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Disclaimer : The Pretender and all character associated with it belongs to NBC and 20th Century Fox. I'm not making any money out of this and no infringement is intended.

Whatever It Takes
Part X



"Jarod, its good to see you," Beth says softly, planting a chaste kiss on his lips. Parker felt a sense of resentment well up in her, as she watched this stranger kiss lips, that she longed to kiss again.

"Good to see you too, Beth. I wish it were under different circumstances, for both of you," Jarod replies, the tension in the room rising quickly,

"Shall I take Destiny to Nanna."

"I wish you could but Nanna's ill, so if you wouldn't mind playing babysitter for awhile. I know she was anxious for you to return.Something a about a new program for the computer," Beth states, then smiles apologetically.

"No problem. Come on elf. So you have a new program to show me?" Jarod answers the woman, then addressed the child with a grin.

"Grownups, go figure." Destiny remarks rolling her green eyes, then slips her hand into his,"Not you, never you. Too much child left in you, Jarod. Too much."

"Charming," Parker retorts, an edge in her voice, residue left from the resentment she felt at Beth's familiarity with Jarod.

"Not always," Beth remarks, and gestures for Parker to take a seat on the small brown sofa located in front of the heavily-curtained floor length windows. Each stare at the other, unfortunately one was at a disadvantage on reading the others feelings, yet how to broach the subject that needed to be addressed was proving difficult. Considering that subject was Catherine Parker, a woman loved by both.

"Did you enjoy play-acting yesterday?" Parekr asks breaking the tension in the room, first.

"Precautions, Parker. Just a cautionary measure on my part. To make sure that no one from the Centre followed. I detest sweepers, that's why. It's how I managed to stay alive, since Catherine got me out of hell."

There it was out in the open.The name had been said, it was now up to Parker. Her name came alive in that small room for both of them, although each had different memories, unshared.

"So that was how you managed to escape detection, pretending, when all the others are dead, but you know that don't you?" Parker spat sarcastically.

Parker's accusation stung, and Beth flushed, irritated that this woman could presume that the others meant nothing to her.

"Yes, I knew they were all dead. Each time one died, it was like a bit of myself died too. Do you think I enjoyed doing nothing? But that's for you to decide. Believe me or not? I care not what you think of me. Although she had hoped to raise us together as sisters," her obsidian eyes darkened yet held Parker's ice blue, insinuating and persuasive. Parker saw only the truth in them.

"Okay. I believe you," She finally said.

"Memories haunt us both. Memories of your mother and what had been. For me, its memories of Raines and what could have been. Ghostly images of the past, of times and places and events that will never be agian. They are bittersweet, Parker. A reminder, both of happiness shared and of it briefness. Time is precious but fleeting. Therefore, those at the Centre need to be held accountable for their misdeeds and pay, and without you it can't be done," Beth said wearily.

"Why me? You and Jarod along with Destiny could fight the Centre," Parker says.

Beth reachs over and gently places her hand on Parker's and looks deep into those ice blue eyes and into that place that as been locked away since her mother died.

"It is fated that her child destroy that which destroyed her. It was your picture that scared the hell out of Raines that last time, Parker," Beth whispered quietly, "There so much more that you need to hear, but its late. Let's continue in the morning."

"Please, I need to know." Parker pleads.

"Yes, you do, but you will need a clear head and strong heart for what is next. I have much to explain to you, especially what Catherine did in the last two months of her life. She did not go about rescuing children blindly. She realized the dangers and ramifications if caught," Beth said as she rose from the sofa, " Come on Parker, there is a room awaiting you."

Parker also rose from the sofa, reluctant for the meeting to end, for she had so many questions that needed to be anwsered.

"Soon, I promise!" Beth said.

I need feedback on this part it was hard to write and hard to stop where I did. So please let me know.

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