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Disclaimer: The characters Miss Parker, Sydney, Jarod, Broots etc. and the fictional Centre, are all property of MTM, TNT and NBC Productions and used
without permission. I'm not making any money out of this and no infringement is intended.
by Midi

Parker couldn't belive where she was or what she was doing. If you had told her two years ago that she would be shopping for frames to hold her wedding picture she would have hit you. That didn't change the fact that there she was however. Two years had brought a lot of changes.

The biggest change was that the Centre was gone the two ghouls who ran it dead and the Triumvirate who backed it where either dead or disbanded. It really didn't matter because the result was the same,the terror that ruled so much of her life was over. And so was the hunt for Jarod. No more Pez no more annoying games.

All that was left was to pick up the pieces. Whatever ghosts the Centre still had would have to find their own justice even with the help of Syd and Broots she wasn't sure that she had found it all. Eventually the time came to move on. Syd retired and she hired Broots to work with her at one of the Centre's legitimate businesses. She was alone for the most part then, She was never sure if Broots's daughter Debbie counted as friendship or not but that was all she had then. The strange thing about this new life she had was that when ever she had something happen in her life where she was either in a lot of trouble or when having the illusion of a normal life would be helpful there was Jarod. Like always he blended in perfectly. He was the perfect escort and if she happened to freeze a few times when asked a personal question he covered for her perfectly. It was amazing and by the time he started calling her by her first name in public she was to smitten to care.

It was the definite start of something. She began to look forward to his showing up just like she used to look forward to his calls. Holidays,Birthdays,and
weekends all of those things that normal people shared with their families she began sharing with Syd, Jarod,Broots,and Debbie. Somewhere in the middle of all that family time Jarod had asked her to marry him and she had stammered for a minute but managed to squeak out a yes. And that is how she ended up the wife of the first boy she ever kissed. Enough of this, she had to buy these frames and go after all her family was coming to dinner the end

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