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Disclaimer: “The Pretender” and its characters do not belong to me they belong to TNT and NBC and are being used without permission. Please don’t sue because I have no money.

Going, Going, Gone
By: 24

He stepped into the room where two people were seated at the table. One was sitting in front of a computer and the other had a paper in front of him and had a tape recorder in front of him. They had called on him first while the others were still in the waiting room.

“Jarod, please sit down.”

Jarod sat down on the chair the man indicated. He looked around before settling back at the two men.

“I’m Agent Michaels and this is Agent Miller.” The tall blonde haired man introduced himself and the man sitting in front of the computer.

“Jarod, I want to know everything that you can tell us. We have looked over the files, but we need your statements. Before you tell us anything is it okay for us to tape you?”

“I don’t mind.”

The man reached over and started the tape.

“What is your earliest memory of the Centre?”

“I was a small boy I really don’t know how old I was. Maybe four or so. I was never allowed to know how old I was, or my last name.”

“Okay. What was the first thing you did there?”

“I built the empire state building out of legos. They showed me a picture of it and I was supposed to build it.”

“Who do you remember seeing?”

“Sydney was the first person I saw inside the Centre. It wasn’t until later that I saw Miss Parker.”

“I want you to tell us how you met Miss Parker.”

“It was during a simulation. I was behind a plastic structure and she came in. She walked towards me and when she stopped in front of me I said you’re a girl.”

“Why did you say that?”

“Because I’ve been isolated for a while and I guess I forgot what a female looked like. After that we became friends.”

“Can you tell us everything else about Miss Parker, Sydney and the others.”

“Miss Parker’s mom was shot and we thought she was dead, but it turned out that, that was a lie. We were still friends and then her father sent her to boarding school. That’s the last that I saw of her. When I escaped from the Centre I still kept in contact with her giving her clues to her past and just talking to her. She’s still my friend. It was later we found out that we share a brother named Ethan. Sydney was my caretaker, or mentor while I was inside the Centre. He was in charge of my simulations. I looked up to him as a father figure and I still do. He was the only father that I ever knew. I also kept in contact with him and led him to his son who he had no idea existed. There’s Broots who I helped get custody of his daughter for him. He’s a good father to his little girl. Then there’s Sam. I recently found out that he’s tired of all the stuff that goes around in the Centre and helped get some evidence out. There was my brother who I met while in the Centre and had no idea he was my brother. It was a year later when I escaped that I found out the little boy that I accidentally spilt acid on was my brother. He was a pretender too. I thought that it was water in the vial and poured it on his hand, but then I found out that it was acid. It was also years later that he was gunned down by Miss Parker’s twin brother. Then there’s Gemini my clone. It was years ago that I did a cloning simulation not knowing that it would be used on me. I recently found out that his name is Jeremy. I also have a sister named Emily that I never knew that I had until a year later. I didn’t know that there were other pretenders until the end of my captivity. There was Alex and Eddie, but both of them died, or at least that I think Alex died. He killed Eddie before I could do anything. That was years later that I found Eddie before he died. He was a part of the NSA and he was allowed to have a family and stay in one spot. He wasn’t being chased. Then there’s Angelo. He was a little boy named Timmy until Mr. Raines used electroshock therapy to take away his mind and make him into an empath named Angelo. I also have the DSA’s that I stole from the Centre. They were recordings of what my life was like inside the Centre and of my simulations.”

“We may need to see them.”


“Thank you, Jarod.”

“You’re Welcome.”

“If we need anything else we’ll bring you back, or we’ll call you.”

“Can I say something else?”

“Go ahead.”

“Can you please not put Miss Parker, Sydney, Sam, or Broots in jail or prison? It wasn’t their fault in what they did. Miss Parker’s mother was shot and killed before we found out that she wasn’t dead because she tried to get the children out of the Centre. She tried to get me, Miss Parker and Angelo out of the Centre, but she died before that could happen. Sydney’s twin brother was put into a coma because he tried to help Mrs. Parker get the children out. Sam was threatened by the lives of his family to keep him in line. Broots is a good father and he daughter was being threatened too. Please don’t do anything to them.”

“I will give that some consideration Jarod, but I can’t promise anything. Thank you. You are a good friend. You are free to go. Go ahead and wait in the waiting room.”


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