Reviews For Blindsided
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Title: Chapter 2

The chapters are so concise and well written. It is over so quickly and I'm left aching for more. I hope Parker will help him. I want a happy ending. I hope she can get the charges dropped or steal him from the police. Can they be together please?

Author's Response:

"Steal him from the police" was her plan all along, I think.

Wait. You want Parker and Jarod to be together? Together inside the Centre, you mean? With Parker in charge? And Jarod running simulations? Parker with a whip? Jarod on his knees? Or-- like, together together doing adult stuff in bed?

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: Sela Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25/01/22 10:48 pm
Title: Chapter 1

This. Oh no Jarod is in trouble now. The way the agencies all communicate now he can't hide from this.

Reviewer: Sela Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25/01/22 10:45 pm
Title: Chapter 2

Please don't stop here. I love the criminal suspense drama and I love Pretender. This is winning combination.

Author's Response:

Thanks,  Jake.

Reviewer: Jake Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18/01/22 11:09 pm
Title: Chapter 2

Miss Parker shines here. I wasn't expecting two chapters in addition to all of the other stories you are writing at the moment, not to mention the short short you recently gave us that I will be reviewing next. Brilliant!

Author's Response:

Hi, Daniel, thank you for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: Daniel P Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18/01/22 10:31 pm
Title: Chapter 1

Top notch! You're a powerhouse take-no-prisoners author with a voice I can't ignore, and this story, like all of your stories, is a compelling one. You also have command of the story and the literary know-how and skill required to complete your stories and I appreciate that.

Reviewer: Daniel P Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18/01/22 10:29 pm
Title: Chapter 1

Ooooh. Powerful. You know how to yank the reader in immediately. The first sentence makes me want to read more. Another thing is you have a really great mind's eye for illustrating the words with words. What I mean is that I read you and the scene plays out like a movie in my head for me. I don't see that much in fanfic. I don't see it much in books either. I was so absorbed in the story that I almost forgot to even notice how well the characters are fleshed out and recognizable. I don't know if you climbed inside Jarod and Parker's mind or if they climbed inside yours. I think the characters have decided to live with you. It's so wild. Some of your writing has scared me and I hope that doesn't offend you or anything. Having that sweet stage front  ticket can be a blessing but when things get dark in your stories it can get scary and uncomfortable, like when I went to see the Dangerous Liasions play and our very own Michael T. Weiss played that skeevy predator. I should have sat way in the back. I was so flushed in the face that I feared I was the one people were watching. I hope the actors don't read these reviews! I will die of embarassment. I'm grateful you are writing for the fandom, for this webpage, that The Pretender is still alive and well at least in one small space in the world. Please don't let it die. It's all some of us have.

Reviewer: lisa Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/01/22 09:16 pm
Title: Chapter 2

Parker is spectacular inn't she? You write her better than anyone. I know she's helping herself here because it's her job to capture Jarod but it's still nice that she's trying to help him too. I know she walks a crooked line. Your descriptive work is fabulous too. A definite ten rating.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much for reading and reviewing, Shauna. Parker does walk a crooked line.

Reviewer: shauna Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/01/22 05:16 am
Title: Chapter 1

Gripping first chapter. I'm impressed and can't wait to see where you're taking us.

Reviewer: shauna Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/01/22 05:14 am
Title: Chapter 2

LOVE that Miss Parker comes in like a freaking wrecking ball. This has a noir flavor but not too much. You really write these characters exceptionally well and your story telling ability is-- beyond perfect. I want more.

Author's Response:

Aw, thanks, Xena.

Reviewer: Xena Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/01/22 04:55 am
Title: Chapter 1

I am blindsided by this. Wow! Amazing.

Reviewer: Xena Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/01/22 04:53 am
Title: Chapter 1

Just noticed that some people are reviewing each chapter separately? I didn't know. I love them both.

Reviewer: Felicia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12/01/22 09:40 pm
Title: Chapter 2

Wows! Just read both chapters and whoa like a train they go by so fast and now I crave more and I know your little fingers are busy typing more right now... right? Right? Say yes.

Author's Response:

Thank you, Felicia.

Reviewer: Felicia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12/01/22 09:39 pm
Title: Chapter 2

2 chapters? Now that's something wonderful. You do treat us well and gift us with multiple chapters sometimes and I am so appreciative right now. My heart is filled by the appearance of Miss Parker as I remember her. You always get it right and I don't know how that's possible. You haven't made a deal with satan? Or are you a witch? Do tell. Most importantly write more for us.

Author's Response:

Nope. No crossroads deal for me. I'd be demanding a refund if I had. It's only fanfic. Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: Ricky Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10/01/22 09:03 pm
Title: Chapter 1

Ahhhh. You're the one I always come back to. Why, young lady? Why do I always get pulled back in? It's because you capture the dynamics of all the characters so well and write so profoundly and brilliantly. I can't give you up. You've got that something that great authors have and it's rare and precious and I feel fortunate that you chose to channel your natural talents through this fandom even though this fandom consists of maybe a couple hundred people, most who are in their sixties by now! I see the younger kids on twitter talking about you and the fandom so you are defnitely doing something right to make this more than just a nostalgia thing. I'm serious. You're talented.

You seem to not hate Jarod at all. I think I used to believe you hated him and that you were't fond of Michael T Weiss either but now I think I confused you with Miss Parker. I get the not fangirling thing. I don't expect you to fawn. I'm just glad there's no hate. I know you said it in review answers that you don't hate anyone but... that's something people say and don't mean. I think the fact that you don't use emojis can be offputting and people don't know what your tone is and think you're being sarcastic. I noticed in reviews that I'm not the only person realizing that you're just normal and that because you don't fawn it doesn't mean that you hate. You said something like that before, like why does it have to be one of the other. Sorry for going maybe off topic but it's not really off topic if he's the chacaracter and actorr. Love your writing and that you continue to share with us 

Reviewer: Ricky Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10/01/22 09:00 pm
Title: Chapter 2

I love the wit, intelligence, and excitement you pack into each story. The pages are already flying so to speak. I eagerly await future chapters!

Author's Response:

Thank you for the rather generous review, Sammi.

Reviewer: Sammi Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/01/22 12:26 am
Title: Chapter 1

Thank you.

You are a breath of fresh air.

Reviewer: Sammi Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/01/22 12:20 am
Title: Chapter 2

...and there you go besting yourself. I *thought* the first chapter was amazing... the second chapter is even more amazing. Miss Parker in the house!

Author's Response:

Thanks, Joni.

Reviewer: Joni Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/01/22 03:01 am
Title: Chapter 1

Intriguing and terrifying first chapterr. This is my kind of start to the new year. The lights, the anger on the faces, Jarod abused by the cops... ahhh I see, hear, taste, feel it all. I need more.

Reviewer: Joni Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/01/22 02:59 am
Title: Chapter 2

Stunning second chapter. I was almost afraid that it was Miss Parker that was missing even though it was pretty clear it was a different pair of blue eyes. This made me so relieved. Miss Parker is on her game here. Strong but not overdone or pretentious. I love it. Quite the mystery-suspence crime thriller in play here. I hope you'll update soon.

Author's Response:

Thank you for reading and the much-too generous review.

Reviewer: Con-O Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/01/22 12:49 am
Title: Chapter 1

Top notch mate. Short chapters but I can appreciate the quality over quantity any time. You continue to amaze me.

Reviewer: Con-O Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/01/22 12:46 am
Title: Chapter 1

Hell of a page turner Mirage. Congats!

Reviewer: Gretchen Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 04/01/22 09:50 pm
Title: Chapter 2

Miss Parker coming in completely in control. I love that Jarod and other men support her story arc in your stories and not the other way. We often see women only empowering the men but she's clearly here to retrieve Jarod for her own benefit and I love that she's attorney and sent by the ACLU. I love that Jarod donates stolen Centre money to the ACLU. I love the ACLU if ya didn't know. I can't imagine how this will move forward but you haven't ever let me down and I don't think you'll start now. I also want to say how much I love that Jarod finally got in a mess he couldn't get himself out of and with the breaking news and social media there would be no easy way out this time. I think, as in your Happenstance masterpiece that other agencies would also want him when they realize he's worked for and with them and impersonated them in the past. I hope you will continue this. I know you have many that seem or seem to me are close to being finished and as sad as I am to see them end I always want more. Happy new year.

Author's Response:

Who doesn't love the ACLU? Thank you for reading and reviewing, Amelia.

Reviewer: Amelia Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 31/12/21 09:47 pm
Title: Chapter 1

Thank you for another story that already has me craving more. As an author I find it difficult to write so that the reader can see my vision, but you don't have that problem. I see and feel the lights and fear and the injuries inflicted on Jarod by the police. I also always enjoy immensely that I recognize these characters I know and love and how well you flesh them out. You're a paragon Mirage.

Reviewer: Amelia Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 31/12/21 09:40 pm
Title: Chapter 1

Ooooh!! Love. Will need more of this soon. Thank you for your talent and sharing.

Reviewer: Jana Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 30/12/21 11:10 pm
Title: Chapter 2

So now I'm in jail. Mirage Mirage Mirage why don't you like me? Why do you hate me? I'm the good guy. The GOOD guy. I have to be innocent. I'm innocent. I've always been innocent. You write amazingly well and your writing voice is powerful and you are probably my favorite but I am good and you need to remember that. I only removed one person's kidney without their consent and... ok at least I didn't eat the kidney like Lyle would do because he is a really bad person. You have to like me. I'm not completely good but at least I'm not Lyle. Update soon please.

Author's Response:

Ah, I see. You're doing the Jarod roleplaying thing. I had a brief what the fuc moment, which is ridiculous, really, because I should be accustomed to this by now. Anyway, Jarod, it was nice of you to fast forward ahead and confess that you aren't good. You only steal kidneys. You don't eat them. Thanks for clarifying, J.

On a serious note, thanks for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: Jarod the pretender Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29/12/21 10:58 pm
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