Penname: Revenant [Contact]

Real name: Melissa Raven

Member Since: 07/10/22

Membership status: Member


Hi. I'm Melissa. 21 years young. Third generation TP fan. Grandma got Mom hooked (on Jarod mostly) and Mom got me hooked (yeah, on Jarod mostly).

Michael T. Weiss is basically Dean Martin, all four Beatles, and my K pop favs in one super nice package!! If you know... you know. You know?

Michael is all that! When he shows up on Burn Notice or something we all lose our minds! It's so much screaming and the neighbors have complained lol!

We're super nuts for him!! I totally said that I wanted to marry him when I was like six. It's on video, me saying I'm going to marry Michael.. like really? I was so serious! Super nuts!

Grandma, Mom, and me have Pretender weekends!! We make Pretender themed food and even made a fondant Jarod cake head once (he was delish!) and we eat and watch some episodes. 

We even dress up like the characters sometimes!!!

That's me and my crazy fangirl tribe!!

I will be contributing some stories I hope.

Nice to meet ya!

Affiliation: Pretender

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