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Disclaimer: In first chapter.

Chapter 4

Miss Parker saw how white Broots’ face became after the phone call. Something happened. She snapped her fingers in front of him to get his attention. He flinched at the snapping. “What did they say?” She asked.

“They...I’m suppose...I heard a gunshot over the phone. Debbie knows where they’re keeping her, but she didn’t have a chance to tell me. A gunshot then came over the line.” He stopped talking and looked out the kitchen window. When he turned back around, there were tears coming down his face. “I don’t know if she’s alive or...God, I don’t even want to think about the other possibility.”

Jarod came walking over to Broots and put a hand on his shoulder. “We just have to hope for the best.” Trying to change the subject he asked, “What else did they say?”

Broots rubbed the back of his neck. “The original plan was for me to leave after Miss Parker was shot. I was then told to go meet one of the kidnapper’s men at the high school parking lot. However, since I never did make it there, they became suspicious. That’s what that phone call was about.” He looked over at Miss Parker and commented, “I had to lie and say that you were dead. I was surprised that he would believe me. But, now there are new plans.”

Miss Parker was afraid to ask. She didn’t like the look on Broots’ face. “What are they?”

“He told me that he already had a back up plan in case the plans changed. There’s already a body bag waiting in the trunk of your SUV. I’m expected to take the SUV, with you in tow, and drive out to Blue Ridge Lake. There, I’m supposed to meet with more men. When they are convinced that you’re dead, I’m suppose to roll the SUV with you inside, into the lake. I don’t know what happens after that.” Broots leaned against the wall and said, “Oh yeah, we now have...25 minutes left to get there.”

While Broots was talking, Jarod was thinking of all the possible ways to fool the kidnappers. He could use drugs to somehow hide her pulse, but that was out of the question. For one, it could be dangerous, and two, they didn’t have enough time to get any. There was only one possibility he could think of. It would have to work. Letting out a deep sigh he said, “I have plan that might work.”


It was still raining cats and dogs outside. The thunder and lightening rolled across the black, saturated sky. Broots navigated the SUV to the lake with little problems. He parked the car at the spot and waited. He looked out of the driver’s side window and watched the rain whip up against the glass. There seemed to be no peace around him, just chaos. He hoped that Jarod’s plan would work. If it didn’t, they all could die. When he noticed the headlights coming up the hill, he stepped out of the SUV. Before leaving he commented to the other occupants, “It’s show time.”

Miss Parker heard the door slam. She tried to control her breathing, but it just seemed to get quicker. It didn’t help matters that she was zipped up in the body bag. Jarod poked some holes in the bag to help her breathe a little better. She could feel her palms becoming sweaty; she needed to control her body temperature somehow. If they opened the bag and saw her face covered with sweat, they would know she was alive. Taking the Kleenex she had in her hand, she dabbed her face with it, trying to keep herself dry.

She hated depending on other people for help. Yet, here she was, hoping Jarod would be able to get her and Broots out of this situation. His plan seemed simple. Once he was done putting holes in the body bag, he then set upon making her look dead. The only substitute they could come up with for blood in a short amount of time was a bottle of ketchup in her refrigerator. Jarod squirted it all over her front shirt. She could smell the faint aroma in the bag. Hopefully, the kidnappers wouldn’t notice the smell.

Once Jarod was done with her shirt. He decided to add a little more. Taking some chicken from the refrigerator, he peeled the skin off and placed it on her neck. He then added more ketchup along her throat, letting it slide down. It was to make sure the kidnappers wouldn’t check her pulse. They just hoped they wouldn’t check her wrist. When they opened the body bag, it would look like she was shot, but also her neck would be slashed. It was probably overkill, but they had to try.

The next part of the plan was what she feared the most. She was in a helpless situation. The only person that could save her would be Jarod. She didn’t like putting her life in other people’s hands. But, if she did, she was glad that it was Jarod. He would never let her down. She was about to call out to him when she heard the trunk door open.

Her body went rigid when she heard the unfamiliar voices. She slowed down her breathing. Her heart was like a drum in her chest. She could hear the beats getting louder in her ears. ‘Get control of yourself, Parker,’ she thought to herself. As she got her breathing under more control, she felt a hand push down on her head as the bag slowly unzipped.

Broots watched the three men like a hawk. They unzipped the bag slowly, revealing the top half of Miss Parker. He was taken aback by her appearance. She looked dead to the world.

The largest man of the group was the supposed leader. He had a southern accent when he talked. “Why’d you cut her throat for?” He asked while chewing on a toothpick.

Broots gave a nervous smile. Looking him straight in the eyes he answered, “I wanted to make sure that she was truly dead. Now, where’s my daughter? Is she okay?”

The southern man just smiled at him. “They say patience is a virtue, if I’m not mistaken. You’ll get your answer when we feel that your end of the bargain was upheld.” Turning to the man closest to Miss Parker he commanded, “Check her.” The man did as he was told.

He climbed in the back and bent over Miss Parker. Bending his head down closer to her, he looked at her intently. The young man didn’t look comfortable doing this. The man was about to check her pulse on her neck, but then brought his hands back up.

The southern man was starting to get annoyed. “What’s the problem? Don’t tell me you can’t handle this. Stop being a sissy and do it.”

The young man gave him a confused look. “Her neck is so torn up. I don’t know if I’ll be able to check for a pulse.” He paused for a moment, then his face lit up with an idea. Digging into his pockets, he brought out his sunglasses.

Broots didn’t know what the sunglasses were for. Trying to warn Miss Parker he asked, “What are the sunglasses for?”

“I’m going to put these under her nose. You better hope they don’t fog up.” The young man then put the glasses under her nose.

It seemed like time stood still. Broots didn’t realize he was holding his breath, until the young man pulled the glasses away from her nose.

The southern man walked more closely to the SUV. “So, did they fog up?”

"No, they didn’t.” The young man looked down at the woman lying before him. He didn’t want to touch a dead body, but knew he had too. Taking a deep breath, he reached out for her wrist.

Broots could feel the panic rising in him. He had to do something. “Hey, she’s dead. I want to get the hell out of here. I passed a cop car when coming up the hill, I don’t’ want to take a chance of him coming back.”

The southern man seemed to contemplate Broots’ words. Turning back towards the younger man he ordered, “Wait a minute.” He then walked over to the car they drove in. The driver’s side window went down, revealing a silhouette of a man. Broots tried to listen but the wind and distance between them made it virtually impossible.

After about a minute the southern man came back. “Well, it appears you’re telling the truth. My associate just told me that the police are out an about in this area, looking for a bank robber.” While still looking at Broots he shouted to the younger man, “Forget it. She’s dead. Let’s get this over with.”

The younger man seemed to hesitate. Broots was becoming more nervous with each passing second. Finally, the younger man started to maneuver himself out of the back. He was half way out when he stopped. “Wait just a damn minute.” He then jumped back in and hovered over Miss Parker’s face.

Broots and the southern man walked over to the SUV. “What is it now?” The southern man yelled over the wind and rain.

“Look.” The younger man pointed at a droplet of water running down Miss Parker’s face. Looking at Broots with more determination he commented, “Now I don’t know about you, but I’ve never heard of dead people sweating.”

Sounding nonchalant Broots replied back, “Will you give it up? She’s dead. The water obviously came from you. As you can see, it’s like a monsoon out here. Some of the rainwater most likely dropped off your clothes onto her.”

The young man didn’t look convinced. He looked up at the leader. “I’ve got a feeling that we’re being played for fools right now.”

Broots could tell the southern man was starting to get pissed. “I don’t care what you think. We did are tests. The boss man seems to be happy with the results.” Grabbing the man roughly by the arm, he pulled him out of the SUV. “Next time I give you an order you better follow through, got it? No questions asked.” He then pushed the young man down into a puddle of mud. Closing the door he looked at Broots. “Well, you know what to do next?”

Broots nodded his head and went over to the driver’s side. Sitting in the seat, he turned around. From underneath a blanket, Jarod gave him thumbs up. Broots gave him a weak smile and then turned back around. He unlocked the emergency brake and then put the car in neutral. Getting out of the car, he pushed on the driver’s side while the three men pushed from the back. When they got enough momentum, Broots stepped away from the automobile and watched it slowly roll down the hill towards the lake.

Muttering under his breath he said, “Good luck you two.” Turning around, he headed back up the hill.

To Be Continued...

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