Gosh! This was the best "Pretender" Christmas story I've ever read! I feel so christmasy, and it's only seven more months until Santa arrives.
Reviewer: AJeff Signed

Date: 14/05/07 10:58 pm
Great!!! It's May and I'm in a jolly Christmas mood ... *sighs*
Reviewer: Thara Anonymous

Date: 14/05/07 01:15 am
This is so cute and such a delight. I normaly hate Miss Parker and Jarod as 'married with children' but this story is a exception. It's so well done and funny, you keep them in character and I howled with laughter several times while reading it. Great job!

Date: 20/03/07 09:56 pm
I really like how u kept it as real as u could, considering the topic. Nice job!
Reviewer: Crackerjacknpez Anonymous

Date: 20/12/06 11:55 pm
Lol I love it! How MP reacts 2 the stuff we all have 2 face.. Hilarious!
Reviewer: Crackerjacknpez Anonymous

Date: 20/12/06 11:38 pm
This is so cute!! I cant wait 2 read the others!
Reviewer: Crackerjacknpez Anonymous

Date: 20/12/06 11:20 pm
Hey, what a sweet ending. What a sweet story *g* Happy new year!
Reviewer: LadyIce Signed

Date: 03/01/06 10:21 am
It is really nice to read a good, fun piece of family fun. Well done. Merry Christmas
Author's Response: Merry Christmas to you, too.

Date: 24/12/05 09:37 am
The story is based on your own Christmas disasters? Wow, at least you shouldn't be bored ;)
It really is fun, seeing parker and Jarod in these situations ;)
Author's Response: Yes, actually. It's ridiculous. I'll post them all by Christmas Eve.

Date: 23/12/05 08:18 pm
Except that I can't imagine Parker actually giving birth to THREE children, can see her acting the way she is. She's domestic, but he old "Centre" personality is still lurking. Nice job.
Author's Response: That sort of personality doesn't just disappear overnight. haha thanks.

Date: 23/12/05 04:56 am
Hey, a wonderful story. Can't wait for the rest!
Author's Response: Just posted more.

Date: 14/12/05 06:24 pm