Characters: All the characters
Classifications: Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Table of Contents
Word count: 364
Read Count: 193897
Welcome Back, Mighty E-Dict. I don't think the feed is fixed because this story didn't pop up on the feed when I looked this morning. Sorry. But now for the really important question: have you found Jarod and brought him back for all of us to play with?
Author's Response: If there is to be any playing with Jarod, I get first dibs on that. Hmm on the feed, did you press the orange RSS button, or the orange XML button down the bottom of the front page?
It seems to be working for me, i have had feeds on both new chapters. It might be that you need to delete your old feed and add it again. Try using the XML instead of the rss and see if that is any better.
Broots is cowering under Sydney's desk in the hopes that no one will find him. Of course, the trail of Funyun crumbs is a give away, but its the best he could do.
Reviewer: Tinanaz Signedjacci, you are becoming our very own Brootsie. *claps hands for the E-Dict*
Reviewer: Tinanaz Signed Jarod's a prisoner of The Triumvirate. This is the sequel to Conflict Zero.
Great chapter, almost worth the wait. The story keeps getting better and better. And to quote someone else: more please.
Author's Response: Glad you enjoyed Tina!! I have to make up for the fact Jarod keeps getting away in Nothing Means Something in this one ;).. but thanks for the review and hopefully le muse will cooperate better this time around..
Great Chapter, Katie. Love how Lys is now the strong one and Jarod is the one needed help. My favorite line is when Lys tells the guard to get "nice and intimate with the floor.". It show the power she was commanding at that moment, without making her a b*^%h or an ice queen. So the important question is how much is the thesis gonna interfer with the next chapter?
Author's Response: I'm glad you have your priorities straight re: my thesis versus the next chapter ;). But thanks for the feedback, I'm glad that you enjoyed and still could remember the plot line.
Jarod is captured and returned to the Centre. Part of the Guess Who/Guess What Challenge
Great story, but I can't figure out the two speakers at the start of the chapters. Sometimes I think Parker and Gemini and other times I think Gemini and Ethan. Not nice to torment a N.A. buddy this way.
Author's Response: ooh but a little torment is fun.. read the conversation. there is a BIG clue in it.. i promise :P
Best chapter yet, Katie. Love all the twists and turns. Was sure that it was MP and Jarod talking, now am thinking Zoe and J. Or maybe Emily (preferably) and the Major is the one sick. Aaahhh, the torture of the long until the next chap?
Author's Response:
how long until the next chapter.. what an excellent question...
soon i hope .. soon :)
and i shall reveal nothing! Thanks for R&R, it's always very appreciated.
Reviewer: Tinanaz SignedGreat short story, Sarah. Poor MP, stuck in a room with both a crying baby and Jarod. Surprised she didn't shoot at least one of the three. Thanks Tina And yes, they had a bit of a challenge to overcome there, was a challenge to write without a lot of gunfire (but then again, RaChell mostly took care of that :P ). Though personally I feel more for the poor writer. It's nice to know people are still reading my stories despite some lack of activity on my part.
Author's Response:
So, did she? To be continued? Please?
Author's Response:
Well ... if she did that's another story. (big smile) But for now it'll have to wait! Thanks for reading and reviewing!
I like the twist. I kept expecting it to be an elaborate pretend by Raines, faking Jarod's death to get him away from the others. I like this better. Good job, great story.
Author's Response:
Hi Tinanaz!
Thank you very much. Sorry, I took so long in updating. My computer crashed. I just updated. Hope you'll come back for more.
Have a great week.
Reviewer: Tinanaz Signed
This is a great story. I don't usually like cross-overs, but you are doing a fantastic job with this one. Can't wait for more.
Reviewer: Tinanaz SignedWe all just want some ANSWERS.
"I run. You chase. What if... we didn't?"
Interesting concept, the time shifts back and forth. Makes it seem like an episode. Can't wait for more.
Author's Response: I didn't even think about that, but you're right. You see what happens when I try and be different. ;)
Oooohhhh, this is getting better and better. Please give us an early Christmas present and post the next chapter soon (maybe even this year?). Please, please, please?
Author's Response: Hm maaaaybe. I'll consider it. ;)
Hmmm, a chapter that gives more questions than answers, a suspenseful ending after lots of anxiety. Would have to rate the chapter as Great, but mean. Poor Jarod being beating for the fun of it, poor Parker for the emotional breakdown in her mom's studio and poor Syd for almost growing some cahones. So now the big question is : When's the next chapter?
Author's Response: Isn't tP just so good at doing that though? It is a very mean, very painful chapter. Glad you liked it though!
Ohh, very nice, TLM. Start of with the good feeling about Jarod finally talking (well, sorta talking) to his long-long mommy and end with even more questions than before. Great job and write faster, please. You have some of us on pins and needles, here.
Cliffhangers: aarrrrhhhh! Meanie! Can't leave us hanging there! Is poor Jarod truly trapped? He's not thinking the unthinkable, is he? Write faster, please. *whimpers a little at the thought of a long wait*
Ohhh, very nice. I kept expecting an escape attempt, specially since you have Parker so ready for it, but, no, you pulled the unexpected. Great job. Now for the tough question: how soon until the next chapter?
Great chapter! Shippers are tough to write well and you are doing a great job. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Author's Response:
Hi Tinanaz!
Thank you very much for your kind words.
Reviewer: Tinanaz SignedMay be short, but very poignant. Can understand Jarod using White Cloud as a "family burial plot" and Sydney sounds just like a dad, regardless of what he may tell Jarod.
Author's Response:
Thanks Tina! Those are my thoughts exactly about Sydney; he's Jarod's dad in all the ways that matter, they're both just too stubborn to admit it. (or maybe stubborn's not the right word . . . oh well)
Anyway, glad you enjoyed it!
Reviewer: Tinanaz SignedBirth of a genius.
Ohhh, I like this story. So the evil Dr. Raines has had his hand in the breaking up of more than one set of twins for the Centre. And having Jarod and Kyle as twins helps explain why the boys looked so much alike in age when they first met. The only question I still have is how did Harriet Tashman know about Kyle, then. I can't see the Major admitting what he did. Did he just it off as an elaborate kidnapping scheme later on? Hmm.
Author's Response: Yes, the "twin" angle was one I hadn't seen done--which is surprising considering how much fanfic is devoted to strange and surprising family connections. There's more in the works, so hopefully I'll be able to fill in the blanks with plausible explanations. I'm mum till I have time to sit down and write the next installment!
You're posting it! Yay!!! Great start to a great story, now keep editting to get the rest posted (Yes, I'm being bossy again, but this story deserves some bossy orders)
Author's Response: I have almost finsiehd editing, I am waiting on our miss Jacci to do some beta work on btoh chaps then i will be posting. Glad you are liking it still :D
Yay! Next chappie is up! Great job so far, can wait for next chapter (hint, hint).
Author's Response: yay! lol, thank Tinanaz, do you mean you can't wait for next chappy? lol
Milkshake and orange juice = baby Pretender by any chance? Hope the chapter title doesnt mean the end of the story, we need more.
Author's Response:
That might be the end of 'this' story but far from the end of the tale
Mmmm A pretender baby would signal more to come wouldn't it? Maybe the author is trying to be sneaky! She IS evil.... wait a moment! That's me!
Reviewer: Tinanaz SignedVery nice, MP. Love how you made Jarod and Kyle twins and how young Jarod was a bit of a troublemaker, unintentionally of course. How soon for the next installment? Soon, I hope. Very very soon, in fact.
Author's Response: Thanks, Tina! I wasn't sure if the twin thing was going to work, but I liked the ideas it raised. As for little Jarod, I based a lot of him off of my older brother. It always seems like the smartest kids have the most trouble fitting in, so I decided to play that up. No promises on the next installment; my multi-chapter fic Flight of Memory needs some serious TLC at the moment. There are ideas running around in my head, though, and I'm sure it won't be too long before I just *have* to write them down.