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Winter Dakrness - part 2 Disclaimer: I don't own Ms. Parker or any of Pretender characters ect.

Now that I have the groove of things and know how it should look here goes and remember feed back is appreciated.

Winter Dakrness
part 2

Hearing Ms. Parker talk about my returning and her offer to come get me I could feel the cold inside me start to take a physical effect on my body. I would never go back there, I would die first. Pushing the memories that I relegated to nightmares away from me I tried to calm my speeding heart at her careless words. Suddenly it felt like the walls were closing in and suffocating me. Pulling the door to the house open I walked out into the falling snow, it wasn't fast or heavy and I didn't feel cold, but then again I was frozen from the inside these days.

"That's your answer for everything isn't it Parker, return me to the Centre and that ends all your problems, I'm never going back do you hear me Parker! You will have to kill me first. I won't let Lyle...

Never mind I rather end it another way the ever get taken back there again."

Disconnecting the call I looked at the sky and the snowflakes falling from the heavens. I meant what I said I would end it or force Parker to kill me before I ever let anyone take me back. Standing outside for a while longer I could feel my fingers going numb from the cold. Forcing myself to turn and go back into the house, I walked to the bathroom for a hot shower, maybe I could wash away the cold inside as well. Closing the door I took a deep breath and turned the water on. I had the same feeling that pushed me to go outside in the first place only this time I couldn't catch my breath. Closing my eyes I tried to bring myself down and make myself believe that I was okay and that the walls were not closing me in. What pooped into my mind just intensified my fear and I couldn't stop the flash back from happening. Pulling myself out of the memory I could feel my body shaking and my head throbbing. I turned around and opened the door to the bathroom and left the shower running while I went and turned on the radio, I needed something to keep me grounded. The noise would keep me in the here and now and I would be able to get through tonight and face tomorrow. Finishing the shower quickly I put on a black turtleneck sweater and black jeans.  Feeling better I made some hot chocolate and started a fire in the fire place and sat on the floor to wait for dawn.

Next Day
The Centre
Blue Cove

"Syd your lab rat is loosing his marbles, he called me last night and from what he said he's out there as in lost it baby, but he did say something about my twit of a brother, we need to find out what happened to Wonder boy while I was trapped in St. Catherine's."

"Ms. Parker, that's a dangerous path to follow at this time, I don't think it would be wise to antaganoize Lyle especially since he had Jarod then lost him, Lyle's likely to loose it."

"Yeah well when have I ever taken the safe path, Broots! get over here."

"Y..yes Ms. Parker?"

"Find out everything you can about the time I was in St. Catherine's and what happened to Jarod during that time."

"Ms. Parker, please wait, think this through."

"You didn't speak to wonder boy Syd I did and I heard the rage and other things as well."

"Such as?"

"Like I said Jarod's losing it."

"If that's true then, what I suspected and feared has occured."

"And what's that?"

"Whatever happened the last couple of months has completed what the last twenty years started and that's the destuction of self. Jarod may not have an identity, but to himself he is who he is, and he want's and needes to find out who that is, if for some reason that's taken away, then.."

"Then what, please continue Sydney, it was just getting good."

"What do you want Lyle?"

"What will happen Sydney?"

"Then Jarod may do something drastic and possibly dangerous."

"The I suggest you find him, the sooner the better."

Walking away from those fools I smiled as I got onto the elevator, my plan was working perfectly, soon the last phase of the treatment I gave Jarod would take effect and the Pretender would have no choice but to come back to me and then I would return him to the Centre, but not before I had my fun and erased the little extra I implanted within him. No one would ever be the wiser.

Feedback please I am not to sure on my formatting any suggestions and any feed back on my story would be great. 

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