Yet another great chapter. Can't help but wonder what "Charlie's" reaction is gonna be to his wife's less than kind behaviour towards their long lost son.
Author's Response: Hmmmm, does the Major agree with his wife? Or does he defend the son taken from him thirty some years before. Tough decision. Reviewer: Manoline Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/12/07 01:39 pm
Very emotional! Wow!
Author's Response: You think that was emotional, just wait for the next chapter (and wait and wait, lol)

Date: 07/12/07 09:32 pm
Poor Jarod it's not his fault that Kyle died. He feels bad enough about how his sims were used.
Author's Response: Thanks for the review, Ann. I know it wasn't Jarod's fault, but Margaret is too busy being hurt and lashing out to think rationally.
Date: 06/12/07 10:16 pm
Yay! Great chap, Tina! And almost in a reasonable amount of time too . . . almost . . . :)
I love how realistic Margaret is--when she talked, I could almost hear *my* mom. You really showed that even though she's lost her family and been on the run, she's still just a normal woman who can't quite understand. She also kinda ticked me off . . . poor Jarod . . . He needs a hug . . . can you arrange for me to give him one? :)
Before I get off on an even longer tangent, I'll just say great chap. I hope there's more soon for your sake.
Author's Response:
What can I say, MP, great writing takes time. :) And this was a tough chapter to write. Margaret just did not want to cooperate. And, about that hug, sorry, not gonna happen for quite a while.
Reviewer: MP Signed [Report This]Date: 06/12/07 09:15 pm
Ohh i am going to smack that Margaret. How rude!!!! Poor Jarod deserves better than all of this.
Author's Response: Poor Jarod may not deserved any of this, but when has he deserved anything he has gotten?
Date: 06/12/07 08:36 pm