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Chapter One
Disclaimer : I do not own any of The Pretender characters. I do however own some original character who will be appearing.


Ms. Parker ran into Jarod’s house looking for him, it was eerily quiet until a crash came from the kitchen. She wanted to turn around and leave. Pretend that perhaps he had not found out. Maybe she was just being paranoid, presumptuous.

Hesitantly she made her way to the kitchen, coming to a stop Parker stood by the door for a second griped with fear. He had heard her come in. But refused to look at her. She said nothing. Not even an excuse. That just somehow confirmed his fears, although he refused to acknowledge it.

Sitting at the table, Jarod tried contemplating the situation. Just what could she say to make this alright,… what could he say to her.

Parker wanted him to yell at her, scream. Anything but this quiet demeanor he had going.

“ Tell me she’s not mine.” he said in a dejected tone that tore at Parker’s heart.

“ Jarod I..”

“  Tell me she’s not mine.” he yelled. "Just tell me, please!" he added softly

“ I’m sorry. I’m so….” she cried

He gripped her shoulders. “ She’s Nathan’s. Just say that.” wanting so badly to hear the lie spill forth. She would'nt keep something so important from him.  She saw the weight of her betrayal in his eyes.
“ Jarod. I am so sorry. I wanted to tell you, I did. I just…” she tried to touch his face

Walking swiftly past her, he headed for the door, without a word to her he got into his car and drove off.

Present Past….

“ Okay guys. I will see you tomorrow. Maria practice your plie, Donald practice your entrechat , Stacie your rond de jambe…” Parker went around the class telling the students what they needed to work on. The teen ballet dancers groaned.

“ Oh, come on. It’ll all be worth it soon. The auditions for the production of Sleeping Beauty begin next week.

The grandfather clock in the corner chimed four o’clock as the children said their goodbyes and filed out of the room.

“Lexi, stay right here. I’ll be back ok.”

There was a nod and then Alexandra Parker went about dancing in the empty room. As Parker made her way to the front desk, something familiar caught her nose. She closed her eyes and took in the cologne. It smelled just like Jarod. A mix of earthy coffe and something else. She could never place it. She looked around but there was no one there.

“Pull yourself together Parker.” she said and made her way to the front desk.

Jarod stood perfectly still so not to cause a stir. He stood by the door quietly, if she heard him, she didn’t show it. He had come to this school to find Ms. Parker. He had finally tracked her down to a town in Corsica.

“Beautiful” he thought. The movement was graceful, calculated, she looked so small. She must have started at an early age. Before he could get a good look at the child Jarod heard foot steps coming closer to the dance room. The door suddenly swung open. He quickly scurried away.

“ Lexi, her mother used her nick name, pick up your things. I want that duffel bag in the car. Uncle Brice is coming over today so we have to make dinner.

“ But mom, I want to stay. Can’t Jason bring me home when he’s done teaching his class.

Jarod held his mouth to keep in the coming gasp. Parker has a child?

“ Lexi get in the car. We can't keep asking Jason to drive out of his way everyday.”

“ No” she said defiantly and sat on the floor.

“ Excuse me.” Parker raised her eyebrow.

“ But Mom…”

“ You know what maybe I could just go and trade you in for another 4 year old. I wonder if there’s a pound for children.” Parker said, picked up her things then headed for the car.

"You always say that." she pouted. Parker turned around to face her daughter.

“ You better be in that car when I get there.” the famous Parker tone crept into that last warning and she obeyed.

Chapter End Notes:
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