I know she's sometimes portrayed as "the all powerful, heartless ice queen" but she hurts like everyone else and like anyone else, she can be pushed right over the edge. I lvoe that Sydney was there for her. Sweet but not gooey. Good job!
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 10/11/10 08:50 pm
Very nicely written. I would say this is sweet without being over done, a well excuted piece of writing.
I have to agree with Jersygirl, they did kiss as children and yes, from their POV I do think it counts. Afterall, the Centre doesn't let one stay a child for long and every bit of something 'special' would be treasured in that hell hole.
Reviewer: RaChell Signed [Report This]Date: 25/02/07 11:03 pm
her loneliness could make her do weird things.......and at a breaking point getting suicidal and just stopping breathing would be one of them i can imgagine.
one minor thing....he did kiss her before i believe, when she kissed him as children. *g*
Author's Response: THanks :-) But do kisses count you give each other when you're kids? Isn't there even a slight difference? :-)
Date: 13/07/05 01:57 pm