at the Centre and two people help him escape.

Categories: Alternate Universe
Characters: Ethan, Jarod, Miss Parker
Classifications: Genres: General
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Word count: 4715
Read Count: 3194
[Report This] Published: 17/05/05 Updated: 17/05/05

Gated by 24
Rated: PG starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 1]
Summary: The Centre is gone. What happens when the Centre refugees are together?

Categories: Indefinite Timeline
Characters: Angelo, Baby Parker, Debbie, Ethan, Jarod, Jarod's Family, Miss Parker, Sydney, The Clone
Classifications: Genres: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 7 Table of Contents
Word count: 4583
Read Count: 23242
[Report This] Published: 26/08/07 Updated: 26/08/07

Summary: Daredevil Crossover. Ethan, Jarod, Miss Parker, Matt Murdock as the main characters.

Categories: Crossovers
Characters: Ethan, Jarod, Miss Parker
Classifications: Genres: General
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Word count: 5858
Read Count: 7613
[Report This] Published: 08/06/05 Updated: 08/06/05

Help Again by 24
Rated: PG 13 [Reviews - 1]
Summary: Read to find out.

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: Ethan, Jarod, Lyle
Classifications: Genres: General
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 4 Table of Contents
Word count: 1472
Read Count: 7230
[Report This] Published: 15/05/05 Updated: 15/05/05


MPJR.  Some dreams just aren't meant to come true.  But every now and again, fate deals a wild card.

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: Catherine Parker, Ethan, Jarod, Jarod's Family, Miss Parker, The Clone
Classifications: Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: Warning: Sexual Content

Series: None
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Word count: 13002
Read Count: 6403
[Report This] Published: 29/07/12 Updated: 24/08/13

Summary: none given

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: Ethan, Jarod
Classifications: Genres: General
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Word count: 1048
Read Count: 2833
[Report This] Published: 22/05/05 Updated: 22/05/05