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Disclaimer: All of the Pretender characters belong to their creators and NBC, TNT Turner Network, & Imaginequest Entertainment. I am not doing this for financial profit.

The Pretender Paths Revealed
Part 5

by Cathryn

Broots loaded up the DSA viewer and put the disk inside. Miss Parker braced herself for what was on the disk. Suddenly, her mother’s image loaded and she began talking.

“Angel, if you are watching this, I must be dead. I left you this DSA so that you can finish what I could not. My plan is very important to me and I want you to complete it. Not long after I had you, I learned of a secret project called Neo. While I was pregnant with you and your brother, the Centre altered some of your genetic sequencing. Once Mr. Parker learned that I had the inner sense, he became obsessed with reproducing it and using it to his advantage. You see Angel, just like the project Gemini involving the cloning of Jarod, Neo involves you in the same way. Angel, you are my clone.”

Miss Parker nearly fainted when she heard her mother’s words. “What! How can I be her clone?”

“Calm down Miss Parker,” Jarod said as she began to hyperventilate.

“Ah maybe we should turn this off,” Broots said

“No! Broots I need to know the truth. Keep it going,” Miss Parker said as she tried to calm herself.

Everyone turned their attention back to the DSA as Broots continued to play it.

“ Mr. Parker had wanted what he called insurance. He and Doctor Raines had already planned out Gemini and the kidnapping of Jarod, but were afraid they would never be able reproduce anyone with the inner sense. As for what I said about Sydney being your father, he is in part because you are not my complete clone. The Centre found a way to mix the most important parts of my genetic material with parts of a sperm cell so that in essence you would have your own soul. The Centre wanted to be able to have total control over you and that is why Matumbo and the Triumvirate threatened me. You must expose the Centre to the public, and stop their genetic research before they can do anymore harm to anyone.” The DSA then went blank.

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