I had to go back as i was sure i had missed something between chapters 11 and 12! Sneaky you ;) I guess this is much kinder than leaving readers with annoying cliffhangers for months on end. I think some of us could learn a thing or two from you!
I shall look forward to the Syd/J interaction that is bound to come out of this! And poor Broots.. life is a lot harder with Syd taking some of the flack! is that even how you spell flack? i somehow doubt it.
Author's Response: Figured it was easier to start from a new point in the story instead of trying to continue from where I left off (so long ago). But not too much time has passed for our runaway boys. And your right about poor Brootsie getting a little more flack from MP without Sydney to calm her down some, but Sam is gonna get his share of chewing from her and that will help our favorite scaredy-cat. Reviewer: KatieQ Signed [Report This]
Date: 22/02/08 05:05 pm
Oh no poor poor little Jarod (and 'daddy' Sydney of course). I'm sure there'll be many sleepless nights for the Doc after that, and not only because of the "you have to stay awake when you have a concussion"-thing.
Yet another great chapter!
Author's Response: His little boy is badly hurt and I don't think he would sleep anyway. For once he can show his concern for Jarod. The accident may turn out to be a blessing in disguise, but am not gonna spill the beans now. Guess you will just have to wait. Reviewer: Manoline Signed [Report This]
Date: 21/02/08 10:56 am
I've been lurking around here fore quite some time now, reading lots of stories. When thinking there is nothing more to discover, you're waiting for new stories or for updates, something great happens. Suddenly you stumble across a story that you've completely missed. What's even better, there's several chapters for you to read all at once.
It doesn't happen that often, which makes me appreciate these findings even more.
If you haven't already figured it out, this is my way to tell you that I really enjoyed your story :)
Author's Response: Glad you enjoyed in, lurking-Muc. I know what you mean about suddenly finding a story, has happened to me too. New chapter here in the works, just have to prod it out of the muse, first.
Date: 14/02/08 12:33 pm
eeeeeeeee!!!! ~bounce-bounce~ more, please!
Author's Response: Working on the new chapter, as we speak, tigger. Should (crosses fingers) be soon.
Date: 12/02/08 11:31 pm