Hi that was good.
Reviewer: Katescats Anonymous

Date: 04/01/14 07:23 am
I like these short pieces. I definitely noticed the shift in Sydney's attitude over the seasons, although his behavior spoke louder than words for me. When he tells Jarod to run in the first episode, I knew he always wanted Jarod to have freedom, despite any misgivings he may have.
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: 05/08/13 12:44 am
That episode, the one this drabble is about, was always one of the most telling, and sad about their relationship. You can see how Jarod would doubt Sydney's love for him. He sees his son, Nicholas, kidnapped and needing his help and he does do foolish and ridiculous things, things that could get him killed, to help him. And yet Jarod lived in the Centre for thirty years with Sydney by his side, never acting as impassioned as he did to save Nicholas. I know that Sydney loves Jarod just as much, if not more, than his own son, but you can see it in Jarod's eyes that he doesn't. And the final line of the episode after he hangs up from talking to Sydney and says, "You love...him." just breaks your heart!
Author's Response: Oh, that's just the worst part! It kills me!
Do you think maybe (and I never thought of this before myself) that Sydney's passion to help Nicholas might actually be a redirection of his repressed love for and desire to help Jarod? Nicholas is really his son, but he's never known him. Jarod isn't really his son, but he's known him and loved him.
Date: 01/07/10 05:23 am
Hmm interesting conclusion. I can totally see Sydney making this negative for Jarod a positive.
Reviewer: TeeFly Anonymous [Report This]Date: 01/07/10 05:20 am
Interesting perception! Never thought about it like that!
Reviewer: TeeFly Anonymous [Report This]Date: 01/07/10 05:19 am
I love this! Simply put just freaking love it! <3 I would have died if they ever showed a scence like that on TP!
Author's Response: Sigh. Yes.
Date: 01/07/10 05:17 am
This drabble is great and it reminds me why that episode broke my heart so much. When Sydney threw away that Father's Day card my heart broke for Jarod. But he didn't really throw it away, and that made me happy, I just wish Jarod knew!
Author's Response: I think that was one of my first drabbles, and it was on the subject that really drew me into the Sydney-Jarod relationship. It might have been this episode that first led me to love more about the series than just Jarod himself.
Date: 01/07/10 05:09 am
This is a great drabble! I always felt so bad for Sydney when he faced that monster from his past and then felt as though he was the monster. I think this is exactly how Jarod felt, he never saw Sydney as the monster, at least I don't think so!
Author's Response: I just learned that Dr. Mengele was, on the surface, very much like Sydney. He could be very sweet and kind and gentle to his twin-victims and then turn around and do something horrible to them. There is an essential difference, though, which is that I don't think even Sydney could have been forced in the directions and to the depths that Dr. Mengele willingly went.
Date: 01/07/10 05:06 am
This is a very good drabble, because as much as Sydney hates what the Centre did to Jarod, he has to take some responsibility for what happened himself, and I think that is probably what keeps him up most nights. His part in the stealing of Jarod's childhood, his life. (Though of course, I think Sydney was the only thing that kept Jarod sane in there, the only good thing in Jarod's young world)
Author's Response: Crazy, isn't it, how much he was a major part of the problem and how much he kept the problem from being as bad as it could have been?
Date: 01/07/10 05:04 am
I wondered what Jarod thought in that moment that Sydney told him that he offered himself up to protect him. Did Jarod understand, finally, how much Sydney truly cared for him? I love that you wrote these, both of them. I feel they are very true to the characters, and I hope that is exactly what was on Jarod's mind after Sydney's confession!
Author's Response: I love your reviews and how thoughtful and insightful they are, more than just, "Ooh, that was good."
Date: 01/07/10 05:01 am
I love this. This is really cute, how often have I wondered if Sydney asked himself these very questions! Very good!
Author's Response: Thank you!
Date: 01/07/10 04:55 am
Sad, and very Jarod-esque.
Reviewer: Danielle SmileyFace Signed [Report This]Date: 10/03/10 06:46 am
Aww, such a sweet ending!
Author's Response: Thanks for the reviews, Danielle! I love Angelo.
Date: 09/03/10 04:55 am
*sniff sniff* But in a good way!
Reviewer: Danielle SmileyFace Signed [Report This]Date: 09/03/10 04:53 am
Beautifully put. =)
Reviewer: Danielle SmileyFace Signed [Report This]Date: 09/03/10 04:52 am
Aww =)
Reviewer: Danielle SmileyFace Signed [Report This]Date: 09/03/10 04:51 am
Hi everyone. By the time I'd grown up, I naturally supposed that I'd be grown up.
I am from Italy and now teach English, tell me right I wrote the following sentence: "traditional substance of difficult experiment is temperature, in the temperature that forces are uncharacterized well to let the bigger energy."
With best wishes :-D, Mikhail.
Author's Response: ?

Date: 05/09/09 12:54 am
Simply beautiful :)
Author's Response: Thank you.

Date: 25/08/09 02:30 am
Aww, so beautiful and just like Sydney.
Author's Response: Thank you.

Date: 24/08/09 08:36 pm
Nice perspective!
Author's Response: Thanks!
Date: 17/08/09 06:40 am
Yes, I read them and like especially "The Savant Project"! I also like The Lord of the Rings, but I think for saving what's left of my little real life, I rather just stay with the Pretender :). But thanks!
Author's Response: Real life? What's that? :D
Date: 13/08/09 08:21 pm
Great written, but really sad. Are you going to write something long again? I would be glad to read it. . .
Author's Response:
Did you read my long crossovers, "The Savant Project" and "Be Seeing You"? "A Free Man" is also kind of longish.
I don't have any more long ones in the works at the moment (other than the ongoing "Give Up Your Life"), but something may strike me eventually.
Now, if you like The Lord of the Rings, I have a really long LotR fic here: (http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5193487/1/Springless_Autumn_Frost_of_Winter).
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: 13/08/09 07:49 pm
Oh, nice perspective. Never really thought about it like that before.
Author's Response: Thanks, Jacci.
Date: 06/08/09 01:14 am
I like this Christy. The hostages had to wonder about the pair - Parker carrying a gun, Jarod snapping into doctor mode, Parker assisting. The two ripping into each other - in the midst of hostage situation of all places. I think this piece provides some nice insight into the thoughts of the hostages. Brilliant.
Author's Response: Thanks, Mirage. I appreciate it. Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 05/08/09 12:25 am
That's sad. But for the record: I enjoy reading all your drabbles:)
Author's Response: Oh, thank you. That's good to know. I like writing them.
Date: 04/08/09 10:37 am