Hi just. read your story it was very good.
Reviewer: Katescats Anonymous

Date: 17/02/17 09:24 pm
Aw, that was so sweet. I love Broots and I can totally see this happening.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 29/07/09 03:23 am
That was beautiful, Sarah! Oh thanks Brennan, glad you liked it. This was actually my very first fanfic, and looking back on it now, I actually don't hate it. Which is a little surprising, but great. So thanks ofr the walk down memory lane, and the lovely review.
Author's Response:
Date: 06/08/07 01:29 pm
Ohhh that was so lovely.
All the things he sees, he has done, been forced to do. How hard it must be for him to reconcile that when he watches his little girl.
Author's Response: Thank you so much. Yes, that was what I was thinking too. He may be our nervous little tech, but first and foremost he's a father

Date: 13/03/07 08:01 pm
Very nice, something you can picture Broots doing as he puts his daughter to bed. Very pausible. :)
Author's Response: *grins* why didn't I start writing fanfic earlier?
Date: 10/10/06 04:43 pm
now i want kids...kidding. but very nostalgic. thanks
Author's Response: Hehe, thank you.

Date: 09/10/06 08:15 am