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Author's Chapter Notes:
Disclaimer: Okay, I own nothing in this story, well, except for Emily (the new one), Skylar, Michel, Kalia, Doug, and Ryan. All other characters are owned by whoever owns the show. Doug and Carol belong to whoever owns ER. The idea is actually Apollo Girl. She wrote Gemini Vengeance, which you all should read, and this is just a blatant rip off. If you've read the story than you know this but this is what you need to know: Miss Parker and Lyle met when they were teenagers. If you want the story of how they've met, than read her story. Now they are working together with Jarod and Kyle to bring down the Centre. I've added another plot, the idea of three other children that were Rainse's expierments. And now, on to my version of the story.
Kyle was sitting next to Emily's hospital bed. The same place he had set for the last two months. The doctors still had no idea what had caused this, and everyone had given up hope of her waking up. But he couldn't. He couldn't because knew that if she died, he wouldn't be able to go on living. Not even for the two bundles of joy, who had grown much bigger. He did love them, yes, but without Emily it would just be to hard. The night before Skylar had come in and told him that Emily wouldn't want to live like this. He had to let her go. Kyle still didn't understand why he had agreed. The doctor would be in in a few minutes to take her off the life support. Everyone had already told her their tearful good-byes, and were now giving Kyle some time alone with her. Just then, the door opened and the doctor came in followed by the whole family, as Emily had always referred to them. Zoey and Vanessa were silently crying, but none of them more then Kyle was on the inside. Moving to Emily's other side, the doctor gave him a sympathetic smile. With that, he quickly tuned off all the machines. Looking at her Kyle couldn't believe it. She was gone.

He stayed that way for what felt like forever. Finally Skylar came in and told him that they had to go. He had to let her go. Kyle knew he was right.

Kyle rose and followed Skylar towards the door. He stopped when they reached it and stood in the doorway to take one last look. He suddenly realized he might never see her again. He must savor this last moment, not let it pass by too quickly. He watched her and a thousand things come to mind. Every memory he had of Emily came rushing at him at once. He smiled a soft, sad smile, realizing the only memory he'd ever need is the memory of how much he loved her.

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