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There is a time and a place where this is believable, imminent, imaginable, legitimate, accepted, expected.
There is a moment where wings are unfurled, cheeks are brushed gently and wrongs are forgiven. In which angels exist and salvation may come. Where redemption is always right where you fall. is fleeting.
There is, there was, there will be. Who/what/when/where/how/why.
No one, nothing, never, nowhere, not at all, no reason.
…is just another word for tomorrow.
“About lunch, Angel. I’m a bit busy today, perhaps another time, eh? Tomorrow, maybe.”
Always maybe. Never certain. Always/maybe/never. With this comes…
“Have you ever wondered about all the things you’d never have gotten to say… gotten to do… everything you’d be missing out on if tomorrow never came?”
These things never change.
There is a moment where wings are unfurled, cheeks are brushed gently and wrongs are forgiven. In which angels exist and salvation may come. Where redemption is always right where you fall. is fleeting.
There is, there was, there will be. Who/what/when/where/how/why.
No one, nothing, never, nowhere, not at all, no reason.
…is just another word for tomorrow.
“About lunch, Angel. I’m a bit busy today, perhaps another time, eh? Tomorrow, maybe.”
Always maybe. Never certain. Always/maybe/never. With this comes…
“Have you ever wondered about all the things you’d never have gotten to say… gotten to do… everything you’d be missing out on if tomorrow never came?”
These things never change.