Reviews For I for Inspiration
Title: I for Inspiration
Date: 03/01/14 11:13 pm
Hi just read your story it was good.
Reviewer: Katescats Anonymous [Report This]Date: 03/01/14 11:13 pm
Title: I for Inspiration
Date: 30/12/08 05:26 pm
Author's Response:
LOL indeed. To tell you the truth, I'm thinking about using those first two sentences as the beginning for a new story.
Reviewer: Maria Anonymous [Report This]Date: 30/12/08 05:26 pm
Title: I for Inspiration
Author's Response:
Date: 30/12/08 12:54 am
Very well done.
Short and funny with a spot on characterization and fresh plot.
Author's Response:
Thank you. It's easy to let our criativity run free when we know so little about a character.
Reviewer: Muc Signed [Report This]Date: 30/12/08 12:54 am