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Disclaimer: The characters Miss Parker, Sydney, Jarod, Broots etc. and the fictional Centre, are all property of MTM, TNT and NBC Productions and used without permission. I'm not making any money out of this and no infringement is intended.

The Pretender Paths Revealed
Part 2

by Cathryn

Miss Parker sat straight up in bed trying to remember what her mother had just told her. “Angel, Mr. Raines knows all the secrets. Find Raines and you will have found the key to both your pasts. Check the Centre email files and trace Raines account. You will find his address.” Parker ran over to her laptop and entered her Centre access code. She then did exactly as her mother had instructed her and hoped that she would get Mr. Raines address. Suddenly a number popped up, 542 Woodridge Drive. Miss Parker ran into her living room and woke up Jarod with “GET UP WONDER BOY, WE’VE GOTTA GO!” Jarod awoke with a start and was at first delirious and didn’t remember where he was, (a side affect of doing so many pretends,) until he saw Miss Parker standing above him in her nightgown. He remember that he had agreed to work with her in order to discover his true path or some mumbo jumbo that Miss Parker’s mother had told her.

“Hurry up Jarod, get dressed, I found Mr. Raines address,” Parker said frantically. “How did you find Raines? Ever since Broots told me that he was alive, I have been looking for him but I haven’t been able to get anything on him.” Jarod said.

“Look Jarod, I could either waste my time, and yours by trying to explain to you how I found it or we could just get dressed and talk to Mr. Raines in person before he leaves where he is now,” said a frustrated Miss Parker.

Parker then practically ran into her room and locked the door while she changed. Jarod got up and went into the bathroom to wash his face and change into the extra clothes he brought. Miss Parker and Jarod were soon ready to leave and just as she walked out her door, the phone rang. Parker was just going to let her machine get it, but then she figured she should answer it so that if it’s her father or Lyle they wouldn’t think anything was up.

“What?” Parker said coldly into the phone.

“Miss Parker, it’s Sydney, Broots is back.”

“When did he get back?” Parker said

“This morning. He said that Jarod had kicked him out of the car they were in and then he had to hitchhike all the way back to Blue Cove.”

“Look Syd, you and Broots meet us at 524 Woodridge Drive, I found Raines and I want answers.”

“Who is us Miss Parker? Sydney said.

“Syd, I don’t have time to explain, just meet me at the address I gave you, and don’t let anyone at the Centre know where you and Broots are going.”

Parker then hung up her phone without so much as a goodbye and her and Jarod left. Parker and Jarod had gotten along until Jarod got in the driver’s seat of her car.

“Jarod, what do you think you’re doing?”

“Well Miss Parker, I thought that I would drive, I mean since well you know, I am the man. I have observed in my time out of the Centre that when women travel in cars with men, the man often drives the car.”

Parker stood infront of Jarod with her jaw dropped. She couldn’t believe it, was Jarod actually being sexist?

“Jarod, get out of the drivers seat.” Parker told him trying not to laugh.

“Miss Parker, relax, I know how to drive a car, and you are just wasting time arguing with me,” Jarod said with a smirk on his face.

“All right Jarod, I’ll let you drive my car, but get one thing straight wonder boy, on the way back, I’ll be the one in the drivers seat.”

Miss Parker then got into the passenger side of the car and the two where off. It had been a quiet and awkward car ride to Mr. Raines hiding place, but at last they were there. The house was in a woodsy area so Jarod made sure to park someplace hidden in case Raines was outside or had sweepers patrolling his property. Miss Parker then got out of the car and looked around for Sydney and Broots, and much to her displeasure discovered that they were not yet there. Parker then moved to the trunk of her car and pulled an object out.

“Jarod, do you have a weapon with you?” She said

“No, I don’t usually carry a gun Miss Parker.”

Parker then handed him the object she pulled from her trunk. It was a fully loaded gun.

“Okay Jarod, lets go.”

Parker and Jarod made their way toward the cabin door when Miss Parker stopped cold in her tracks.

“Angel,” Parker’s mother said, “ Look for a wooden chest in Raines bedroom, there is a secret compartment in it with important information you and Jarod need to see.”

“Miss Parker, are you all right? Are you having another vision?” Jarod asked with concern.

“Jarod, we have to look for a wooden chest in Raines bed room. There should be a secret compartment with information.”

“Did you mother tell you that?” Jarod asked.
“Yes, she did. Come on lets hurry before we are spotted.”

Jarod and Miss Parker were just about to enter the house when a car pulled up and Jarod pushed Parker into nearby bushes and then landed on top of her.

“What the hell are you doing Jarod?” Miss Parker said loudly with an angry tone.

“Shh,” Jarod said covering her mouth with his hand. “A car pulled up and I’m not sure who it is.”

A few yards away Sydney and Broots got out of the car that Jarod had seen and started looking for Miss Parker. Broots walked over to the bushes where Jarod and Parker were and he saw Jarod on top of Miss Parker.

“Oh, umm Jarod, Miss Parker, what are you two doing together?”

“Broots, am I glad to see you” Parker said. She then noticed that Jarod was still on top of her and was about to tell him to get off of her until they caught each others glance.

“Miss Parker, Jarod, are you two okay?” Broots said bringing them back to reality.

“We’re fine Broots,” Jarod said as he got off of Parker.

The group then walked back to meet Sydney. Miss Parker was still bewilder by the stare that she and Jarod had shared. For one moment, she had been taken back to her feelings for Jarod that she had had since she was a child.

“Well Parker, I see what you meant when you said us on the phone before,” Sydney said slyly.

“Syd, Jarod and I are just trying to discover the truth about our paths. Now lets quit fooling around and get in that damn house!”

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