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Disclaimer see part 1
Warning: My evil mini-me is back… This part is definitely rated PG-13, maybe even a little higher (like PG-14 *g*). If you're easily shocked you shouldn't read on and simply leave this part out. The next part will explain a lot as well… You've been warned.
An Imaginative View Of The World 55/?
She didn't dare opening her eyes. Did it mean that she would never return to the universe with Harry Potter? What was the potion for anyway? Dumbledore had said it would help her find her way back to her own universe. Maybe she was in her own universe right now? She opened her eyes. This wasn't home. She was in a blue colored room. The ceiling was blue, the walls were blue. She was lying on a bed. Even the bed was blue. She was wearing funny clothes. They were blue. She looked around. There was a bed next to her. Jarod. Dressed in blue. She turned to the other side. Another bed. Another blue dressed person. Kira. The sky behind the blue curtains was blue as well. The door opened and Samantha Waters entered the room. She was dressed in blue as well. To be true, she had a tinge of blue in her skin as well. What was going on? This was wrong. She closed her eyes and shook her head.
"Are you alright?" Sam asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just seeing everything blue," Kyla said and opened her eyes. She closed them again and opened them again.
She was in a pink colored room. The ceiling was pink, the walls were pink. She was lying on a bed. Even the bed was pink. She was wearing funny clothes. They were pink. She looked around. There was a bed next to her. Jarod. Dressed in pink. She turned to the other side. Another bed. Another pink dressed person. Kira. The sky behind the pink curtains was pink as well. She rubbed her eyes. What was wrong with her?
"Now I'm seeing everything pink. Even you. What's wrong?"
"Don't worry."
"I am worried. Blue and pink?"
"Try again."
She closed her eyes and slowly counted to 10 before she opened her eyes. The walls were white. The ceiling was white. Her clothes were white. Jarod's clothes were white. Kira's clothes were white. Sam's clothes were white. Sam looked normal.
"What's the color of my nightgown?"
"White, Kyla. This is no nightgown. Just a dress.
"What happened to Jarod and Kira?"
"They're fine. And the thing with the colors is an aftereffect of the gas you were exposed to. Now come with me, Miss Parker wants to see you. I think she can explain a lot."
Kyla nodded and followed Samantha Waters out of the room. They stepped out into a corridor. It stretched into each direction as far as the eye could see. It was painted white with more doors than Kyla could count.
"Where are we?"
"I don't know. A young man who called himself Scott came into the café a few minutes after you had called for Jarod to help you. He kindly asked me to follow him without questions. He had a gun and he said that the three of you had already left through the back door. Outside a car was waiting for me. The windows were blackened and I couldn't see outside. We drove around for nearly three hours until we arrived here. We got out of the car inside an underground car park. I haven't seen anything of the surrounding area and I have no idea where we are. There are many people dressed in white and a lot of them look like doctors. I think this is some kind of huge laboratory but I'm not sure yet. I don't sense anything. Those people are fascinating."
"And where are you taking me?"
"To Miss Parker's office. She wants to see you."
"How do you know which way to go? The corridor looks all the same to me and so do those doors."
"The doors are marked. You have to look at them carefully. They have numbers on them. You have to look very carefully. Can you see them?"
Kyla stared at the door intently but couldn't make out anything but a crystal white door. She turned to face Sam and was about to say that she didn't see anything when she saw the number. It was painted onto the door in minuscule writing just above the doorknob.
"What do those numbers stand for?"
"I don't know. You have to save your questions for Miss Parker. She will answer them."
"You talk about her like she's a Goddess."
"No," Samantha smiled, "She's much more."
Kyla sighed inwardly. Another universe were Miss Parker was different. This universe had started quite normal. It had been the first universe she had "really visited", where her dreams had started to become some kind of reality. But with the time things were getting more complicated and inexplicable. It felt more unreal with every reality-jump. This universe had a touch of "Bruce Almighty". A long white corridor, people dressed all in white, white lights. Of course it could also be a hospital or some kind of laboratory but even in those institutions there were specks of color. After a while she realized that even the door handles were white. Many of the people walking around had white hair and a very pale skin. The further they went the more intense the whiteness seemed to become. Samantha stopped in front of a door. It looked somehow different. The door handle was silver. Samantha knocked and entered. Kyla followed her. This room was completely different – or so it seemed. The walls and the ceiling were white, the huge desk was white as well. But Miss Parker was dressed in black. She seemed to be the Centre of the room. She smiled at Kyla.
"I am sorry that I had to force you to come here and I'm sorry I had to sedate you but there were certain things that needed to be done while you were unconscious."
"Such as?" Kyla's voice was far from being calm. She tried not to show her anger. They had done something to her. They had violated her privacy? More experiments?
"We had to prepare you for your stay here. All four of you are valuable guests here at this institution and we need you desperately. This is why I want you to listen carefully. And please sit down and stop pacing the room, Kyla."
Kyla looked at Miss Parker who was sitting in her white leather chair behind her white desk. Her black hair and her black clothes stood out in this environment. Kyla sat down and stared at Parker.
"What do you need us for?"
"Samantha is a Profiler. She can sense anything. Jarod is a pretender and can become anyone he wants to be. Kira is something special and we had to be sure. She is pregnant. And you, well, you are special too. Without knowing it Jarod has told us everything we need to know about you."
"What did you do to Jarod?"
"Nothing he hasn't endured before. Don't worry, the labrat's fine."
"And where are we?"
"This is a laboratory run by the USAF. They have no idea about the Centre or its activities. They think we are a bunch of rich people who help them. It's a little like Area 51, there are a few aliens around but they are in the lower levels. If you're a good girl you will see them later."
"What do you know about me?"
"Jarod said you're from another universe and something about the future. When we're finished talking here, you'll accompany Mr. Scott and he'll be asking a few more questions. And don't think about not answering them."
"I know the Centre's methods, yes. What do you need us for?"
"I don't think you're ready to know, Kyla."
"Breeding little aliens?" Kyla suggested and Miss Parker smiled.
"No, Kyla, we're not that far yet. Even though we've thought about that. No, we want to test how they react to you since you're from the future. They might even talk to you."
"What if I don't want to?" Kyla asked.
"You don't have a choice, Kyla. You're here and you're not leaving until I say so. And since you claim to know me, you should know that I tell the truth. Scott, take her to the interrogation room and bring Miss Waters back to her room. Jamie," she addressed the woman standing next to her, "Go and look after Jarod and his girlfriend. They're not supposed to wake up any time soon. Afterwards you can join us in the interrogation room."
So much for her hope that Miss Parker wasn't on the evil side. She was as evil as ever and maybe even a little further around the edge. If this was something like Area 51 she had to expect the worst. And from what Parker had said this wasn't a laboratory but a research facility. Research that included aliens and some methods she didn't want to think about.
"Interrogation room S-5," Parker said and got up. "Get moving everyone, we don't have all the time in the world. I want results. Scott, you get started with her, I'll be with you soon."
All the time Samantha had been standing beside Kyla without saying a word. She seemed a little absent. What had they done to her? How long had they been unconscious until they had woken her? What had they done to all of them and what were they planning to do? She was afraid. Afraid for her life for the first time in a universe. This wasn't the way she wanted to end. Of course it was a completely different way to end a universe and she wouldn't be back afterwards but until she would finally leave this universe a lot of things could happen. Oh yes, she was afraid but she had no idea what this universe had prepared for her. She followed Scott (Mr. Scott?) out of Parker's office and down the corridor. Wasn't this the Scott she had seen in other universes before? He looked a little different with white hair but the similarity was there. She didn't dare to ask. He stopped in front of a door that looked like any other door in the corridor.
"Close your eyes," he demanded and took her by the upper arm. She heard him open the door and he gently pushed her through. She didn't dare opening her eyes before she was told so. He led her down another corridor. She felt a slight breeze caressing her face.
"Open your eyes and sit down."
She opened her eyes. The room around her was lying in complete darkness. There was a spotlight on a strange looking chair.
"Sit down," Scott ordered again and pushed her towards the chair. She clumsily sat down and the light intensified. She couldn't see anything anymore. Then someone was pushing a cloth over her face.
She tried to slow down her breathing. What was this? She had expected some kind of sedative but nothing seemed to happen. She was still conscious. The light was losing strength. The cloth was withdrawn from her face. She could breathe free again. The light was gone. How could Scott move so freely around the room? She didn't see anything. Something hard was pressed against her chest and her wrists. She heard a clicking sound. Something was pushed over her head and around her neck. She didn't hear Scott anymore. She was alone in the room and awfully afraid. She wanted to get up, wanted to find the door and run. Run as far as she could. But she couldn't. What had happened? The lights came back on. Someone was sitting right in front of her. Who was that girl? The lights were getting stronger and she found herself sitting in front of a mirrored wall. Her hands were strapped to the chair so were here legs and feet. A strange looking instrument had been pulled over her head and was covering part of her face. Her neck was covered with something that looked like a hedge hock. It was silver and over 20 sharp pins were coming out of it (or were they going in?) What had they done to her? And why did this situation seem so familiar? Had she been here before? Had she been brought here when she had first arrived at this facility?
The door opened and two men were coming in. Their faces were covered with masks, they were dressed all in white, with gloves and protective gloves over their shoes. They didn't speak and didn't look at her each time she tried to catch their eyes. From the corner of the room, from out of the darkness, one of them came with a table filled with strange instruments. One of the instruments was covered with cables which the man connected to the spikes on her collar. She wanted to scream but no sound came out. She looked at herself in the mirror. She had definitely opened her mouth to scream but the mirror image hadn't even moved a muscle. She wanted to turn her head, wanted to fight against the restraints, but nothing happened. Not even a single muscle in her body seemed to be under her control anymore. She wanted to blink but even her eyes were out of control. She panicked
"Don't fight it," said the man and pushed a button on his control table. The chair moved her into a nearly lying position but she could still see herself in the mirror even though she didn't want to she had to. She couldn't closer her eyes anymore, she was forced to stare at herself being connected to more and more machines that seemed to be coming from out of nowhere. At last a computer was being led from the ceiling and hovered over her head. The two men stepped back and in the mirror Kyla could see the door open and Miss Parker entered the room. She was still wearing her black clothes. Nothing had changed but she looked different. There was an evil grin on her face.
"Jarod always resisted since you arrived which was two weeks ago. Last time you've been in here we achieved quite a success and I want to repeat it. Don't worry, you won't know what happened afterwards. It will hurt only little."
She smiled and reached for a cable that was dangling from the computer above her head. When Parker connected it to the thing upon her head, Kyla felt everything getting warmer. Something was happening to her but she didn't know what it was. She felt something tugging on her head and saw that the cable wasn't a normal cable but something that pulled her up. She saw Parker in the mirror nod slightly and push a button. There were those clicking sounds again and she saw that the restraints from her wrists and arms, legs and ankles were no more connected to the chair. What was happening to her? She was still staring at herself in the mirror, unable to change anything, unable to understand what was going on.
The cables that had been attached to her restraints were retreating - or so it seemed at first. She saw in the mirror that they were retreating but that they were pulling her limbs along. It looked grotesque. The pulling stopped. She was sitting in the chair like a discarded doll. Her legs and arms were dangling over the edge. The only thing that was still where it belonged was her head. The thing on her head was still getting warmer and it was beginning to be unbearable. Somehow she felt like she had watched too much Star Trek. It looked a little like she was being transformed into a Borg drone - a computer, an android. Parker pushed another button and the grin on her face spread. The chair was being pulled by invisible hands from under her body. The same time her head was pulled upwards. Her legs and arms were pulled sideways until she was hanging in midair - still facing the mirror. She thought that she looked like a crude voodoo doll that was being prepared for a ritual. She could still think about something funny, when something horrible like this was happening? There was still a strong tension in the cables and they were trying to pull her further. She couldn't resist and had to watch herself being extended to what looked like inhuman shape. Then it suddenly stopped. She was bolt upright, her face facing the mirror. Parker stepped in front of her, in her hand she held a bunch of cables which she was connecting to the shackles on her wrists and to the huge silver plate that was covering her whole upper body. Now that she was completely facing the mirror and could see herself completely, she felt even more horrified. This didn't look like a simple experiment or an interrogation, this was torture.
"Now relax, Kyla. This is just the beginning. Now we're starting the experiment," Parker smiled wickedly and pushed a button on the computer above Kyla's head. The heat in her head seemed to be exploding and the collar with the pins tightened around her neck. When the needles slowly sank into her neck the cables changed their color and so did every other cable that connected to her body. The pain was everywhere but she was still hanging from the ceiling without a single movement. When she felt like she couldn't take any more the room around her disappeared into blissful darkness.
Warning: My evil mini-me is back… This part is definitely rated PG-13, maybe even a little higher (like PG-14 *g*). If you're easily shocked you shouldn't read on and simply leave this part out. The next part will explain a lot as well… You've been warned.
An Imaginative View Of The World 55/?
She didn't dare opening her eyes. Did it mean that she would never return to the universe with Harry Potter? What was the potion for anyway? Dumbledore had said it would help her find her way back to her own universe. Maybe she was in her own universe right now? She opened her eyes. This wasn't home. She was in a blue colored room. The ceiling was blue, the walls were blue. She was lying on a bed. Even the bed was blue. She was wearing funny clothes. They were blue. She looked around. There was a bed next to her. Jarod. Dressed in blue. She turned to the other side. Another bed. Another blue dressed person. Kira. The sky behind the blue curtains was blue as well. The door opened and Samantha Waters entered the room. She was dressed in blue as well. To be true, she had a tinge of blue in her skin as well. What was going on? This was wrong. She closed her eyes and shook her head.
"Are you alright?" Sam asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just seeing everything blue," Kyla said and opened her eyes. She closed them again and opened them again.
She was in a pink colored room. The ceiling was pink, the walls were pink. She was lying on a bed. Even the bed was pink. She was wearing funny clothes. They were pink. She looked around. There was a bed next to her. Jarod. Dressed in pink. She turned to the other side. Another bed. Another pink dressed person. Kira. The sky behind the pink curtains was pink as well. She rubbed her eyes. What was wrong with her?
"Now I'm seeing everything pink. Even you. What's wrong?"
"Don't worry."
"I am worried. Blue and pink?"
"Try again."
She closed her eyes and slowly counted to 10 before she opened her eyes. The walls were white. The ceiling was white. Her clothes were white. Jarod's clothes were white. Kira's clothes were white. Sam's clothes were white. Sam looked normal.
"What's the color of my nightgown?"
"White, Kyla. This is no nightgown. Just a dress.
"What happened to Jarod and Kira?"
"They're fine. And the thing with the colors is an aftereffect of the gas you were exposed to. Now come with me, Miss Parker wants to see you. I think she can explain a lot."
Kyla nodded and followed Samantha Waters out of the room. They stepped out into a corridor. It stretched into each direction as far as the eye could see. It was painted white with more doors than Kyla could count.
"Where are we?"
"I don't know. A young man who called himself Scott came into the café a few minutes after you had called for Jarod to help you. He kindly asked me to follow him without questions. He had a gun and he said that the three of you had already left through the back door. Outside a car was waiting for me. The windows were blackened and I couldn't see outside. We drove around for nearly three hours until we arrived here. We got out of the car inside an underground car park. I haven't seen anything of the surrounding area and I have no idea where we are. There are many people dressed in white and a lot of them look like doctors. I think this is some kind of huge laboratory but I'm not sure yet. I don't sense anything. Those people are fascinating."
"And where are you taking me?"
"To Miss Parker's office. She wants to see you."
"How do you know which way to go? The corridor looks all the same to me and so do those doors."
"The doors are marked. You have to look at them carefully. They have numbers on them. You have to look very carefully. Can you see them?"
Kyla stared at the door intently but couldn't make out anything but a crystal white door. She turned to face Sam and was about to say that she didn't see anything when she saw the number. It was painted onto the door in minuscule writing just above the doorknob.
"What do those numbers stand for?"
"I don't know. You have to save your questions for Miss Parker. She will answer them."
"You talk about her like she's a Goddess."
"No," Samantha smiled, "She's much more."
Kyla sighed inwardly. Another universe were Miss Parker was different. This universe had started quite normal. It had been the first universe she had "really visited", where her dreams had started to become some kind of reality. But with the time things were getting more complicated and inexplicable. It felt more unreal with every reality-jump. This universe had a touch of "Bruce Almighty". A long white corridor, people dressed all in white, white lights. Of course it could also be a hospital or some kind of laboratory but even in those institutions there were specks of color. After a while she realized that even the door handles were white. Many of the people walking around had white hair and a very pale skin. The further they went the more intense the whiteness seemed to become. Samantha stopped in front of a door. It looked somehow different. The door handle was silver. Samantha knocked and entered. Kyla followed her. This room was completely different – or so it seemed. The walls and the ceiling were white, the huge desk was white as well. But Miss Parker was dressed in black. She seemed to be the Centre of the room. She smiled at Kyla.
"I am sorry that I had to force you to come here and I'm sorry I had to sedate you but there were certain things that needed to be done while you were unconscious."
"Such as?" Kyla's voice was far from being calm. She tried not to show her anger. They had done something to her. They had violated her privacy? More experiments?
"We had to prepare you for your stay here. All four of you are valuable guests here at this institution and we need you desperately. This is why I want you to listen carefully. And please sit down and stop pacing the room, Kyla."
Kyla looked at Miss Parker who was sitting in her white leather chair behind her white desk. Her black hair and her black clothes stood out in this environment. Kyla sat down and stared at Parker.
"What do you need us for?"
"Samantha is a Profiler. She can sense anything. Jarod is a pretender and can become anyone he wants to be. Kira is something special and we had to be sure. She is pregnant. And you, well, you are special too. Without knowing it Jarod has told us everything we need to know about you."
"What did you do to Jarod?"
"Nothing he hasn't endured before. Don't worry, the labrat's fine."
"And where are we?"
"This is a laboratory run by the USAF. They have no idea about the Centre or its activities. They think we are a bunch of rich people who help them. It's a little like Area 51, there are a few aliens around but they are in the lower levels. If you're a good girl you will see them later."
"What do you know about me?"
"Jarod said you're from another universe and something about the future. When we're finished talking here, you'll accompany Mr. Scott and he'll be asking a few more questions. And don't think about not answering them."
"I know the Centre's methods, yes. What do you need us for?"
"I don't think you're ready to know, Kyla."
"Breeding little aliens?" Kyla suggested and Miss Parker smiled.
"No, Kyla, we're not that far yet. Even though we've thought about that. No, we want to test how they react to you since you're from the future. They might even talk to you."
"What if I don't want to?" Kyla asked.
"You don't have a choice, Kyla. You're here and you're not leaving until I say so. And since you claim to know me, you should know that I tell the truth. Scott, take her to the interrogation room and bring Miss Waters back to her room. Jamie," she addressed the woman standing next to her, "Go and look after Jarod and his girlfriend. They're not supposed to wake up any time soon. Afterwards you can join us in the interrogation room."
So much for her hope that Miss Parker wasn't on the evil side. She was as evil as ever and maybe even a little further around the edge. If this was something like Area 51 she had to expect the worst. And from what Parker had said this wasn't a laboratory but a research facility. Research that included aliens and some methods she didn't want to think about.
"Interrogation room S-5," Parker said and got up. "Get moving everyone, we don't have all the time in the world. I want results. Scott, you get started with her, I'll be with you soon."
All the time Samantha had been standing beside Kyla without saying a word. She seemed a little absent. What had they done to her? How long had they been unconscious until they had woken her? What had they done to all of them and what were they planning to do? She was afraid. Afraid for her life for the first time in a universe. This wasn't the way she wanted to end. Of course it was a completely different way to end a universe and she wouldn't be back afterwards but until she would finally leave this universe a lot of things could happen. Oh yes, she was afraid but she had no idea what this universe had prepared for her. She followed Scott (Mr. Scott?) out of Parker's office and down the corridor. Wasn't this the Scott she had seen in other universes before? He looked a little different with white hair but the similarity was there. She didn't dare to ask. He stopped in front of a door that looked like any other door in the corridor.
"Close your eyes," he demanded and took her by the upper arm. She heard him open the door and he gently pushed her through. She didn't dare opening her eyes before she was told so. He led her down another corridor. She felt a slight breeze caressing her face.
"Open your eyes and sit down."
She opened her eyes. The room around her was lying in complete darkness. There was a spotlight on a strange looking chair.
"Sit down," Scott ordered again and pushed her towards the chair. She clumsily sat down and the light intensified. She couldn't see anything anymore. Then someone was pushing a cloth over her face.
She tried to slow down her breathing. What was this? She had expected some kind of sedative but nothing seemed to happen. She was still conscious. The light was losing strength. The cloth was withdrawn from her face. She could breathe free again. The light was gone. How could Scott move so freely around the room? She didn't see anything. Something hard was pressed against her chest and her wrists. She heard a clicking sound. Something was pushed over her head and around her neck. She didn't hear Scott anymore. She was alone in the room and awfully afraid. She wanted to get up, wanted to find the door and run. Run as far as she could. But she couldn't. What had happened? The lights came back on. Someone was sitting right in front of her. Who was that girl? The lights were getting stronger and she found herself sitting in front of a mirrored wall. Her hands were strapped to the chair so were here legs and feet. A strange looking instrument had been pulled over her head and was covering part of her face. Her neck was covered with something that looked like a hedge hock. It was silver and over 20 sharp pins were coming out of it (or were they going in?) What had they done to her? And why did this situation seem so familiar? Had she been here before? Had she been brought here when she had first arrived at this facility?
The door opened and two men were coming in. Their faces were covered with masks, they were dressed all in white, with gloves and protective gloves over their shoes. They didn't speak and didn't look at her each time she tried to catch their eyes. From the corner of the room, from out of the darkness, one of them came with a table filled with strange instruments. One of the instruments was covered with cables which the man connected to the spikes on her collar. She wanted to scream but no sound came out. She looked at herself in the mirror. She had definitely opened her mouth to scream but the mirror image hadn't even moved a muscle. She wanted to turn her head, wanted to fight against the restraints, but nothing happened. Not even a single muscle in her body seemed to be under her control anymore. She wanted to blink but even her eyes were out of control. She panicked
"Don't fight it," said the man and pushed a button on his control table. The chair moved her into a nearly lying position but she could still see herself in the mirror even though she didn't want to she had to. She couldn't closer her eyes anymore, she was forced to stare at herself being connected to more and more machines that seemed to be coming from out of nowhere. At last a computer was being led from the ceiling and hovered over her head. The two men stepped back and in the mirror Kyla could see the door open and Miss Parker entered the room. She was still wearing her black clothes. Nothing had changed but she looked different. There was an evil grin on her face.
"Jarod always resisted since you arrived which was two weeks ago. Last time you've been in here we achieved quite a success and I want to repeat it. Don't worry, you won't know what happened afterwards. It will hurt only little."
She smiled and reached for a cable that was dangling from the computer above her head. When Parker connected it to the thing upon her head, Kyla felt everything getting warmer. Something was happening to her but she didn't know what it was. She felt something tugging on her head and saw that the cable wasn't a normal cable but something that pulled her up. She saw Parker in the mirror nod slightly and push a button. There were those clicking sounds again and she saw that the restraints from her wrists and arms, legs and ankles were no more connected to the chair. What was happening to her? She was still staring at herself in the mirror, unable to change anything, unable to understand what was going on.
The cables that had been attached to her restraints were retreating - or so it seemed at first. She saw in the mirror that they were retreating but that they were pulling her limbs along. It looked grotesque. The pulling stopped. She was sitting in the chair like a discarded doll. Her legs and arms were dangling over the edge. The only thing that was still where it belonged was her head. The thing on her head was still getting warmer and it was beginning to be unbearable. Somehow she felt like she had watched too much Star Trek. It looked a little like she was being transformed into a Borg drone - a computer, an android. Parker pushed another button and the grin on her face spread. The chair was being pulled by invisible hands from under her body. The same time her head was pulled upwards. Her legs and arms were pulled sideways until she was hanging in midair - still facing the mirror. She thought that she looked like a crude voodoo doll that was being prepared for a ritual. She could still think about something funny, when something horrible like this was happening? There was still a strong tension in the cables and they were trying to pull her further. She couldn't resist and had to watch herself being extended to what looked like inhuman shape. Then it suddenly stopped. She was bolt upright, her face facing the mirror. Parker stepped in front of her, in her hand she held a bunch of cables which she was connecting to the shackles on her wrists and to the huge silver plate that was covering her whole upper body. Now that she was completely facing the mirror and could see herself completely, she felt even more horrified. This didn't look like a simple experiment or an interrogation, this was torture.
"Now relax, Kyla. This is just the beginning. Now we're starting the experiment," Parker smiled wickedly and pushed a button on the computer above Kyla's head. The heat in her head seemed to be exploding and the collar with the pins tightened around her neck. When the needles slowly sank into her neck the cables changed their color and so did every other cable that connected to her body. The pain was everywhere but she was still hanging from the ceiling without a single movement. When she felt like she couldn't take any more the room around her disappeared into blissful darkness.