Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1
Firstly, thank you for responding to my emails. I know you must be busy and I hope you are busy writing.
I think Parker would react this way. Jarod being sorry he hurt her isn't going to instantly take away her pain. Sorry isn't the cure all people seem to think it is.
We see her struggling because she knows he sorry and that puts the onus on her to accept the apology and forgive and move on and you're probably cringing because I know, and I know that YOU know that it doesn't work that way. It's going to take time.
Jarod's struggling too I see and he's right that she is hiding from him. They both understand what is happening and both are still willing to cling to each for support. I really enjoyed this chapter and all of the previous ones. It's a solid story and you write it wonderfully. Please continue.
Reviewer: Kyle McLane Signed 

Date: 02/08/23