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I do not own the Pretender Characters or the Profiler characters as well. But I am borrowing them for my fanfiction story, which I hope will promote my favorite show The Pretender. Please don’t sue me, as I have no money. Please see my previous disclaimers for the particular details.
October 11, 2000 revised 4/09/01
Second day of freedom

* * *

In Pursuit Of Happiness
Part 25
by jojarod50

The Marquee Hotel
The Pirate’s Cove
1:00 PM

“May I join you? Agent Meisser asked, stepping up to the booth where Major Charles and his younger son were eating.

“Dr. Meisser, please sit down. How is Jarod? Is he coming around?”

“Oh, I’d say physically he’s all right, but mentally, I don’t know. He wants me to pick him up at 1:50 PM for his afternoon debriefing, but I’m afraid that in his present state it might be too much for him. He seems so anxious to get this all behind him, that he is unwilling to acknowledge his precarious mental state. I have to hand it to your son, he’s a very determined young man, even if it is to his detriment.”

“I disagree with you.”

“What?” Agent Meisser asked, turning to Gemini, surprised at the young man’s brass.

“I think you ought to let him testify, so I can observe him. You said he’s scheduled for another debriefing this afternoon? It’s just after 1:00 now. That will give me plenty of time to prepare. I need access to his medical files and the DSA of his torture at the Centre as soon as you can get it to me. I also need access to a computer.”

“Gemini, I don’t think those things are something you ought to see. Even if we decided you could do it, you couldn’t possibly wade through all that information in time for his debriefing. I understand you’d like to help your brother, but…”

“I am a pretender and his clone. I have a special connection with him that no one else has. I think I know why he’s unable to help himself and I’m willing to do what ever it takes to help him get well. Frankly, Dr. Meisser, if you don’t mind my bluntness, I’m the only one that can help him. That’s what you want isn’t it?” he asked, challenging the older man.

“Major, you’ve seen some of the materials on Jarod. Do you want to have your son doing this?”
“I wish I never had to see them. Gemini, I’m sorry, I have to say no. I’m sure it would damage you emotionally. This is something Jarod’s just going to have to work through with the doctors.”

“I can handle it. I had repeated exposure to this sort of thing under Raines care. You have no idea the kinds of things I’ve simmed. Listen to me. The last time I was with Jarod I sensed something I need to explore. I’m convinced no amount of psychiatric care is going to help him.”

“I said no. It’s just too risky son.”

“If you don’t let me help Jarod, you’re going to lose him.”

“You can’t know that, Gemini.”

“I’m 99.9% sure that he’ll eventually commit suicide.”

Major Charles looked from his son to Dr. Meisser and then fell silent for several minutes, before reluctantly saying yes.
“All I want is to have my family back together and whole.”

“We’re working on that, Major. We have a lead on your wife and daughter’s where abouts. It may not be long before you’re all reunited. Don’t lose faith. I think you may be seeing them by the end of the week.”

“My God, this is unbelievable. I…I don’t know what to say. Are they all right?”

“Yeah, I don’t think you have to worry about them. Let’s just get your son out of the woods right now. Gemini you’re on. I’ll have a computer transferred to your room immediately. For your brother’s sake I hope this works.”


The Marquee Hotel
Room 629
1:20 PM

Gemini flew through Jarod’s medical records, lost in thought, as his brother busied himself with getting ready to go. He had already fast forwarded through the DSA while Jarod was in the shower and wanted to get the rest of the materials read before his brother has a chance to take a look at the screen.

“Hmm, where did you get that, Gemini?” Jarod asked, from across the room, happy to see he would have access to a computer again.

“Dr Meisser loaned it to me. You can use it any time you want.”

Thanks,” Jarod said, pulling a clean t-shirt over his head and grabbing a shirt off its hanger. He was anxious knowing he’d have to keep from zoning out during his afternoon testimony and his stomach was tied in knots. The random element was his flashbacks that came without warning and with a vengeance.

While combing his damp hair, he convinced himself that he could handle anything they threw at him for a little while, considering he’s be free to start a new life, once he left all this heavy baggage behind.

He knew they needed his testimony for the conviction of the Centre players, and he was glad to give them all the ammunition they needed to incarcerate them for life. What he couldn’t understand was why he couldn’t even talk about his ordeal anymore, without having a flash back or falling apart.
He cringed at the prospect that while he finally was going to have his freedom, he may be unable to function normally for the rest of his life. And what of Parker, he thought, terrified at the prospect of losing her. He loved her more than life it’s self and vowed to do what ever it took not to lose her.

“Jarod and Gemini are you ready to go?” Dr. Meisser asked, as he entered the room, finding the pretender pacing back and forth.

“Gemini, I thought you already completed your debriefings,” Jarod said, giving him a curious look.

“I have, but I wanted to sit in on yours, if you don’t mind. Dad’s going to be gone all afternoon, too. In fact, he just left. I don’t want to just sit around here being bored.”

“I do mind,” Jarod said, nervously running his fingers through his hair. “I’d rather do this alone.”

“I’m sorry. I just thought it’d help us grow closer together, if I got a chance to hear you tell about what you went through. I am your brother,” he said, laying on the saddest look he could muster.

“I don’t know, Gemini,” he stalled, afraid he’d see him lose control. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt. Let’s go.”

* * *

Interrogation Room 307
3:20 PM

“Jarod, is it true that you were coerced into doing sims involving military contracts, using Ebola to take out a military targets?”

“That was the first time they actively coerced me, but I was unaware of the applications of my sims at that time,” Jarod said, resting his head on one hand, suddenly feeling dizzy.

“Were you aware, that simulation 508 caused the decimation of a whole population of rebels in the Gauze strip?”

“No, not at the time,” he said, breaking out in a cold sweat. “I trusted Sydney. I had no idea he was being forced into doing these sims for military contracts,” Jarod said, suddenly feeling like things were losing their integrity, as thoughts of suicide invaded his mind.
“Call a recess,” Gemini said, leaning over to Dr. Meisser. “My brother’s cracking up.”

“Damn. Agent Morris, We need to call a recess.”


Third floor lounge
4:14 PM

“Jarod, don’t get up yet. Just try to relax.”

“What happened?”

“You had another flash back. Do you want a mild sedative?”

“No, that will only make things worse, Dr. Meisser. Jarod focus on me. Tell me what’s running through your head. Trust me, I can help you.”

“The sims: 23, 145, 52, 11, 342, 58, 14, 508. I see eyes, so many eyes. I killed all those people, my God.”

“No, the Centre did. You were just a boy. How were you to know? You’ve got to let go of this. It’s destroying you. Jarod, it wasn’t your fault.”

“What do you know about it?”

“You are so riddled with guilt that you’d rather be dead then live with the guilt you are feeling. If you continue like this, you will destroy your self and that’s what you really want, isn’t it? Deep inside you have a death wish, don’t you? That’s why you’re not letting yourself fight this thing. You have a battle going on in your subconscious and you’re loosing it. I can help you, Jarod, but you’re going to have to be willing to face this.”

“You’re wrong. You don’t know what you’re saying,” Jarod breathed, as another wave of dizziness assaulted him and he started to phase out again.

“Oh, no you don’t. Fight it Jarod. Look at me. I’m not any better than you are. Look how they used me, abused me. Don’t you see? If you give up, what is left for me to live for? How can I live with my own guilt? We’re both survivors of that insanity. We can’t help what they used us for. But, there are people who love us and we can’t abandon them, no matter how much we’re hurting,” Gemini said, taking Jarod’s hand and squeezing it tightly. “I need you; you can’t give up, big brother. Please let me help show you the way out of this.”

Dr. Meisser looked on in astonishment, at the boy he hardly knew. He realized that he couldn’t offer any help at this point, better then that of his clone.

“Why don’t I bring the car around to the front, and you two can meet me there as soon as you’re ready. Jarod, I think you need to get some rest now. You too, Gemini,” he said, giving the boy a quick wink.


The Marquee Hotel
Room 629
5:00 PM

“Hi Jarod; Gemini. I just saw Joe Clark downstairs,” the Major said entering the room, hoping they hadn’t had too hard an afternoon. “Jarod, he’d like to visit with you, if you feel up to it. He said he’d be in the Nautical Lounge, on the first floor for about an hour.”

“Joe?” Jarod questioned, breaking into a big smile. “I would love to see him.”

“Dad, Jarod had a pretty hard time this afternoon.”

Jarod’s eyes flashed with anger, as he glared at his brother, wondering why he told him that, after he’d asked him not to.

“I’m really sorry, Jarod. Maybe you better stick around and get some rest.”

“I’m fine, Dad,” he said, glaring at Gemini. “I’ll see you both later,” he said, leaving before his brother made him any angrier.

* * *

Nautical Lounge
5:10 PM

“Jarod, My God, I can’t believe you’re here,” Joe said, giving him a slap on the back. “You look like hell.”

“Joe, I’m so glad you’re alive. Here you saved my life and almost lost your own. I don’t know what to say.”

“Hey, lighten up Jarod. Have a seat and let me get you something. What’s your poison?”

“Wait a minute. I’ve heard that one before. You’re offering me a drink.”

“They kept you in the Centre your entire life, right?” he asked, totally amused with his innocence.

“Yeah, except for the time after my escape.”

“We’ll have a pitcher of beer,” he said, flagging down the waitress who was passing by. ”So how are you doing, Jarod? The testimony getting to you? Bet you’d feel better if we were shooting our way out of it.”

“Let’s just say, I’ll be glad when its over with,” he said, looking down at the bowl of pretzels the returning waitress set in-between them.

“Let me pour you one. You look like you could use a serious drink.”

“I don’t know. I’ve never had much interest in alcohol.”

“Jarod, I don’t think a beer is going to kill you,” he said, handing him the glass. “Tell me what happened after the attack at the farm house. What happened to you when you were taken back to the Centre? I heard you’re having a hard time.”

“How did you make it out alive?” he asked, ignoring his question. “Weren’t there sweepers there monitoring the site?” Jarod asked, taking a tentative drink of his beer and then more.

“Yeah, but I was passed out in the stream behind the farm house, until the rain began to fall. By then, everyone was gone. Jarod, what are you going to do after the debriefings? Any plans?”

“I really don’t know,” he said, taking another large gulp of his beer and enjoying the effects. “I haven’t had time to give it a lot of thought.”

“Jarod, your glass is empty. Better let me help you with that.”

“I feel very good. Does it always effect people that way?”

“Yeah, Jarod, that’s the point. Are you still having flashbacks of your torture?”

Jarod said nothing, hoping he would leave it alone. He suddenly upended his next drink deciding to go back to his room. “I’ve got to go.”

“Sorry, Jarod, I know you’ve been through a lot. I just want you to know that I am grateful for the testimony you’ve given in my partner and officer’s behalf. In fact, that’s why I wanted to see you. I tried calling, but you were gone all afternoon. My police chief and the guys back at the station, wanted to show their appreciation for what you did in bring those bastards to justice, so we’re throwing you all a dinner party tonight. Can you come?”

“Sure, why not?”

“Great. Tell your dad and Gemini, too. I’ll look for you there. It’s in the Velvet Slipper Room, upstairs on the tower level of this hotel. See ya around 8:00 Jarod?”

“Ok,” Jarod said, feeling the effects of the beer and finally like he was going to shake his dismal mood.


The Marquee Hotel
The Velvet Slipper Room – Tower level
8:15 PM Saturday night

Jarod took a seat at the table looking from his dad to Miss Parker, who was offering a toast, her eyes twinkling like diamonds. Everyone was so happy, despite what they’d been through. Something about the champagne had given them all new life. Unlike them, he was
haunted by all the memories that the whole affair had dredged up. Pushing aside his dark thoughts, he still felt oddly detached from the party atmosphere.

“Thank you,” Jarod said, as a waiter set down a glass of champagne at his place.

“Hi Jarod,” Miss Parker said, taken back, as always, by his gorgeous appearance, even though he was leaner than she’d ever seen him before. “Are you all right?” she asked, reading the deep sadness in his dark eyes, and wondering how he was holding up.

“I’m just fine, Parker,” he said with a big smile, not wanting any more pity and wondering why she would ask that. “Excuse me for a moment, I think I see Joe Clark over there,” he said, leaving the table knowing he had to do something to try to shake his ever present depression. He fiercely didn’t want anyone to know what a hard time he was having, especially Parker, and he was determined to keep it that way.

Jarod was glad everyone wanted to celebrate, but he knew the Centre’s influence spread way beyond the boarders of this country and permeated the fabric of many corporations covertly. To think the actual threat was over would be pure idiocy, and he figured they all knew it. He wondered how long it would be before they were all back on the run.

How well the FBI could protect them was part of that nagging unknown. And yet, here they all were trying to find happiness in the moment. Jarod tried to shake his dark thoughts, as he stepped up to his friend Joe and said hi. *

“Jarod, how are you doing? Get a load of this,” he said, motioning to a waiter, who was circulating among the guests with a full tray of champagne.

“Here, would you like one?” he asked, taking one for himself.

“Sure, why not?” Jarod said with a big smile, happy to be with Joe again.

“Hey, Jarod, sorry if I upset you earlier. I’ve always been kind of bad about saying the wrong thing.

“Joe, I wasn’t upset at all. Great party,” he said, downing the rest of his drink and grabbing another from a waiter with a tray that was passing by.

“Jarod, you better go easy on that stuff; it goes right to your head.”

“Don’t worry about me, Joe. Why don’t you join us at the table?” he said, downing the rest of his drink and setting the empty glass on a table near by, loosening his tie and unbuttoning the top of his dress shirt, feeling suddenly warm. He was gratefully feeling a definite buzz from the champagne, like he had from the beer in the bar.

“Yeah, let’s go, Jarod. It’s probably time to eat. It’ll be nice to visit with everyone without having the Centre hot on our trail,” Joe said, glad to see Jarod having such a good time.


Moments later…

“Jarod, Joe, have a seat. I was just about to make a toast,” Major Charles said, lifting his glass. “Here is to my son, from the proudest dad that ever lived.”

Jarod blushed as he lifted his glass, meeting his father’s eyes, feeling deeply moved.

“Again, he took in the champagne, enjoying the lift he was getting, as his fears and incredible depression faded into the background, along with his inhibitions.

“Dad, I think you need to stop Jarod. When he was talking to Joe, I saw him down two drinks,” Gemini said, knowing Jarod was in over his head.

Major Charles got a sick feeling inside, as he looked at his older son. “Jarod, I’m not so sure you should be drinking that stuff. Aren’t you on medication?”

“Not any more. Well, pretty much not. Dad, I don’t think one drink is going to hurt me,” he lied brushing him off, desperately wanting to feel happy and have a good time.

“Jarod, I’m not just talking about one drink,” he tried to say, as Jarod spoke over him and presented a toast.

“Here’s to Parker, the best looking advisory I’ve ever had to match wits with,” Jarod said, eyeing her with a sly pretender smile and getting a very positive response.

“Jarod, I don’t think you need to actually drink the champagne,” she said, brushing her lips against his right ear, making him involuntarily shiver.

Sydney watched with a wary look, noticing Jarod lift his glass again and take another sip. He knew Jarod shouldn’t be drinking at all and was shocked by his reckless behavior. Wheeling his chair over to the pretender, he asked him if he could speak with him alone.

* * *

“What’s the matter with everyone? Sydney, I’ve got news for you. You don’t have control of my life any more,” Jarod said, his brown eyes piercing the other man’s. “I’d appreciate it if you’d back off and just leave me alone.”

“I can’t Jarod. You know you shouldn’t be drinking. What are you trying to do, kill yourself? Jarod, you’re still on medication.”

“You’ve been talking to Gemini, haven’t you? I don’t understand what’s the matter with you people. Does everyone think I have a death wish? Excuse me, I’ve got to get back to the party.”

What on earth was he talking about when he mentioned Gemini, Sydney wondered as he wheeled his way to the foyer to look for a telephone.

* * *

Shaking off Sydney’s concerns, Jarod rejoined the table, becoming quite the comedian. Everything he said was charming and funny, making him one of the highlights of the night.

After an incredible dinner, including steak, seafood, or prime rib roast, with numerous side dishes, including a wonderful tropical vegetarian salad, everyone settled into small talk, enjoying after dinner wine and each other’s company.

Spotting a baby grand, Jarod took a seat, becoming lost in his music and the sweet intoxicating feeling of his new found freedom from the insanity and fear he had been locked into for so long, the alcohol reeking havoc with his mind. He felt incredibly happy and was having the time of his life.

After a little while, he looked up, embarrassment flushing his face, as he realized he had been making quite a spectacle of himself, as he gazed at everyone starring at him.

“My god, Jarod, where did you learn to play like that. That’s the most moving material I have ever heard. Who wrote it?” Miss Parker asked, her eyes glassy with unshed tears.

Jarod got up and left the bench, briefly looking at the others and then turning his attention back to her.

“I was, um, making it up as I went along.”

“There isn’t anything you can’t do, is there? Listen to me, Jarod,” Parker said, brushing a lock of hair away from his innocent brown eyes. I think you’ve probably had more than enough to drink. This isn’t like you at all.”

“I’ve hardly had any,” Jarod said, frowning, vaguely regretting getting started down that road, and feeling an overpowering urge not to stop. It had been so long since he even felt a semblance of happiness, and now he was consumed with it. Grabbing his drink off the piano he upended it

“I would like to spend some time with you alone,” he suggested, motioning to the terrace, intoxicated with champagne and her overwhelming beauty, as he wrapped his arms around her and gave her a kiss.

“Only if you don’t drink anymore,” she said, noticing Major Charles and Sydney talking to Dr. Meisser and looking their way.
* * *

“I got here as quickly as I could,” Dr. Meisser said, gazing around the room. “Where’s Jarod?”

“Out on the balcony. Broots and Joe said they’d help you get Jarod down to his room. I’m going to take Gemini home. I don’t want him to see Jarod make a scene. The boy’s seen quite enough of his brother’s problems today and now he’s drunk,” he said, totally exasperated.


Velvet Slipper balcony
9:58 PM

“Excuse me, Miss Parker, we need to speak with Jarod alone.”

“What do you mean, what’s going on?” Jarod asked, thinking something had happened and wondering what it could be, as Miss Parker pulled out of his embrace.

“Broots and I are going to help you back to your room now.”

“You’re what? Why would you want to do that?” he asked in confusion, noticing the strange looks on their faces and feeling panicky, as he grabbed Parker’s drink and took a sip.

“Jarod, I think you’ve had enough of that,”Dr. Meisser said, reaching for his glass, as the pretender stepped back out of his reach.

“Oh, is that what this is all about,” he slurred. “You know, you’re really starting to piss me off. And you too, Broots. Come on Parker, let’s go back inside,” he smiled, putting his arm around her waist and starting to walking off, as if the others weren’t there.

“No, Jarod,” Miss Parker said, refusing to leave.

“Jarod, you need to listen to your doctor,” Joe said, stepping in front of him. “I’m sorry I got you into this mess,” he said looking at his inebriated friend. “I should have never offered you a drink. I had no idea it would have this kind of effect on you.”

“Effect? I finally feel happy, and everybody gets all upset,” he said, his eyes darting from one face to another, wondering why everyone was acting so strangely and noticing that the room was starting to spin. “I don’t need any help. Please just leave me alone.”

“I’m sorry, Jarod. Don’t make this harder than it has to be. Let me take you back to your room before you pass out,” the agent said, grabbing him by the arm. ”I don’t think you realize how drunk you are.”

“Get your hands off me,” he breathed angrily, taking a swing at Dr. Meisser, as the agent grabbed his arms and pulled them behind his back, easily subduing him.

“Calm down, Jarod. You don’t want to do this. Miss Parker, talk to him,” he urged, holding on to the angry struggling man.

“Jarod, let these people take you down to your room. You look tired. Get some sleep and I’ll give you a call tomorrow. Ok?”

Jarod was too drunk to figure out what was going on and just closed his eyes, willing everyone to go away. His whole world was spinning now, and he felt like he was going to throw up. His knees buckled and he fell back against the agent, as he started to pass out. The last thing he saw was the sad expression on Parker’s face and wondered why everything had gone so terribly wrong.

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