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Disclaimer is in part 1. I don't own them, make no money off of them, only play with them because I suffer from Pretender syndrome, or the lack thereof.

Hell To Pay
part III
by Trisha

"Miss Parker," a soft soothing voice spoke, gently shaking her shoulder. Opening her eyes, she blinked to focus them, the glare of the lights harsh. It took her a few moments to gather her thoughts and remember just where she was. A hospital. Jarod. Shot. Looking up, she saw a young woman dressed in a pink smock, white pants and a stethoscope draped around her neck.

"He's up from recovery. Miss Parker, he's in ICU. Dr. Green is with him at the moment."

Parker stared at the nurse, allowing a moment to gather her strength, before she extricated herself from the imitation leather chair. Fu**ing uncomfortable, she noted.

"I have to warn you, he's still critical. We're having trouble keeping him stabilized. He seems to have given up," the nurse said, as they walked down the dimmly light corridor to the green double doors, posted with a sign that read- Intensive Care Unit. Parker entered this netherworld, not really sure of how she would react once she saw him. In her mind's eye, she pictured him sitting up in bed, that sanctimonious grin on his face, his brown eyes twinkling, and his voice asking her,"Aw! Miss Parker, I didn't know you cared." Damn him.

The nurse indicated the last room on the left, the curtains were drawn and the door closed. Steeling herself for the sight that would greet her, she slowly opened the door. The room was bathed in a gray-blue haze, the lights dim and casting skeletal shadows on the walls. The shadows, Parker realized belonged to the machinery that surrounded his bed. So many tubes and wires ran from machine to his body that Parker had to look away, if only briefly. The only noises came from the machines that were attached to him, his heartbeat was zigzaging on the monitor, the respirator hummed and she could see his chest rise and fall with each compression. This was not right, he should not be here, her mind screamed. A shadow moved, different from the others, Syndey. Seated next to his fragile body, his hand placed over the one that was boarded and taped, with needles and tubes nourishing him, sat theman that had been like a father to him, hell to both of them.

"Syd," her voice cracked," How long have you been here?"

"Since they brought him up from recovery. They lost him again, Parker," turning his head towards her, his eyes full of pain and anguish. Jarod was like a son to him, although he would never admit it to her, she knew that Sydney secretly hoped that Jarod would escape the world of the Centre and find that which he sought. His family.

"Why don't you go get some rest? I'll sit with him for a while. And call Broots, make up some excuse as to why we're gone. I talked it over with Captain Scott and the media won't release his name. That's all we would need right now, a team of sweepers and my lunatic brother trying to take him back to the Centre. I won't let him go back there, not like this," she stopped herself, when she saw the surprised and shocked look on Syndey's face. A small smile escaped, if only briefly.

" If you tell him I said that, I'll deny it and make sure your remaining days here on earth a living hell. Do you understand me, Syd."

"Loud and clear, Miss Parker," the older man said, as he offered her the chair, he previously occupied. Parker watched the heavy hospital door shut behind him, before turning to the person that lay on the bed.

"Damn it, Jarod!!! What the hell were you thinking? Not wearing a vest. Sometimes for a genius, you can be pretty dumb," she placed her hand on his, it was cool to the touch. Shuddering slightly, she reached up and cupped his cheek, that also cool to her touch," You can't die, do you hear me? I can't afford to lose anyone else. To many have left me alone. I'll never forgive you if you do?" she blinked back the tears that had welled up in her eyes. It was to late, they spilled over her lower lashes and coursed down her cheeks, hitting his arm.

Sitting across from the bed, on the window sill's ledge, unseen by anyone, was a ghostly shade. Jarod's shade. He watched and smiled. He was right, his friend still existed. If anyone could have seen him, they would have been amused at what the shade did next. Rising slowly, he made his way to where his friend sat and whispered softly, " I always knew you cared, Mis Parker."

With that said, the infernal machine that monitored his heart---flatlined.

"No," she screamed, as the room burst with activity,as she was being pushed out the door, she whispered softly," Fight, damn it, fight."

She watched as the doctor grabbed the paddles and called out the number of jules needed to bring him back. Back to her, she thought, as the door closed leaving her to wait and wonder. She needed him, the realization hit hard and fast. She tried to look to her future. To a future without him and everytime she did, he was there. He couldn't die, he just couldn't. She needed to understand these feelings and emotions that swirled in her, causing her stomach to tighten in knots at the fear of losing him.

"Please God," she whispered, wondering if it was to late to ask for help.

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