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why would i kill, mutilate, and eat two women? oh no, i don't lie to myself about it. i'm rarely honest with others or cleverly unpredictable as i like to call it, but i would never lie to myself. i'm too smart to make a mistake like that. if you lie to yourself, you are not in control. and the one thing I am is in control.

i'm definitely intelligent - more intelligent than most in fact. the only reason i haven't caught jarod is that i've been spending too much time in . . . other pursuits.

i could catch him but why bother? it's parker's job for God's sake. i can't believe that my own sister can't handle catching one person.

i believe that everyone should get what they deserve . . . and when i catch jarod (which i'll end up doing because parker never will), that's exactly what he'll get . . . i'll make him feel what i've felt my entire life. the pain of being an outsider - not getting what I want or deserve . . humiliation - a pain so deep that it's almost physical and in jarod's case will be

he'll pay for every humiliation i've had to suffer at his hands - he'll pay, one hundred fold . . . i'll make him beg, make him bleed -

i give a long contented sigh just at the thought of inflicting that excruciating pain on anyone . . . feeling that power.

why would i do it? why do i continue to kill innocent women? oh yes, i still do it. parker thinks she knows what i'm doing, thinks she has a handle on things, thinks i don't know that she found that little 'room' at my house . . . she doesn't know half of it, she's too busy trying to find out who killed 'mommy'- she should see the other hidden room I've got . . .what it looks like after I finish . . .


utterly delicious . . . and to see it splattered all over the walls, the ceiling, the floor. i love blood - the sight the smell, the way most people love chocolate.

sounds insane doesn't it?

you have no idea how often i've heard someone attach that adjective to me - it's simply not the case.

if i were so crazy could i really be as meticulous and careful as i am? could i have hidden my pleasurable, or as parker calls them my 'psychopathetic sins' for so long if i were?

people have no idea what it's like to kill - the sheer power of deciding life or death for another person is staggering. the delight of watching a person's life seeping away caused by your own hand. it actually makes a good stress reliever.

i love that feeling - that lust. and that's exactly what it is - a lust, a fever, the most powerful feeling in the world

and what's the best part of it?

that look - that one look that etches itself into my mind - the look containing fear and pain, but mostly pain. oh, the joy of that look - the power in it and the knowledge that one is about to die . . .

people wonder how someone can kill another and have no regret. the answer - ridiculously simple: power over another human being, but mostly - that look . . . a look as vital to a killer as food and water . . . and to be able to extend that look for even a few seconds - just a few more seconds of that thing of beauty is divine

and of course, one cannot forget the enjoyment after completion - the satisfying taste of the kill . . .

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