This deserves more reviews. Hilarious!
Reviewer: Sammi Signed [Report This]Date: 07/01/22 12:56 am
Too funny. No one is going to kill you. I can't see those getting married, having children and living happily ever after either.
"stupid fucking centre kept impregnating her before he could get the chance..." 23 kids? That is a misery worse than Centre torture! Loved it!
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 01/07/09 04:27 am
Hilarious! I know many domestic fanfic writers who I really wish would read this.
Reviewer: MP Signed [Report This]Date: 16/09/07 03:25 pm
FUNNY!!! DEFINITELY AU, b/c you can't imagine the Centre doing that THAT many times, obviously... and pregnancy and pickles together being the law... HILARIOUS!
NICE fic. :-D
Poor Jarod. :-p
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signed [Report This]Date: 03/07/07 11:14 am
Most amusing! And it's always a good idea to remind ourselves that this is ALL in good fun. Nobody's in the running for a Pulitzer and we are, after all, utilizing for our own amusement characters from a TV show that has been off the air for half a decade and was a marginal success (at best) when it aired. But that's what makes this all so much fun: the sheer illogic of it! And thank you for all your work on this site. It's great to have a central Pff repository again.
Reviewer: Ginger Anonymous [Report This]Date: 04/08/05 05:31 pm
oh..don't be scared! It's very funny! You don't deserve to be killed! lol... (maybe just tortured!..kidding I'm kidding!!)
Reviewer: Sammie Anonymous [Report This]Date: 29/07/05 12:30 am
I don't want to kill you, I want to adore you *lol*. Very funny story
Reviewer: LadyIce Signed [Report This]Date: 28/07/05 01:33 pm