Reviews For Oblivion
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Title: Chapter 16

You have been so missed.

Your writing is totally exquisite. I just can't even... the way you open and close the chapter. Transition. Descriptive work. Expressions. Mannerisms. Dialog. Charaterisations. Story telling. Grammar. You have got it all. It's so mind blowing. I can never get enough. I need more.

Reviewer: JarodAndMissParker4ever Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/09/21 02:41 am
Title: Chapter 16

OMG they are so cute together that it's like the universe wants them to be together forever and why don't you? Outstanding writing Mirage. That ending is full of hope. Make it so!!

Reviewer: Jen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/09/21 07:17 pm
Title: Chapter 16

Ahhhhh ok wow. The beginning. What a shippery feels beginning. They are so sweet together. It's perfect. Jarod is a doctor? OMG! Parker calls him out for that and for all of the other sketchy shit he did and I love it and she also is reasonable when he tells her the truth that he watched and listened but only in the Centre, which is fair. SHe was chasing. When she stopped he worried. Thank you for mentioning unspoken arrangements. I always thougth they had somethign between them they never discussed. Parker is still evading him hella mucho here.Things are still unfinished. I've got faith you'll finish it. I love Parker's gentle snark, slightly saltiness, the "astute observation you must be a genius", the "traitor", the "aww honey you shouldn't have." The end is packaged as beautiful and bookends the perfection. Jarod saying "no, I don't believe me either" after Parker leaves. She leaves because she's hurt that he said that "not soon enough" wasn't the correct answer for them. She still has feelings. She told him that when she basically said time flew by really and that means nothing changed for her. The way they talked about the places they were going to see was heartwrenching. The longing sorrow looks...oh, Mirage. You take my breath away with the beauty, pain, love, and tragedy. I need more. Now.

Reviewer: TheDarkAngel Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/09/21 01:54 am
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