Title: Chapter 9: Refuge
Exquisite Mirage. You tackle so many difficult topics and this one is painful too. Forced conception, forced gestation, and force parenthood are cruel and unimaginable and I speak as someone who was stealthed by a guy that removed a condom without me knowing it during sex, and you covered that before in Forces Of Nature before I even knew it was a thing with a name. Not everyone wants to be a parent. I'm one of those people. Some people scream "adoption not abortion" as if they get to control another's choice and too dumb to realize that it means a person has to be preggers for 9 months and maybe they don't want to be preggers. I like sex. I consent to sex. I don't consent to preggers. I'm not mommy material. I forget to feed ME sometimes lol know what I'm saying? What you did here is the end result with neither having to endure the preggers but now they have to raise this kid and this is the priority now and will be for the rest of the kid's life. I like how you write this and you do it with a lot of your stories. If a person is going to abort it's all well and fine but if they are going to have the kid then damn it they need to do it right. I see people in public hitting their kids and I always think they should have aborted. Some people shouldn't be parents because they suck at it. This was honest. I like that the best characters ever created, aside from Sam and Dean and Castiel, and Felicity and Noel, and Lucifer and Maze, and Spencer Reid, Penelope Garcia,Derek Morgan, Hotch, and Emily Prentiss, etc, etc. I'll start over. I like that Jarod and Parker, my favorite complex couple characters are the ones that are dealing with all of these real life adult issues honestly without all the surgar frosting bs. I think hoensty is missing in real life and especially in debates that affect real lives. I love this about you. You're so honest that it hurts. Keep hurting us with honesty. There is beauty in this honest pain. More please?
Reviewer: Melinda Signed
Date: 04/02/20