Reviews For Into Thin Air
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Title: Part Twenty

Great conclusion! This was a favorite that I thought wouldn't get the last chapters. Amusing twist with Sydney & Christine! About time Ms. Parker actually had some close pals who fit right in without changing her character personality.

Hopefully another sequel to this set several years later since Parker's two pals are perfect spinoffs for other storylines.

Reviewer: electricq Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/10/11 12:59 am
Title: Part Twenty

There's nothing more to say than WOW!

I really loved reading it. It's great! 

Reviewer: MissCatherine Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/02/11 05:14 pm
Title: Part Twenty

 I hate to see a good story end. I just want it to go on forever!

Bravo for pulling all your threads together for a perfect ending. You ended it well in every aspect. The story was written well in every aspect! 

Thank you for sharing your wonderul story. One I enjoyed and continually looked forward to. I writing this quickly in case we loose power tonight, at least I managed to get something done!

Please tell me you are working on more!


Reviewer: nightowl Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/02/11 02:22 am
Title: Part One

ONE more chapter to go. Would love to read the ending!

Author's Response: Sorry! I know that feeling all too well. But I have now finally posted the final chapter! Yay! :)

Reviewer: frustrated Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 17/01/11 03:57 am
Title: Part Nineteen

Please update soon!  Love it... I hope that the other guy finds someone to love.. since Parker is taken.

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 20/11/10 04:50 am
Title: Part Nineteen

Oh man, killer cliffhanger here! Great story! Couldn't have guessed Lyle was Kenny. A lot of great stories here that desparately needing conclusions or continuations. I'm happy you updated this one. Quite the storyteller and funny dialogue among Parker's close friends. Very true to the character's persona. Good concentration on Parker and Jarod's lives for this round. I was kinda getting tired of Sydney's regrets on so many storylines. Not enough of Angelo's character though since he's also an empath.

Reviewer: electricq Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/10/10 12:40 am
Title: Part Nineteen

If this story was a book, it would be considered quite a page turner! It was nice to have one chapter after another, although I didn't have a chance to read until both chapters were already posted then went back yet another chapter to read 3 in a row. and I couldn't read fast enough! Wonderful plotting and fast moving language that just kept me going as fast as I could!

Great writing and phrasing. It was a joy to read and I can't wait for more.

I want to mention that we have some absolutly wonderful writers on this site. Writers that put some of the pros to shame. And we have beginners that will learn from you!  So go get them! and please keep writing.


Reviewer: nightowl Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/10/10 03:04 pm
Title: Part Nineteen

Wow, that was a fast update! It was awesome! I hope Jarod and Parker can have their happy-ending!

Reviewer: Anna Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 10/10/10 01:57 pm
Title: Part Eighteen

I am so glad you're back! The chapter was fantastic, I can't wait for more!

Reviewer: Anna Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 09/10/10 11:22 am
Title: Part Eighteen

Did Jarod also lie about Val? Is she dead? Maybe... but this would be so sad. I hope Charlie is well.

Short but very good. I like this story so much!! :)

I really need to know how this will end!! 

Reviewer: MissCatherine Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/10/10 05:10 pm
Title: Part Seventeen

please don't let us wait to long. i'm dying^^ it's so exciting!! it's a real thriller ;)

Reviewer: MissCatherine Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08/09/10 07:42 pm
Title: Part Seventeen

Another outstanding chapter! You continue increasing the intensity and suspense - something you have quite a flair for- AND then you leave us hanging as the mystery unravels. Cruel you. I anxiously await look forward to the next installment.

Reviewer: Mirage Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23/08/10 03:30 am
Title: Part Seventeen

wow that was powerful, and scarey! we are fortunate to have some great writers on this list and you are one of them. The perfection you wrote with and the suspense you ended with are breath catching.

Great job! so Christine is with Sammy and Syd, hmmm more danger awaits or is Christine a good guy. They could use a good guy by now.

 Wonderful story -certainly one peg out of the square.

Reviewer: nightowl Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/08/10 05:01 pm
Title: Part Sixteen

What a nail biter! I am holding my breath in hopes that Jarod saves her. And he will. (Right? Please?) Incredible writing, Miss Shannon.

Reviewer: Mirage Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 08/08/10 11:20 pm
Title: Part Sixteen

Great suspense and a touch of horror to it. The story is again, well written and garnished with enough mazes that any suspense writer would be surprised.

I knew I smelled the centre in it. When there are too many screwy criminals and actions it has to be the centre. I like how you kept to the show's canon. Parker's friends are so typical of what you might expect of friends.... tooo typical? I guess we have to wait and see if there are more bogey men (women) invovled. 

Great job! can't wait for more.

Author's Response:

Thanks for your review!

This might be a bit of a spoiler, but Christine does have a secret that will come out in the next two chapters. It might just not be what you think but I've already planted some clues over the past few chapters ;-).

Reviewer: nightowl Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08/08/10 08:41 pm
Title: Part Sixteen

Love the momentum of build up in this chapter. It kept me glued.

Reviewer: b18 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/08/10 06:39 am
Title: Part Fifteen

Good grief charlie brown, the plot just keeps getting thicker!  hopefully MP will stop her friend before the deed is done! We have yet to find what she was giving MP and with whom she conspired. So many threads unraveling all at once. Good job! The perfect mysteries are those we can't foresee the ending to as we read... and I may be slow but I have no idea how this one is going to work out.

Very good work, thank you for sharing.


Reviewer: nightowl Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25/07/10 04:40 am
Title: Part Thirteen

Damn Broots! Am I the only one who is still at Jarod`s side?!

Author's Response: No! Me too! :D

Reviewer: Anna Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/04/10 09:32 pm
Title: Part Thirteen

You go Broots! Underdog for the win! Thanks for updating quickly and enjoy your vacation.

Reviewer: b18 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/04/10 12:55 pm
Title: Part Thirteen

 Well Jarod is just getting a small taste of what he has coming. He needs a buck of ice water thrown on him.

Nice job..but now we get another suspious type character hmm the doctor and the phone person. hmmmm Hope someone gets those pills from her soon.

Again a very well written chapter with lots of interesting plot pieces. as always well done.

Have a great vacation, although keep us in mind and maybe use some vacation events in your story! So we have even more twists and turns to look forward to. As you should know real fans never give up!





Reviewer: nightowl Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/04/10 01:10 am
Title: Part Thirteen

This one was very good, like all the others, too. I hope I can read the next one as soon as possible! I have to know what will happen to Parker and Jarod.

It was very brave that Broots talked to Jarod this way. But he was right.

Reviewer: MissCatherine Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01/04/10 06:23 pm
Title: Part Twelve

Great story! Have been readng it here and on FF.Net!

Reviewer: KT Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 31/03/10 11:45 pm
Title: Part Twelve

Hmmm how sorry are you? This is well done, interesting to write from each characters pov, difficult too.

I still could take a wild swing at Jarod! that guy needs someone to straighten him up big time. He really is coming off as a huge creep for a husband. Mama's boy. Broots could slug him and let him have it just for the dinner crap alone. This is one story that makes me so pissed at a character that is usually sickeninglly well liked I really feel that should I meet "Jarod" in real life I would need to deck him.  And amazingly Parker hasn't. Maybe we need a touch of the old Parker here. 

His family has the nerve and disgrace to bring up a shooting incident (did that really happen?) in front of their child. That alone would make them grandparents from afar. Jarod couldn't see Emily's baiting? man. his family is no better than hers was. 

your story is good, obviously to tick me off like that. I enjoyed the other characters of Parker's friends and find the neighbors and the other guy from the trial weird and suspious.  Good writing. Another edge of your seat chapter. AND YOU ARE NOT SORRY>>> my inner sense tells me so.




Author's Response:

Your inner sense, huh? :-P

Thanks for that great review. Yeah, Jarod comes across pretty dumb in my story. But I hated the idea of writing a story that features him as simply the perfect husband. I mean, he has issues, too, obviously. Why wouldn't he with all that has happened to him in his life?

Reviewer: nightowl Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29/03/10 07:04 pm
Title: Part Twelve

Fantastic chapter! It's ironic that now Jarod's the one who can't see past his families pretense.

Update soon since the cliff hanger is killing me :) 


Reviewer: b18 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26/03/10 09:32 am
Title: Part Twelve

So glad you're back, can't wait to see what is going on in the next part!

Reviewer: dimana Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 26/03/10 08:49 am
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