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Disclaimer : The Pretender and all character associated with it belongs to NBC and 20th Century Fox. I'm not making any money out of this and no infringement is intended.

Whatever It Takes
Part XII



She slept a dream-filled, distrubing slumber in which subconcious images took hold and came for her like phantasms. Pursed and hounded, she tossed and turned, the pillow saturated with sweat, she awoke with a start to stare into green eyes.

"Dreams haunt you. Don't they?" the tiny voice whispered.

"Destiny," Miss Parker spoke groggily,"What are you doing here?"

"I felt your panic. So I thought that maybe I could help. Wanna talk?"she says solemnly.

"No!"Parker snaps, perhaps to quickly, for she watches Destiny's tiny features become pinched and drawn,"Sorry, its just that you startled me."

"It's all right to ask for help. Even if the person you need is the one you least expected it to be," Destiny replies as she scoochs up closer to Miss Parker. Brushing Parker's dank, dark hair away from her face, Destiny places tiny hands on Parker's cheeks, looking deeply into troubled blue eyes, she quickly kisses her forehead and rubs noses.

"A trademark," Parker asks, a small grin on her lips.

"Yep,"came the quick reply," Now come to my room and tuck me in, or else Momma will scold me for distrubing you this late at night."

So the two figures emerge from the bedroom and silently pad down the darkened hallway to the door from which under one can spot a crack of soft light. Opening the door slowly, Parker surveys a typical child's room, white dressers, a white canopy bed, and toys strewn all over the floor.

"You really should pick this place up," she says, treading carefully.

"Not you too! You sound like Momma and Nanna," the little girl says as she crawls into her bed and pats it for Parker to sit. Taking her place where Destiny just patted, Parker draws the mauve colored sati coverlet up to her chin and then stares at the child, remembering when her own mother would tuck her in at night. As she is about to rise from the bed, the child grabs hold of Parker's hand.

"You forgot something," the small voice whispers.

"What?" Parker replies cautious, yet curious.

"Trademark?" the little girl's eyes glitter and she smiles," Agoodnight kiss."

This reply and the fact that Destiny even taps her right cheek startles Parker. She is known as the Ice Queen at the Centre and here is this child wanting a kiss from her. Quickly brushing her lips lightly on the child's cheek, Parker starts to rise from the bed, when Destiny tightens her hold on the hand she still clasps.

"Dreams haunt him too!" the child murmurs and rolls onto her side and closes her eyes and releases Parker's hand.

Parker rises from the bed, and switches out the light on the nightstand, yet she did not head in the direction of her bedroom, but down the stairs to the small study, instead. Releasing the lock, she opens the door noiselessly and slips out into the night. A gentle wisp of wind blows against her face, cool and filled with the scent of freshly turned earth. She stands for a moment staring out into the shadows, then makes her way around the alcove to the gardens in back. Night sounds fill the stillness, with a steady cadence of unseen forest life. At the rim of the gardens, beneath the row of old oaks, Parker stops and looks about.

As if willed by her thoughts, Jarod appears out of the shadows. Somehow she knew he would, he always did. He drifts soundlessly from behind the oak to stand before her.

"Couldn't you sleep, Parker?" Jarod asks in low tone.

Inhaling sharply, Parker glances away from his penatrating gaze.

"I could ask you the same thing," she finally says.

"And I will freely admit that sleep never comes easy for me. I usually have to worry about a team of sweepers, lead by a relentless huntress, finding me and taking me back to a franchise that was purchased with innocent blood from the devil, " he walks closer to her.

"Well, there are no sweepers and the huntress is tired of the hunt at the moment. It may change depending on what your girlfriend has to tell me in the morning," Parker challenges.

"Oh, I think what Beth has to reveal to you will be very . . . " Jarod stops mid-sentence and starts to laugh softly, continuing to advance even closer to Parker.

"What is so funny?" Parker fumes.

"The conclusion that you drew from a tiny kiss on the lips. I wonder what you would think if. . ."

"If what????"

With that he hooks Parker around her waist, pulling her close, then as quick as lightning his lips find tender, plaint and eager ones.

Peering out a window from the top floor of the house, a figure watches and smiles.

"It's a beginning, Catherine. It's a beginning., " Beth spoke to no one in particular.

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