Reviews For Boarding School Blues
Title: This is just the beginning

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Date: 21/01/16 10:08 pm
Reviewer: lipamo Signed

Date: 21/01/16 10:08 pm
Title: This is just the beginning

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Date: 03/05/10 11:27 pm
So far, so good and you written the characters so well. Who hasn't wondered about their school years. I'm curious to see how it ends. An update would be great!
Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 03/05/10 11:27 pm
Title: This is just the beginning
Date: 05/07/09 10:20 pm
Please go on with this story, it's great! (And you left us with a mean cliffhanger)
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: 05/07/09 10:20 pm
Title: This is just the beginning

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Date: 26/01/06 09:21 pm
Great story, I hope you will send a update soon. Nikki
Reviewer: Nikki Anonymous

Date: 26/01/06 09:21 pm
Title: This is just the beginning

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Date: 05/07/05 12:21 am
Interesting concept. good start pls update soon
Reviewer: Ayeesha Anonymous

Date: 05/07/05 12:21 am