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Disclaimer: “The Pretender” and its characters don’t belong to me they belong to TNT and NBC and are being used without permission. Please don’t sue because I have no money.

They drove closer to the place and Jarod got nervous. He didn’t want to be here, he never felt comfortable here. He shivered once as he got a cold chill. He hoped that he could get both of them out of this mess.

“What is this place?” Asked Zoë as she saw the huge building.

“This is the Centre and Jarod’s home.” Replied Lyle. “Isn’t it, Jarod?”

“It’s never been my home, Lyle.”

“Oh, yes it has. You’ve been here since you were four years old.” Said Lyle as he smiled at Jarod.

“I should have never been here in the first place. I should have been with my parents when I was four instead of being kidnapped from them in the middle of the night and taken here. I should have grown up with my family instead of finding out a year after I escaped that I have a brother that was also here and a sister that I never knew I had.”

Lyle yawned as he heard Jarod talk about his family. He was tired of Jarod whining about being taken from his family.

“Your family doesn’t need you because you have been replaced by the boy.” Replied Lyle as he yawned once again. 

“He’s not the same because he’s not me.”

“He is you every sense of the way. After all he is your clone.” Said Lyle as he watched Zoe's reaction to Jarod having a clone.

“He may have my DNA, but he’s not me and he never will be.”

Zoë listened in interest. She never knew that Jarod was kidnapped and had a clone.

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