Penname: MlleParker [Contact]

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Member Since: 26/04/11

Membership status: Member


Affiliation: Pretender

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Reviews by MlleParker

Summary: Miss Parker discovers something about herself when she hears an old song on the radio

Categories: Season 3
Characters: Miss Parker, Thomas
Classifications: Genres: Character Musing, Romance, Vignette
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1091
Read Count: 2017
[Report This] Published: 14/07/05 Updated: 14/07/05

Title: Chapter 1: The Interlude

Good story! I really enjoyed it.


Reviewer: MlleParker Signed
Date: 26/09/12
Summary: From one traumatic event, the memory of another surfaces for Miss Parker.

Categories: Season 2
Characters: Jarod, Miss Parker, Mr Parker, Mr Raines, Original Character
Classifications: Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance
Warnings: Warning: Non Consensual Sexual Content, Warning: Sexual Content

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 28157
Read Count: 7330
[Report This] Published: 18/11/05 Updated: 18/11/05

Title: Chapter 1: Part 1

Hello Miss Brynna will there be more to this. It's realy good a ten.

Reviewer: MlleParker Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 26/09/12
Nemesis by Mirage
Rated: NC 18 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 234]

In 2002, the corporation known as the Centre was infiltrated by various law enforcement agencies that acted in a synchronized global effort to eradicate the organization. And then one day, Jarod's huntress ran away.

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: All the characters
Classifications: Genres: Angst, General
Warnings: Warning: Language, Warning: Sexual Content, Warning: Violence

Series: None
Chapters: 22 Table of Contents
Word count: 73516
Read Count: 305085
[Report This] Published: 23/11/09 Updated: 24/05/11

Title: Chapter 1: And Then One Day

Mirage, first chapter is amazing. Parker on the run and Jarod chasing and Jarod is actually good and I hope he will stay so. I can't wait to see Parker and see how this story will go.

Reviewer: MlleParker Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 06/11/12
Title: Chapter 2: Bait

Your chapters were longer when you wrote this..=) that's a good thing! I have this downloaded and I read it all the last three days and made some notes I will be sharing. I will have to It's soooo wonderful to see Jarod put through the same ordeal as Miss Parker had to go through when she chased him. Lots of cleverness here. It was so nice to see Parker deliever a baby and I could fee the tension in Jarod. Oh Mirage.. I love the way you write.

Reviewer: MlleParker Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 14/08/13
Title: Chapter 3: Falling

Your writing style has always been so good. I love that Miss Parker dates the wealthy men and angers Jarod and Jarod would pretend to let Nick knock him out. and Nick is Miss Parker's brother in this..I love that he tries to take care of her.

Reviewer: MlleParker Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 14/08/13
Title: Chapter 1: And Then One Day

4 is great too. Parker is so kick@ss and tough..and she has to be now. This twist in the chase is so fresh of a plot and you do write it so well Mirage. The characters have evolved but are still the same only better somehow as the other reviewer said this could be the third movie!

Reviewer: MlleParker Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 14/08/13
Title: Chapter 5: Alibis

I get tingly ...if that is the word when Jarod is the doctor and Mlle Parker is the do awesome at keeping the suspence up and the reader intrigued

Author's Response:

Thanks, MlleParker.


Reviewer: MlleParker Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 14/08/13

Retribution goes awry when Jarod inadvertently kills a man. (Story in English)

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: Broots, Cox, Jarod, Lyle, Miss Parker, Original Character, Other Non-Centre Related Character, Sam, Sydney
Classifications: Genres: Angst, General
Warnings: Warning: Character Death, Warning: Language, Warning: Non Consensual Sexual Content, Warning: Slash, Warning: Violence

Series: None
Chapters: 20 Table of Contents
Word count: 37661
Read Count: 14374
[Report This] Published: 30/06/11 Updated: 08/12/17

Title: Chapter 13: XIII

It is so much action Mirage! This would be a perfect continue of the series. All of your stories could be. Your writing gets better and better. Thank you for sharing your genius talent with us. Craig and Steve could learn some things about writing from you. Keep it on.

Author's Response:

Aw, you are too kind to me, MlleParker. The only thing anyone could learn from me is how NOT to write haha. Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: MlleParker Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 26/06/15
Title: Chapter 1: I

I LOVE Jarod in this and I can't believe I haven't read this before. Over 3 years old! Jarod was really himself here but the end...ohhh Mirage. I shake from this.

Reviewer: MlleParker Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 10/03/15
Title: Chapter 2: II

Your voice writing is wonderful and the way you write these characters is perfect. Merci! I want more and more!

Author's Response:

Thank you so much for reading and reviewing, MlleParker.

Reviewer: MlleParker Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 10/03/15
Title: Chapter 3: III

Jarod is wrecked from what he did and you write the way it should be. I love it!

Reviewer: MlleParker Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 10/03/15
Title: Chapter 4: IV

I think Jarod would have beat her if she had used his family the way he uses her mother. Great insights.

Reviewer: MlleParker Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 10/03/15
Title: Chapter 5: V

The way she and Jarod both talk to themselves is so perfect. I'm gald nothing wose happens

Reviewer: MlleParker Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 10/03/15
Title: Chapter 6: VI

You had me Mirage! I thought Miss Parker was shot and dead. I was afraid she was dead. It was her mother's cardboard picture.

Reviewer: MlleParker Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 10/03/15
Title: Chapter 8: VIII

Every word pulls at my heart. This is so beautiful but it is tragic.

Reviewer: MlleParker Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 10/03/15
Title: Chapter 7: VII

Thank you that the scenes are not seen by us. I did wonder what it would be like for Jarod and I'm thankful for the missing scenes that are graphic. I feel so bad for Jarod now. He didn't get back out the Centre quick like he does on the series and I'm glad for that.

Reviewer: MlleParker Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 10/03/15
Title: Chapter 9: IX

The geese walk barefoot song is a curse. The Centre people know it.

Reviewer: MlleParker Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 10/03/15
Title: Chapter 10: X

Sydney is great. You bring him and all characters to life. You are amazing! Merci!

Reviewer: MlleParker Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 10/03/15
Title: Chapter 11: XI

Happy! I love to see Miss Parker like this. It reminds me of when she was in the car to go find Briggite and kill her and Thomas was in the back seat...but he wasn't really there! It's so very amazing!

Reviewer: MlleParker Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 10/03/15
Title: Chapter 1: I

You didn't forget this did you?

Author's Response:

I do forget this story sometimes. Chapter one was my ending. I will get all the bits uploaded. I will. Thanks.

Reviewer: MlleParker Signed
Date: 07/04/15
Title: Chapter 14: XIV

Merci beaucoup! Want more of this now!! Powerful writing.....Jarod is going to be so sorry now but I am glad he will ok. It is so plausible!!! BUT I hope Miss Parker will be ok. Please keep it on writing and please update this soon.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much for reading and reviewing, MlleParker. Miss Parker is- you'll have to read to find out.

Reviewer: MlleParker Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 09/10/15
Circles of Hell by Mirage
Rated: NC 18 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 282]

Twelve years after Carthis, the death of a dear friend reunites predator and prey. *If adultery bothers you, click elsewhere or prepare to be bothered.

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: All the characters
Classifications: Genres: None
Warnings: Warning: Character Death, Warning: Language, Warning: Sexual Content

Series: None
Chapters: 25 Table of Contents
Word count: 108764
Read Count: 29922
[Report This] Published: 02/09/11 Updated: 14/06/14

Title: Chapter 1: Purgatory (part one)

I am so excited about the next chapter that I can't wait, hope j and miss parker will get together.

Author's Response:

Thanks, MlleParker. It's still too soon to tell. We shall see.

Reviewer: MlleParker Signed
Date: 06/08/12
Title: Chapter 14: (To Hell) In a Hand-basket (Part Three: The Last Resort)

:) I like big chapters so thanks for that and lol @ MP's "single fucking luxury" and "Fabulous...dry purr" rotflmfao! ;) That is definately MP lol.:)  I love the internal dialogue; their thoughts; the way J doubts himself; the "recalibrating";;... sounds like something a former pretender would do. You always manage to get inside their heads and it makes them real that; and your choice of dialogue;; body language;; descriptions makes it read like an episode. MP does always open up to J no matter how she hated him or how badly he treated her in the past, lol and I guess it shows they will always forgive each other. My favourite part was the dance. Very sexy. If we could only get a smut scene in this story, lol.;) Please update soon as I can't wait longer. :)


Author's Response:

Thank you, MlleParker. Erm, I don't know. Smut is a bit difficult for me and I never quite word it the way I feel it should be, etcetera, excuses, excuses haha. Glad this worked for you!

Reviewer: MlleParker Signed
Date: 02/09/12
Title: Chapter 15: (To Hell) In a Hand-bastket (Part Four: The Last Resort II)

Oh my Mirage, it is just so good. You are a really terrific writer, and probably my favorite. Wow. I don't know what to say but that I was blushing here at the end of this chapter and's so great. I don't approve of much of what Jarod has done to Parker..he being the rapist basically...I think I'm right? Your writing makes it all so real and I love this chapter. I'm glad you let the muse take you here and I will take your muse if you don't want her.

Author's Response:

Ah thanks, MlleParker. I don't approve of what Jarod has done either and yes, you are correct: he's a rapist in this fic (and maybe in another of my fics- I forget, and please don't ask why I wrote him this way; I don't wake up and think: Oh, I want to write a story about Jarod being a rapist. Nope. That never happens. It's never intentional. A single line comes to mind and I write a story around it and sometimes the story goes where I don't want it to- I digress.) Anyway, yes, please, take the muse. She's whacked. Thanks for reading and reviewing.


Reviewer: MlleParker Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 06/11/12
Title: Chapter 16: Between Hell And A Turning Point

And here I was sure they would marry but no? I hope she will do it and they can find some happiness. I'm not happy again about everything that happens but your writing is most excellent and I know just the tone and expression Jarod had on his voice and face and could feel that same twisting of intenstines. Your descriptive work is great as always. Give them a happy end.

Author's Response:

Hello, MlleParker. Parker will be happy; in fact, I think the muse intends to leave everyone as happy as they possibly can be given the circumstances, the Centre, etc.. Yes, I know, I'm not happy with everything either but I'm thrilled that you can sort of "see" the expressions and "hear" the tones the muse has in mind; I struggle with— well, I struggle with EVERYTHING, but it's particularly difficult to translate— what the muse presents to me— into words and articulate and structure to her specifics. I get a migraine thinking about it. I'll leave them as happy as I can.

Reviewer: MlleParker Signed
Date: 06/11/12