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An Imaginative View Of The World 52/?
"What happened? Janet, are you OK? How's the girl? JANET?"
Voices over voices. Chaos. Darkness. Pain. Stars dancing in front of her eyes. A blazing alarm. Kyla slowly opened her eyes. She was lying on the floor. Janet Fraiser way lying next to her. Her eyes were closed. She rolled to her side to feel Fraiser's pulse. It was there. Normal. Someone's hand on her shoulder, pulling her up.
"Look at me. Who am I?"
"Samantha Carter. What happened?"
"That's what I wanted to know from you. Help me."
Together they lifted Dr. Fraiser onto a bed. A small cut on her forehead was bleeding. She was still clutching the scalpel in her hand. Kyla forced the hand open and threw the scalpel onto a table. She felt helpless. It had to be the other way round. The IV was still in her arm. She had to be the one lying there with Doc Fraiser towering over her. Not Janet Fraiser lying on the bed. Kyla took a piece of cloth from a nearby table and pressed it gently on the doctor's forehead. The alarms stopped and the lights partially came up again. Kyla was sitting next to Janet Fraiser who was still unconscious.
"Why does something like that happen wherever I go? I'm causing chaos wherever I go. What did I do to her?"
"I don't really know. She wanted to take a tissue sample from your wrist. Suddenly there was a bright light, she screamed and was thrown away from you even though you didn't do anything. You screamed as well and fell off your bed. Then alarms started blaring. That's all I know. Can you tell me more?"
"No, I don't know anything else. Did you believe the story I told?"
"That you're traveling through different universes? Well, kind of, yes."
"Look at my wrist. Do you see the green line?"
"What have you done? It's gone!"
"It's still there but invisible. I think it still protects me and I think that this kind of protection was what knocked Dr. Fraiser out. Why me? Why is it always me who's doing everything wrong?"
"You haven't done anything wrong, Kyla. Look at yourself. You're a nice young lady and you're trying to help. By the way, where is everyone?"
Kyla looked around. Since the incident nobody had been here. Not even the medical staff was around. The infirmary was empty except for the three women. It wasn't unusual for the infirmary to be without patients but nobody at all? Carter walked to the entrance and picked up the phone on the wall.
"Get someone from the medical staff to help Dr. Fraiser!" Kyla said.
Carter waited a few seconds and then talked to someone in a low voice. Kyla didn't strain to hear anything she was far too preoccupied with her dark thoughts. All this was her fault. She had hurt Dr. Fraiser. She hoped that in a few more hours everything would be back to normal. And she hoped that one day she would be back in her own reality. Fraiser moaned and slowly opened her eyes. She looked at Kyla. Her dark brown eyes were unfocused but she tried to sit up.
"Don't move. You're head is hurt. We're waiting for someone to help you."
"I'm fine. Let me go."
Kyla shook her head and held her down.
"Major Carter, I need your help!"
Carter hung up the receiver and came to stand beside Janet's bed.
"Janet, please stay where you are. We still don't know what happened but there's a cut on your head that's still bleeding." She cast a worried look at the piece of cloth in Kyla's hand that was quite red. "As soon as someone has had a look at that you can do whatever you want."
"I'm the medical officer here, I'm the one giving orders."
"Wrong, Janet. You're hurt and I'm ordering you to stay still. And don't try to outrank me, we're equals."
Fraiser sighed and leaned back again. Kyla pressed the cloth onto the cut again. Fraiser wanted to protest but when she saw that Kyla's fingers were sprinkled with blood she gave up and relaxed.
"How are YOU, Kyla?"
"I don't know. I feel in the wrong place. I'm supposed to be lying in bed with you towering over me. I'm the one who should have been hurt."
"Don't worry. We'll manage. Can you hand me the little mirror from over there so I can have a look at myself? I have no idea what happened but there's nobody else in here. Sam, where is everybody?"
"Everything seems to be OK. Hammond said that there was a system overload in the infirmary and a few doors are jammed. That's why we're alone in here. O'Neill, Daniel and Teal'c are still on the other planet, the Stargate's offline at the moment. Hammond says that the Stargate center should be up and running again in no more than two hours. And until they find a way to open the door we're stuck."
"Isn't there supposed to be a backup system that takes over as soon as the external power input breaks down?" Janet asked.
"There is. But to say it the easy way: Some fuses have burnt out and they haven't found where exactly those fuses are. And before they haven't found them and replaced them they can't re-boot the whole system. Can you manage until then?"
Janet nodded and took the mirror Kyla handed her. She looked at the cut on her forehead. The bleeding had slowed down.
"That's just a scratch. What caused it?"
"Nice question. I don't know."
Janet stared at the mirror in her hands.
"I know what caused that. God, I'm lucky to be alive. Where's the scalpel I was holding? Did I manage to get a skin sample?"
"The scalpel was still in your hands. It's on the table over there. And no, you didn't manage to get a skin sample."
"I must've cut myself with the scalpel when you're protection band activated. Can I have a look at it?"
"It's gone. You need something to plaster on the wound."
"What do you mean, it's gone? Show me your arm." Fraiser sat up and the cut on her forehead began bleeding again. "And give me something to cover that cut and some Aspirin."
She gently touched Kyla's wrist while her eyes searched for any sign of the green line. She shot an asking glance at Kyla and Carter. Kyla tried to explain what had happened but it didn't sound very convincing. She told the story Willow had told her, how they had tried the Invisibility Spell and how the band had dissolved in flames. She mentioned the amulet and then a few other things came to her mind.
"When Dr. Jackson is back I'd like to talk to him. I have a theory and I'd like to have his opinion on it."
"You sound like you belong to the team. But maybe I can help you as well," Carter said.
"It's about the amulet. Giles said that the amulet came from an Egyptian God named Osiris who was said to have intense healing powers. This God also created a demon whom he called Soriso – which means smiling in Italian – or is a little like his name backwards. This demon was meant to harm people so he could claim to be the greatest God and heal them all. I know it sounds odd but Giles said that his book said that this amulet once belonged to Osiris before Soriso stole it from him to undo the harm he had caused."
"Doesn't sound like the system lord we know. And not very much like Egyptian mythology. But why not. Maybe Daniel has heard about this. But what's your theory?"
"It's no real theory – just a thought. The amulet sounds a lot like this thing the Goa'uld use to heal wounds even though it looks completely different."
"How does it look?"
"Two snakes biting each other's tail."
"Are they forming the sign of eternity?" Carter asked and Kyla nodded. "That sounds somehow familiar but I can't tell you where I've seen that before. We need to ask Daniel when he comes back."
Janet Fraiser was still holding Kyla's hand and tried to find sign of the green line. Carter came to stand beside her and put something onto the cut on Fraiser's forehead and gave her a bottle with some red and yellow pills from which she took one. Without another word she got up and gently pushed Kyla onto the bed.
"Now you're the patient again and I'm the one giving orders," she said.
"But I'm not ill," Kyla protested.
"Doesn't matter. You're the one with the IV. Now sit down and be a good girl. We have enough time to talk until someone finds a way to open the doors."
Carter sat down on the foot end of the bed and folded her legs in a complicated looking way.
"What? I'm just making myself comfortable," she grinned and Kyla grinned back. She hugged her legs and watched Fraiser dragging a chair towards the bed. She sat down and smiled.
"I think it's time you tell your story again, Kyla, but a little more details this time please."
"Again? Do I really have to? Can't you just ask a few questions? That's a lot easier. You're the specialist concerning wormhole travels here. Don't you have any questions or theories?"
"Theories? Jack's the Star Trek specialist. I'm more the one for the facts. And one fact is that you came through the wormhole with us when we first met. That means that either something went wrong or that it's possible that two wormholes ended in one Stargate what is impossible. No, I don't have any theories."
The lights went off. There were odd noises. Fraiser, Carter and Kyla remained where they were without daring to say something. The light came back on a few minutes later and was much brighter than before. Without having noticed all three of them had held their breath. The phone on the wall rang. Carter jumped up and took the call.
When she came back she informed them that the fuses had been found and all damage would be repaired in less than half an hour.
"The lights will go down again when they reboot the system and then everything will be back to normal. And the Stargate will be functional again. I hope Daniel and the others will be back soon so we can ask them about your theory. Until then we should get organized."
"Organized? What do you mean?"
"You're claiming you're not ill so I guess you wanna get rid of the IV, right?" Carter asked and Kyla nodded. "The wound on Janet's forehead has started bleeding again, you should lie down, Janet! And I'm hungry. Where have you put the tray with the food that Kyla didn't want to eat?"
"You put it away, don't ask me where it is. I can live with getting rid of Kyla's IV but not with lying down, Sam, I'm fine."
"You don't look that way," Kyla interrupted, "Please, at least sit down and stop walking around my bed like a caged animal."
"Sorry," Fraiser mumbled and sat down on a chair. She sighed heavily and closed her eyes. When she opened them again she smiled apologetically and turned towards Kyla. "Give me your arm."
"Do you want to get rid of the IV or not?"
Kyla nodded and her the arm with the needle towards Dr. Fraiser. She gently pushed a piece of cotton onto the needle and gently pulled it out. When she ran her finger over the place where the protection band had been she felt a tingling sensation in her fingertips. She shot an asking glance at Kyla who just shrugged. Fraiser wanted to examine it further but when she touched the skin again it sent out sparks. Fraiser yelped and Kyla drew back her arm and cradled it protectively against her body. It didn't hurt – at least not her. Fraiser's face had turned ashen. Kyla and Sam jumped up at the same time to help Fraiser who slowly slid down from the chair. Sam caught Janet before she hit the ground.
"This can't be true. The next time she wants to examine you – make her STOP before she touched the band, OK?"
Kyla just nodded and watched Carter lifting Fraiser like she was a small child. She laid her onto the bed again and then looked at Kyla who was standing uncomfortably on the other side of the bed.
"Come over here and sit down. I want to take a look at your arm as well. And I won't touch it," she added when she saw the scared look on Kyla's face. Kyla sat down as she was told and held her arm towards Carter. Carter took her hand and turned it in different directions.
"What do you think will happen when we cover your wrist with bandages?"
"I don't know but I will do it myself, OK?"
Samantha Carter nodded and handed her a few bandages from a table which Kyla wrapped around her wrist. Nothing seemed to happen. Carter smiled at her.
"Now let's have something to eat, I'm starving."
Carter got the tray with the food always casting sideway glances at the still unconscious Dr. Fraiser. Kyla grabbed the can with the diet coke and watched Carter eating the curry chicken and the striped dessert. She didn't feel like eating at all. She looked at Fraiser.
"Do you think she will be alright?" Kyla asked and gently pushed a strand of hair off Fraiser's face. Carter nodded, "She will be, I'm sure."
"I feel responsible for everything. I shouldn't have let her touch it again. And it's getting worse each time it happens. She's been out for nearly 10 Minutes now. What if she doesn't wake up again?"
"She will wake up again, Kyla, don't worry about that. She's a tough little woman and she has survived worse things, I'm sure."
Carter took her by the wrist and wanted to pull her from the bed. The protection spell activated again but this time it didn't do anything to Carter but sent Kyla back into unconsciousness. Carter sighed and lifted her up and laid her down onto the bed next to Janet Fraiser. Then she sat down on the chair between them and finished her curry chicken.
An Imaginative View Of The World 52/?
"What happened? Janet, are you OK? How's the girl? JANET?"
Voices over voices. Chaos. Darkness. Pain. Stars dancing in front of her eyes. A blazing alarm. Kyla slowly opened her eyes. She was lying on the floor. Janet Fraiser way lying next to her. Her eyes were closed. She rolled to her side to feel Fraiser's pulse. It was there. Normal. Someone's hand on her shoulder, pulling her up.
"Look at me. Who am I?"
"Samantha Carter. What happened?"
"That's what I wanted to know from you. Help me."
Together they lifted Dr. Fraiser onto a bed. A small cut on her forehead was bleeding. She was still clutching the scalpel in her hand. Kyla forced the hand open and threw the scalpel onto a table. She felt helpless. It had to be the other way round. The IV was still in her arm. She had to be the one lying there with Doc Fraiser towering over her. Not Janet Fraiser lying on the bed. Kyla took a piece of cloth from a nearby table and pressed it gently on the doctor's forehead. The alarms stopped and the lights partially came up again. Kyla was sitting next to Janet Fraiser who was still unconscious.
"Why does something like that happen wherever I go? I'm causing chaos wherever I go. What did I do to her?"
"I don't really know. She wanted to take a tissue sample from your wrist. Suddenly there was a bright light, she screamed and was thrown away from you even though you didn't do anything. You screamed as well and fell off your bed. Then alarms started blaring. That's all I know. Can you tell me more?"
"No, I don't know anything else. Did you believe the story I told?"
"That you're traveling through different universes? Well, kind of, yes."
"Look at my wrist. Do you see the green line?"
"What have you done? It's gone!"
"It's still there but invisible. I think it still protects me and I think that this kind of protection was what knocked Dr. Fraiser out. Why me? Why is it always me who's doing everything wrong?"
"You haven't done anything wrong, Kyla. Look at yourself. You're a nice young lady and you're trying to help. By the way, where is everyone?"
Kyla looked around. Since the incident nobody had been here. Not even the medical staff was around. The infirmary was empty except for the three women. It wasn't unusual for the infirmary to be without patients but nobody at all? Carter walked to the entrance and picked up the phone on the wall.
"Get someone from the medical staff to help Dr. Fraiser!" Kyla said.
Carter waited a few seconds and then talked to someone in a low voice. Kyla didn't strain to hear anything she was far too preoccupied with her dark thoughts. All this was her fault. She had hurt Dr. Fraiser. She hoped that in a few more hours everything would be back to normal. And she hoped that one day she would be back in her own reality. Fraiser moaned and slowly opened her eyes. She looked at Kyla. Her dark brown eyes were unfocused but she tried to sit up.
"Don't move. You're head is hurt. We're waiting for someone to help you."
"I'm fine. Let me go."
Kyla shook her head and held her down.
"Major Carter, I need your help!"
Carter hung up the receiver and came to stand beside Janet's bed.
"Janet, please stay where you are. We still don't know what happened but there's a cut on your head that's still bleeding." She cast a worried look at the piece of cloth in Kyla's hand that was quite red. "As soon as someone has had a look at that you can do whatever you want."
"I'm the medical officer here, I'm the one giving orders."
"Wrong, Janet. You're hurt and I'm ordering you to stay still. And don't try to outrank me, we're equals."
Fraiser sighed and leaned back again. Kyla pressed the cloth onto the cut again. Fraiser wanted to protest but when she saw that Kyla's fingers were sprinkled with blood she gave up and relaxed.
"How are YOU, Kyla?"
"I don't know. I feel in the wrong place. I'm supposed to be lying in bed with you towering over me. I'm the one who should have been hurt."
"Don't worry. We'll manage. Can you hand me the little mirror from over there so I can have a look at myself? I have no idea what happened but there's nobody else in here. Sam, where is everybody?"
"Everything seems to be OK. Hammond said that there was a system overload in the infirmary and a few doors are jammed. That's why we're alone in here. O'Neill, Daniel and Teal'c are still on the other planet, the Stargate's offline at the moment. Hammond says that the Stargate center should be up and running again in no more than two hours. And until they find a way to open the door we're stuck."
"Isn't there supposed to be a backup system that takes over as soon as the external power input breaks down?" Janet asked.
"There is. But to say it the easy way: Some fuses have burnt out and they haven't found where exactly those fuses are. And before they haven't found them and replaced them they can't re-boot the whole system. Can you manage until then?"
Janet nodded and took the mirror Kyla handed her. She looked at the cut on her forehead. The bleeding had slowed down.
"That's just a scratch. What caused it?"
"Nice question. I don't know."
Janet stared at the mirror in her hands.
"I know what caused that. God, I'm lucky to be alive. Where's the scalpel I was holding? Did I manage to get a skin sample?"
"The scalpel was still in your hands. It's on the table over there. And no, you didn't manage to get a skin sample."
"I must've cut myself with the scalpel when you're protection band activated. Can I have a look at it?"
"It's gone. You need something to plaster on the wound."
"What do you mean, it's gone? Show me your arm." Fraiser sat up and the cut on her forehead began bleeding again. "And give me something to cover that cut and some Aspirin."
She gently touched Kyla's wrist while her eyes searched for any sign of the green line. She shot an asking glance at Kyla and Carter. Kyla tried to explain what had happened but it didn't sound very convincing. She told the story Willow had told her, how they had tried the Invisibility Spell and how the band had dissolved in flames. She mentioned the amulet and then a few other things came to her mind.
"When Dr. Jackson is back I'd like to talk to him. I have a theory and I'd like to have his opinion on it."
"You sound like you belong to the team. But maybe I can help you as well," Carter said.
"It's about the amulet. Giles said that the amulet came from an Egyptian God named Osiris who was said to have intense healing powers. This God also created a demon whom he called Soriso – which means smiling in Italian – or is a little like his name backwards. This demon was meant to harm people so he could claim to be the greatest God and heal them all. I know it sounds odd but Giles said that his book said that this amulet once belonged to Osiris before Soriso stole it from him to undo the harm he had caused."
"Doesn't sound like the system lord we know. And not very much like Egyptian mythology. But why not. Maybe Daniel has heard about this. But what's your theory?"
"It's no real theory – just a thought. The amulet sounds a lot like this thing the Goa'uld use to heal wounds even though it looks completely different."
"How does it look?"
"Two snakes biting each other's tail."
"Are they forming the sign of eternity?" Carter asked and Kyla nodded. "That sounds somehow familiar but I can't tell you where I've seen that before. We need to ask Daniel when he comes back."
Janet Fraiser was still holding Kyla's hand and tried to find sign of the green line. Carter came to stand beside her and put something onto the cut on Fraiser's forehead and gave her a bottle with some red and yellow pills from which she took one. Without another word she got up and gently pushed Kyla onto the bed.
"Now you're the patient again and I'm the one giving orders," she said.
"But I'm not ill," Kyla protested.
"Doesn't matter. You're the one with the IV. Now sit down and be a good girl. We have enough time to talk until someone finds a way to open the doors."
Carter sat down on the foot end of the bed and folded her legs in a complicated looking way.
"What? I'm just making myself comfortable," she grinned and Kyla grinned back. She hugged her legs and watched Fraiser dragging a chair towards the bed. She sat down and smiled.
"I think it's time you tell your story again, Kyla, but a little more details this time please."
"Again? Do I really have to? Can't you just ask a few questions? That's a lot easier. You're the specialist concerning wormhole travels here. Don't you have any questions or theories?"
"Theories? Jack's the Star Trek specialist. I'm more the one for the facts. And one fact is that you came through the wormhole with us when we first met. That means that either something went wrong or that it's possible that two wormholes ended in one Stargate what is impossible. No, I don't have any theories."
The lights went off. There were odd noises. Fraiser, Carter and Kyla remained where they were without daring to say something. The light came back on a few minutes later and was much brighter than before. Without having noticed all three of them had held their breath. The phone on the wall rang. Carter jumped up and took the call.
When she came back she informed them that the fuses had been found and all damage would be repaired in less than half an hour.
"The lights will go down again when they reboot the system and then everything will be back to normal. And the Stargate will be functional again. I hope Daniel and the others will be back soon so we can ask them about your theory. Until then we should get organized."
"Organized? What do you mean?"
"You're claiming you're not ill so I guess you wanna get rid of the IV, right?" Carter asked and Kyla nodded. "The wound on Janet's forehead has started bleeding again, you should lie down, Janet! And I'm hungry. Where have you put the tray with the food that Kyla didn't want to eat?"
"You put it away, don't ask me where it is. I can live with getting rid of Kyla's IV but not with lying down, Sam, I'm fine."
"You don't look that way," Kyla interrupted, "Please, at least sit down and stop walking around my bed like a caged animal."
"Sorry," Fraiser mumbled and sat down on a chair. She sighed heavily and closed her eyes. When she opened them again she smiled apologetically and turned towards Kyla. "Give me your arm."
"Do you want to get rid of the IV or not?"
Kyla nodded and her the arm with the needle towards Dr. Fraiser. She gently pushed a piece of cotton onto the needle and gently pulled it out. When she ran her finger over the place where the protection band had been she felt a tingling sensation in her fingertips. She shot an asking glance at Kyla who just shrugged. Fraiser wanted to examine it further but when she touched the skin again it sent out sparks. Fraiser yelped and Kyla drew back her arm and cradled it protectively against her body. It didn't hurt – at least not her. Fraiser's face had turned ashen. Kyla and Sam jumped up at the same time to help Fraiser who slowly slid down from the chair. Sam caught Janet before she hit the ground.
"This can't be true. The next time she wants to examine you – make her STOP before she touched the band, OK?"
Kyla just nodded and watched Carter lifting Fraiser like she was a small child. She laid her onto the bed again and then looked at Kyla who was standing uncomfortably on the other side of the bed.
"Come over here and sit down. I want to take a look at your arm as well. And I won't touch it," she added when she saw the scared look on Kyla's face. Kyla sat down as she was told and held her arm towards Carter. Carter took her hand and turned it in different directions.
"What do you think will happen when we cover your wrist with bandages?"
"I don't know but I will do it myself, OK?"
Samantha Carter nodded and handed her a few bandages from a table which Kyla wrapped around her wrist. Nothing seemed to happen. Carter smiled at her.
"Now let's have something to eat, I'm starving."
Carter got the tray with the food always casting sideway glances at the still unconscious Dr. Fraiser. Kyla grabbed the can with the diet coke and watched Carter eating the curry chicken and the striped dessert. She didn't feel like eating at all. She looked at Fraiser.
"Do you think she will be alright?" Kyla asked and gently pushed a strand of hair off Fraiser's face. Carter nodded, "She will be, I'm sure."
"I feel responsible for everything. I shouldn't have let her touch it again. And it's getting worse each time it happens. She's been out for nearly 10 Minutes now. What if she doesn't wake up again?"
"She will wake up again, Kyla, don't worry about that. She's a tough little woman and she has survived worse things, I'm sure."
Carter took her by the wrist and wanted to pull her from the bed. The protection spell activated again but this time it didn't do anything to Carter but sent Kyla back into unconsciousness. Carter sighed and lifted her up and laid her down onto the bed next to Janet Fraiser. Then she sat down on the chair between them and finished her curry chicken.