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Disclaimer: The characters Miss Parker, Sydney, Jarod, Broots etc. and the fictional Centre, are all property of MTM and NBC Productions and used without permission. I'm not making any money out of this and no infringement is intended.

The Gift
part III

by Shannon

Jarod limped slightly as he walked slowly down the steps of the courthouse, as a bitter wind reached its icy touch deep into his collar. It was two weeks before Christmas, and he had forgotten how cold it could get here in December. It had been a year since he'd visited here. To visit his family, they managed to get together, but with the Centre still on the hunt, no one could set down anything permanent, so clandestine meetings were the only option. He was still handsome, a bit weathered, and showing the wear of running. He had spent the last seven years, searching for answers about himself, while helping others along the road on his quest, fighting causes not his own, but which caused him to care deeply.

This latest pretend had finally drawn to a close and now he could relax and spend the few weeks, the Russell family, had before the Centre tracked them down, and they had to scatter to the four corners of the earth, again. The Centre, he really didn't want to think about the place, for if he did, it always went back to one person. He didn't want to think about her, and the sorrow that he felt, each time he saw or talked to her, knowing that she was still trapped in that place.

She would wander into his dreams at night, on an almost daily basis, especially if he was in danger, or afraid. Funny he thought, she was the one that usually brought the danger. Yet it was her face . . . her lips . . . and those unforgettable eyes. . .and the sound of her voice that calmed him. She fueled his desire to remain free, and only wished he could return the favor. He had been trying for the last seven years to persuade her to leave, walk away. He almost thought he had done it, persuaded her to leave, it was after she had lost Thomas and had been shot. Rubbing his gloved hands together, he recalled that day on the tarmac in North Carolina which such clarity that he had to distance himself, before getting caught up in the memories, emotionally. She took a damn bullet to save the man she called father. He had been so certain that she would die, lying there barely conscious, in a pool of blood, he tried to help, only to be returned to the Centre for a month of torture and testing at the hands of her demented twin brother. Later, he had discovered that her own brother had her committed to St. Catherine's, claiming that she was about to go postal, yet even after leaving there, she returned to the only thing she was comfortable with. The Centre and hunting him.

He made his way to the corner and walked the rest of the way to his hotel, with intentions of packing for the countryside. He was to meet his sister, three days from now, at the small cabin that they used, nestled deep in the mountains, untraceable. As he passed the shops, he was suddenly drawn to one in particular, upon entering he was greeted warmly by an elf.

"Happy holidays, sir," the young elf said, cheerfully.

"Merry Christmas, to you too. And it's Jarod," he smiled, brown eyes twinkling.

"Is there anything I can help you find?"

"The doll in the window, the porcelain one with the beautiful blue eyes," he pointed.

"Isn't she? Ummm, she's rather expensive."

"Money isn't a problem," he chuckled," There are some other things that I need, so I'll meet you at the register."

Twenty minutes later, Jarod returned to the counter, his arms loaded with a few board games, model rockets, a chemistry set for Jake, he also found two rather cute teddy bears for his sister, Emily along with some odds and ends. The elf was waiting with the doll, patiently at the counter, her eyes widening at his other selections.

"Christmas, got a love it," he laughed," Is it possible to get this delivered? I have the address, right here."

The store owner overheard the question and immediately surveyed the customer, taking in the expensive leather duster, well groomed hair, and his purchases.

"We can ship it out today, for you sir."


"Okay, Jarod. It's will arrive tomorrow, if that's all right," the store owner replied, as he looked at the address," Its local, so the store personally delivers anything in a 30 mile radius. Do you wish to include a card, sir, Jarod?" the owner laughed, his spirit suddenly much improved.

Nodding, Jarod took the card that the young elf offered and inscribed it with the following message.

Even when you aren't chasing me, Miss Parker, I seem to find something to remind me of you. In this case, the eyes wouldn't stop following me, until I bought her. Merry Christmas, Jarod P.S. Her name is Morgana.

Slipping the card in the envelope and sealing it shut, he tucked it in the doll's tiny hands and then replaced the lid. Casting a glance at the wrapping paper, his eyes feel on one in particular.

"Could you wrap it in the angel paper, as well?"

He paid for his purchases, watched them bagged and left the store, only to resume his stroll back to the hotel, feeling rather pleased with himself. He had been rather worried about finding just the right gift for her, and an animal wasn't in the cards this Christmas.

Greeted by the hotel doorman, Kevin, Jarod made his way to the penthouse suite. Not actually his typical living accomadations, but the pretend had required it. Dropping the bags from the toy shop on the couch, he walked over to his desk and removed the metal case from underneath. Placing it on top of the desk, he opened the lid, and run the Internet program, checking to make sure that all was in readiness for the holidays with his family.

The mailbox icon popped open and the familiar voice informed him that he had mail. Dragging the cursor to the top of the page, he double click and waited.

Opening the email, he laced his hands behind his head, his eyes scanning the contents, when he suddenly gripped the sides of the chair and pulled himself forward. Rereading the message. He then clicked on the accompanying download. Holding his breath as the file loaded itself.

Running the video play button on his computer, Jarod wasn't sure if he should laugh as he watched the little boy spit his dinner at Miss Parker, then throw the rest of his plate at her, ruining a truly expensive suit. Something he had done on occasion to her. However, laughing was not the right response at the moment. Quickly he composed a brief letter to his sister informing her that he would be delayed by a day or two, that something had come up that required his immediate attention. The only thing that bothered him was Angelo's rather cryptic message, it simple stated, "Ryan, both friend and daughter."

Damn them, he thought as he pulled himself away from the computer screen and made his way to the bedroom, cell phone to his ear.

"This is Sydney."

"They did it again, Sydney. And you both knew about it," his voice bitter.

"Jarod, we only just found out. There isn't much to tell. Miss Parker doesn't even know where he came from. Mutumbo brought him here, this evening. How did you find out?"

"I have my sources, you of all people should know that by now. You realize that I can't let him stay there."

"She said that you would play Robin Hood, once you found out about him," Sydney chuckled," She may beat you to it, this time. Something about keeping a promise."

"Really? She better be careful, that's exactly what Lyle wants her to do? Proving that she's disloyal to the Centre. Tell her, Sydney. She better watch her back, or I just might have too," with that he terminated the call and continued to pack. She'd get his help anyway, wanted or not.


Sydney stared at the cell phone, oblivious to the voice that whispered to him.

"Syd," the techie whispered again, before placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Broots, where's Miss Parker?"

"She asked me to disable the cameras in the sim lab. I think seeing little Ryan crying got to her, but don't tell her I said that."

"I won't, Broots," the doctor turned his head and smiled.


Parker glanced at the cameras, and noticed that the little green light was no longer lite. Broots had come through, again. Opening the door to the darkened sim lab, her eyes fell upon the plastic bubble and the tiny form huddled inside. She could see his tiny shoulders shaking from the silent sobs. Kicking off her damn heels, she padded quietly over to the little boy, and opened the door.

Turning at the sound of plastic against plastic, Ryan was surprised to see the woman that he had previously upset, when he let his temper get the best of him. Amazed that she came back, he flung his tiny arms around her neck and his little legs wrapped around her waist, startling her, as he buried his head in her shoulder, still crying.

"Shhhhh!" she found herself, rubbing her hand up and down his back, trying to calm him down. Surprised at how comfortable he felt in her arms.

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