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An Imaginative View Of The World 45/?
by CHris
She stumbled out of the Stargate and the doors to sickbay closed behind her. Janeway looked up.
"Ah, there you are, Ensign. What took you so long?"
"Sorry, I had a few stops in other universes."
"Why didn't you contact us?"
"The implant from Dr. Crusher only works in universes where this kind of technology has already been invented."
"Lt. Torres has found a way to use the implant as a homing beacon to bring you back to Voyager if it should become necessary. Have you found out about the coordinates?"
"Aboard the Enterprise NX-01 I got a name but no coordinates. I don't know if this is useful but I couldn't get anything else."
Janeway nodded and B'Elanna moved some instrument over the implant in her arm. She didn't feel anything and had no idea what this was all about but she thought she knew what would be coming. She had to beam once more across the galaxy.
"Finished. We can give it a try. You can ask their position and then come back. Just push the implant twice and you'll be back here if it works."
"What if it doesn't work?"
"Then you'll be on the Enterprise and nothing has happened. A failsafe device. If it can't get you back here it will get you nowhere else. You will stay right where you are. But I hope it will work. You have to believe in my work, Kyla," she grinned. "How's it going? Getting used to the new way of walking?"
"Yeah, kind of. I'm trying not to think about it and it somehow works." She didn't want to admit that she had completely forgotten about it. She wondered what would happen if she returned to the universe where she wasn't able to walk. Would she forget that and try to get up and fall? One could get used to being able to walk again very fast. And somehow she felt guilty about it. Janeway looked at her and Kyla looked at her arm. The implant was there and clearly visible under her skin. It felt somehow funny. She tapped it once and hoped that the Enterprise in the Alpha Quadrant would find her signal and beam her back aboard safely. And if something went wrong completely at least the Voyager universe would be over and maybe the Enterprise universe as well. She only wished she'd had more time to read Giles' diary that Tom had found under her sofa. She dissolved in blue light and even though it seemed to take forever she rematerialized. O'Brien smiled at her.
"Welcome back."
She looked around the room. A transporter room aboard the Enterprise – definitely.
"O'Brien to sickbay. Ensign Parker's back."
"Tell her to wait, I'll be there immediately."
"You heard the doc. You look a little shaken, are you alright?"
"I think so. Being beamed halfway across the universe feels different that beaming short-distance."
The door opened and Dr. Crusher and Data entered the room.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes, Dr. Crusher, I am. This was part of an experiment. Can I speak to Captain Picard? Please?"
"Let's go to my office. I have many questions."
They walked through the ship towards sickbay. She felt like a convict being escorted to her cell. Data was holding her by the arm. She supposed it was meant to be a helping gesture but it really felt different.
"Are you afraid I will run away, Data?"
"No, why?"
"Because you're holding me by the arm."
"I wanted to support you."
"I'm fine, thank you. I can walk on my own."
Dr. Crusher grinned and entered sickbay first. They went into her office and via intercom Kyla was able to talk to Captain Picard. She asked him to give her the ship's position and told her all about the experiment B'Elanna had started. She didn't want to go back there but to her it felt like her duty. She was a Starfleet officer and officers had their duties.
"This experiment sounds very complicated but our position is no secret. We're next to Risa. I hope it works. Are we talking about the implant that Data and Geordie made?"
"Yes, Sir but Lt. Torres somehow improved it so it would work as a homing beacon. And she installed a failsafe device so it wouldn't work at all if something went wrong. So nothing can happen. Either I'll be back aboard Voyager or I'll stay here."
"That sound's good to me. Good lock. Picard out."
His picture disappeared from the screen to be replaced by a Starfleet symbol. Dr. Crusher didn't seem too happy to have to let Kyla go again.
"Hope to be back soon - and I hope it works," she added then she tapped the device in her arm twice. At first nothing happened but then the world turned blue and she dematerialized to rematerialize on the other side of the galaxy again.
"It worked, didn't it?" B'Elanna asked.
"Yes, it did. They're in orbit over Risa. But what does this device do when I'm in a universe where this technology hasn't been invented yet? I have to find my own way home then. And I have to find where home is first. Asking permission to go to my quarters. I need some rest."
"Permission granted. And you're relieved of your duty until further notice if you don't mind."
"That's OK. Anything you don't want me to do?"
"No, Ensign, you're free to do whatever you please but I'd say you would do good to get some rest. No offense, but you look terrible."
"No offense taken."
Kyla smiled and left sickbay. She would spend the evening on the sofa reading Giles' diary and maybe she would be able to change that future. Maybe there would never be something like that. The Hellmouth wouldn't open because she knew where the First Slayer's axe was and she knew what Willow had to do to save them all and – but those were thoughts she had to start thinking once she had managed to find a way to get to her own universe and she had to knew which one her real universe was.
She was standing in front of her now familiar quarters. The door wouldn't open. She asked the computer to check for malfunctions. Nothing happened. She pushed the button again and again. She hadn't heard Harry coming to stand beside her and jumped when he put his hand on her shoulder.
"Are you OK? Do you need help?"
"Don't you ever do this again!" Kyla hissed at him, "You nearly scared me to death. And yes, I could use some help. The door won't open."
Harry pushed the button but nothing happened. He took a tricorder from his belt and ran it over the panel. He pushed a few buttons but nothing happened.
"Are you angry with me for what has happened on the holodeck?"
"No, that was my fault. But there are so many things on my mind I don't have time to think about a relationship if you don't mind." She wasn't ready to admit that she wasn't ready for a relationship with HIM but she didn't want to hurt him. The Kyla from this universe seemed to love him and he seemed to love her but she didn't…
"I'll get some equipment to fix that door. I'll be back in a few minutes."
He left without another word and somehow she had a bad conscience. She tried to open the door again. It didn't react to the buttons she pushed.
"Computer, open the door."
"Unable to comply."
"Unable to comply. Security clearance necessary."
"Ensign Parker to Captain Janeway."
"This is Janeway."
"Sorry to disturb you but the computer says I need security clearance to open the door to my quarters. Harry tried to open the door as well but it didn't work. What am I supposed to do now?"
"Lt. Tuvok and Lt. Torres will be on their way. Stay away from the door. Both of you."
"Yes, ma'am."
Only a few moments later Tuvok and B'Elanna emerged from the turbolift. Both were holding weapons and didn't look very happy. B'Elanna approached the door with her tricorder. It looked different than Harry's tricorder. larger and it obviously knew more – or B'Elanna did.
"Torres to Captain Janeway. Would you please come down to Ensign Parker's quarters? The tricorder says that there's a spatial anomaly behind this door. And can you bring Seven?"
"On my way."
When Janeway and Seven emerged from the turbolift she already felt like she was at the wrong place. Nobody seemed to take notice of her and Harry hadn't come back yet. Maybe she had hurt his feelings. She so much wished to be able to simply go into that room, grab Giles' diary and forget what was happening around her. But she knew that behind that door might be an explanation to what really happened. She had almost forgotten that there had been spatial anomalies because of Tinkerbell and her way of changing universes. And maybe this anomaly would hold the answers. The computer asked for security clearance again but didn't accept Tuvok's clearance. Janeway stepped forward and ordered the computer to open the door. The door opened and everybody stepped back. The door was filled with a blue shimmering light. Kyla smiled. Her way out, her backdoor. She would leave this universe. She stepped forward and wanted to step into the Stargate but Janeway held her back.
"We don't know what it is. Stay away from it," B'Elanna ordered and looked at her tricorder. She frowned.
"This is a stable wormhole," Kyla explained.
"She's right," B'Elanna said after a second look on her tricorder, "How do you know?"
"I know this kind of technology. It's harmless and will bring me to another universe."
"Are you sure? How do you know? Do you think you will be able to take something with you?" B'Elanna asked curiously, still staring at her tricorder.
"I am sure and I know because I have walked through a wormhole like this before. I don't know if I can take something with me but I could try if you let me go."
"I'm not sure if I can risk letting you go through that thing. What if it's not what we think?"
"Please let me go. It's my life I'm risking, isn't it?"
"It is but I'm your commanding officer," Captain Janeway interrupted, "But I'm letting you go anyway. This is a stable wormhole. I haven't seen anything like that before. Is it controlled from somewhere near?"
"There are control stations all over the galaxy. One is stationed on Earth but I'm not sure if this kind of technology is still in use. It was part of a secret experimental series. Do you know what the Cheyenne Mountain complex was used for in the 21st century?"
"Cheyenne Mountain? Wasn't it the beginning of extraterrestrial observation? Somewhere on the North American continent."
"Yes, exactly. It was called Stargate Program. I'm not sure if this information is still classified but I think you should have access to this kind of information."
"I will look this up while you're away. Now go before I change my mind. And good luck."
"Thank you, Captain."
Kyla turned around and stepped into the Stargate.
An Imaginative View Of The World 45/?
by CHris
She stumbled out of the Stargate and the doors to sickbay closed behind her. Janeway looked up.
"Ah, there you are, Ensign. What took you so long?"
"Sorry, I had a few stops in other universes."
"Why didn't you contact us?"
"The implant from Dr. Crusher only works in universes where this kind of technology has already been invented."
"Lt. Torres has found a way to use the implant as a homing beacon to bring you back to Voyager if it should become necessary. Have you found out about the coordinates?"
"Aboard the Enterprise NX-01 I got a name but no coordinates. I don't know if this is useful but I couldn't get anything else."
Janeway nodded and B'Elanna moved some instrument over the implant in her arm. She didn't feel anything and had no idea what this was all about but she thought she knew what would be coming. She had to beam once more across the galaxy.
"Finished. We can give it a try. You can ask their position and then come back. Just push the implant twice and you'll be back here if it works."
"What if it doesn't work?"
"Then you'll be on the Enterprise and nothing has happened. A failsafe device. If it can't get you back here it will get you nowhere else. You will stay right where you are. But I hope it will work. You have to believe in my work, Kyla," she grinned. "How's it going? Getting used to the new way of walking?"
"Yeah, kind of. I'm trying not to think about it and it somehow works." She didn't want to admit that she had completely forgotten about it. She wondered what would happen if she returned to the universe where she wasn't able to walk. Would she forget that and try to get up and fall? One could get used to being able to walk again very fast. And somehow she felt guilty about it. Janeway looked at her and Kyla looked at her arm. The implant was there and clearly visible under her skin. It felt somehow funny. She tapped it once and hoped that the Enterprise in the Alpha Quadrant would find her signal and beam her back aboard safely. And if something went wrong completely at least the Voyager universe would be over and maybe the Enterprise universe as well. She only wished she'd had more time to read Giles' diary that Tom had found under her sofa. She dissolved in blue light and even though it seemed to take forever she rematerialized. O'Brien smiled at her.
"Welcome back."
She looked around the room. A transporter room aboard the Enterprise – definitely.
"O'Brien to sickbay. Ensign Parker's back."
"Tell her to wait, I'll be there immediately."
"You heard the doc. You look a little shaken, are you alright?"
"I think so. Being beamed halfway across the universe feels different that beaming short-distance."
The door opened and Dr. Crusher and Data entered the room.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes, Dr. Crusher, I am. This was part of an experiment. Can I speak to Captain Picard? Please?"
"Let's go to my office. I have many questions."
They walked through the ship towards sickbay. She felt like a convict being escorted to her cell. Data was holding her by the arm. She supposed it was meant to be a helping gesture but it really felt different.
"Are you afraid I will run away, Data?"
"No, why?"
"Because you're holding me by the arm."
"I wanted to support you."
"I'm fine, thank you. I can walk on my own."
Dr. Crusher grinned and entered sickbay first. They went into her office and via intercom Kyla was able to talk to Captain Picard. She asked him to give her the ship's position and told her all about the experiment B'Elanna had started. She didn't want to go back there but to her it felt like her duty. She was a Starfleet officer and officers had their duties.
"This experiment sounds very complicated but our position is no secret. We're next to Risa. I hope it works. Are we talking about the implant that Data and Geordie made?"
"Yes, Sir but Lt. Torres somehow improved it so it would work as a homing beacon. And she installed a failsafe device so it wouldn't work at all if something went wrong. So nothing can happen. Either I'll be back aboard Voyager or I'll stay here."
"That sound's good to me. Good lock. Picard out."
His picture disappeared from the screen to be replaced by a Starfleet symbol. Dr. Crusher didn't seem too happy to have to let Kyla go again.
"Hope to be back soon - and I hope it works," she added then she tapped the device in her arm twice. At first nothing happened but then the world turned blue and she dematerialized to rematerialize on the other side of the galaxy again.
"It worked, didn't it?" B'Elanna asked.
"Yes, it did. They're in orbit over Risa. But what does this device do when I'm in a universe where this technology hasn't been invented yet? I have to find my own way home then. And I have to find where home is first. Asking permission to go to my quarters. I need some rest."
"Permission granted. And you're relieved of your duty until further notice if you don't mind."
"That's OK. Anything you don't want me to do?"
"No, Ensign, you're free to do whatever you please but I'd say you would do good to get some rest. No offense, but you look terrible."
"No offense taken."
Kyla smiled and left sickbay. She would spend the evening on the sofa reading Giles' diary and maybe she would be able to change that future. Maybe there would never be something like that. The Hellmouth wouldn't open because she knew where the First Slayer's axe was and she knew what Willow had to do to save them all and – but those were thoughts she had to start thinking once she had managed to find a way to get to her own universe and she had to knew which one her real universe was.
She was standing in front of her now familiar quarters. The door wouldn't open. She asked the computer to check for malfunctions. Nothing happened. She pushed the button again and again. She hadn't heard Harry coming to stand beside her and jumped when he put his hand on her shoulder.
"Are you OK? Do you need help?"
"Don't you ever do this again!" Kyla hissed at him, "You nearly scared me to death. And yes, I could use some help. The door won't open."
Harry pushed the button but nothing happened. He took a tricorder from his belt and ran it over the panel. He pushed a few buttons but nothing happened.
"Are you angry with me for what has happened on the holodeck?"
"No, that was my fault. But there are so many things on my mind I don't have time to think about a relationship if you don't mind." She wasn't ready to admit that she wasn't ready for a relationship with HIM but she didn't want to hurt him. The Kyla from this universe seemed to love him and he seemed to love her but she didn't…
"I'll get some equipment to fix that door. I'll be back in a few minutes."
He left without another word and somehow she had a bad conscience. She tried to open the door again. It didn't react to the buttons she pushed.
"Computer, open the door."
"Unable to comply."
"Unable to comply. Security clearance necessary."
"Ensign Parker to Captain Janeway."
"This is Janeway."
"Sorry to disturb you but the computer says I need security clearance to open the door to my quarters. Harry tried to open the door as well but it didn't work. What am I supposed to do now?"
"Lt. Tuvok and Lt. Torres will be on their way. Stay away from the door. Both of you."
"Yes, ma'am."
Only a few moments later Tuvok and B'Elanna emerged from the turbolift. Both were holding weapons and didn't look very happy. B'Elanna approached the door with her tricorder. It looked different than Harry's tricorder. larger and it obviously knew more – or B'Elanna did.
"Torres to Captain Janeway. Would you please come down to Ensign Parker's quarters? The tricorder says that there's a spatial anomaly behind this door. And can you bring Seven?"
"On my way."
When Janeway and Seven emerged from the turbolift she already felt like she was at the wrong place. Nobody seemed to take notice of her and Harry hadn't come back yet. Maybe she had hurt his feelings. She so much wished to be able to simply go into that room, grab Giles' diary and forget what was happening around her. But she knew that behind that door might be an explanation to what really happened. She had almost forgotten that there had been spatial anomalies because of Tinkerbell and her way of changing universes. And maybe this anomaly would hold the answers. The computer asked for security clearance again but didn't accept Tuvok's clearance. Janeway stepped forward and ordered the computer to open the door. The door opened and everybody stepped back. The door was filled with a blue shimmering light. Kyla smiled. Her way out, her backdoor. She would leave this universe. She stepped forward and wanted to step into the Stargate but Janeway held her back.
"We don't know what it is. Stay away from it," B'Elanna ordered and looked at her tricorder. She frowned.
"This is a stable wormhole," Kyla explained.
"She's right," B'Elanna said after a second look on her tricorder, "How do you know?"
"I know this kind of technology. It's harmless and will bring me to another universe."
"Are you sure? How do you know? Do you think you will be able to take something with you?" B'Elanna asked curiously, still staring at her tricorder.
"I am sure and I know because I have walked through a wormhole like this before. I don't know if I can take something with me but I could try if you let me go."
"I'm not sure if I can risk letting you go through that thing. What if it's not what we think?"
"Please let me go. It's my life I'm risking, isn't it?"
"It is but I'm your commanding officer," Captain Janeway interrupted, "But I'm letting you go anyway. This is a stable wormhole. I haven't seen anything like that before. Is it controlled from somewhere near?"
"There are control stations all over the galaxy. One is stationed on Earth but I'm not sure if this kind of technology is still in use. It was part of a secret experimental series. Do you know what the Cheyenne Mountain complex was used for in the 21st century?"
"Cheyenne Mountain? Wasn't it the beginning of extraterrestrial observation? Somewhere on the North American continent."
"Yes, exactly. It was called Stargate Program. I'm not sure if this information is still classified but I think you should have access to this kind of information."
"I will look this up while you're away. Now go before I change my mind. And good luck."
"Thank you, Captain."
Kyla turned around and stepped into the Stargate.