Characters: All the characters
Classifications: Genres: Angst, Drama
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 20 Table of Contents
Word count: 233138
Read Count: 165891
I haven't read all the others, but I'm looking forward to it, if this is any indication of your skill.
Literature-wise, well done. Nice flow, especially hard w/ an epic like this, smooth story line, nicely rounded characters. That's NOT easy in an epic.
The only thing I hated was the language used. Too bad symbols didn't replace the words or something. I can understand the need from the bad guys, but not J, MP, etc. Understand it, but hate it nonetheless.
I finished reading 'Resolutions' just today, so a review is imminent, but just wanted you to know you're an excellent writer. Keep it up!
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez SignedI saw less of the words I mentioned before... good job! :p
Heh, anyway, on to the review...
You kept up the connecting pieces beautifully. With 4 or so separate subplots, that's no little thing. I never suspected Crystal's connection w/ another subplot, and I never foresaw how Kevin was related. In the early chapters, though, I noticed the character Kevin was talking to was Cricket, then the next chapter, it was Crystal. That confused me a bit, but otherwise, easy to distinguish. I saw Cricket was mentioned as a 3rd companion, but I figured the Cricket Kevin encountered was actually Crystal, since the conversations were congruent to each other. And I loved how you brought in another colleague of Syd's, another one of the good guys! Oh, and the best part, Ginger!!!!! I kept on reading (remember, I just came in on T&C), and I was impatient to get back to the CA scene as each of the other differnt subplots had to have their turn. Wow, this whole epic of yours sure is addicting...
Well, time to go back to where it all began, 'Retrospective', and go from there! Thanks for such a great ending.
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signedas usual, whenever I get done reading this thing, awesome! u kept me so addicted to this from start to finish, I've neglected pretty much everything else in RL.... grr, now back to real life... ah, but what a way to go...
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signedcontinue, Please!! interesting turn of events for j, happenings unexpected
Nice story! Really, thats the only way J and MP could b together, no matter what J tells MP about running away from the Centre w/ him. Thx 4 sharing.
Author's Response:
Thanks Sabrina, nice to know a fellow writer agrees. PS Although I don't review other & I'm truely surprised when someone reviews my stories, I did enjoy your stories, again, my thanks! Jax :-)
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez SignedGreat story! Perfect for shippers, yet the characters stay true, no unrealistic actions from any char. Nice job!
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signedlollll funnny!!! he has discovered HFC before, and been to the dentist's office, but as a dentist, and only for the first few min of an ep, when he sees something on tv, using that news item for the ep's pretend. he's never been as a patient before... nnnnice!
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez SignedAwwww, poor Jarod!!! :-D Sounds like the author needs to take a couple chill pills and call her shrink in the morning. Can we say passive-aggressive issues?
;-) '_^ ^_^
The plot outside the story is so much fnunier than the fairy tale (and it is PRETTY funny), which, I'm sure you planned! '_^ Thanks!!! Hehehehehe....... *walks away, laughing*
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signed*gulp* OK, OK! Here's your review...
Nice! Doesn't seem like the characters get a lot of feedback time, so I don't know if I get the overall title, but nice idea.
P.S. Thanks to you, I'm now going back to reviewing the fics I read... thanks for the conscience-wake-up-call. :-)
Thanks, CJnP. =)
Sorry it's taken me so long to repond, I just got back into things.
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez SignedAwww... 'tis a pity there's no other reviews, since this is a ROCKIN' STORY!!!!
I loved it!!!!!!! And, even better, a coworker was near when I read it, and as I pre-explained tP to her before reading it, and a little during (she's never heard of either the TV show or the books... poor deprived young lady), she totally cracked up w/ me/!! We both LOVED it. Thank you!! I hope you continue writing! I'd love to see a "Sydneyed" version; it reminds me of that lightbulb joke Syd told in an ep!
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signed*cracking up laughing* I loved it! loved how j ACTUALLY gets to decide where his life's gonna go for once! can't wait to read the fics mentioned!
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signedwow, I can see why buffyangel68 was so interested in this fic, that she just had to write her own! nice work. can't wait to read the rest, as well as the sequel to which she referred.
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signedits great! only thing I'm confused is, how do they know jarod'll be Immortal? does being.. intimate.. w/ a female Immortal make the man one? great job.
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signedgood one! I love how everything ties together. follows nicely w/ its prequel.
'the traveller', huh? sounds interesting. *goes to take a look*
definitely good!!! I love how u put in damara's name w/ the show his life inspired.
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez SignedLOLOLLLL I loved it!!! It was absitively, posolutely fabulous! It was both a little sardonic and innocently funny, at the same time... VERY nice mix of the two in the same story. Thanks for writing it!!!
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez SignedFUNNY!!! DEFINITELY AU, b/c you can't imagine the Centre doing that THAT many times, obviously... and pregnancy and pickles together being the law... HILARIOUS!
NICE fic. :-D
Poor Jarod. :-p
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signedoh. wow... this story so far is so in-char for all the tP gang!! VERRRY good. '-'
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signedoh wow! NICE going! looking fwd to reading what the last thing in the cupboard was... don't remember reading what it was.. mp's recovery seemed too quick to be realistic considering how far gone she was, but maybe that's just me.. perhaps this was an excellent example of the true power of, well, love. :-p
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signedgrrrr!!!! what a cliffhanger!! good thing you've got more posted.. I liked the 'dream' thing j had, w/ the knight stuff.
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signedthanks for writing this! looking fwd to reading is sequel.
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signedthis is good!!! I hope u finish it sometime in the near future..
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signedthe head shrinker was a good idea. j's problem is realistic. did u plan the whole 'its ur fault' thing from the beginning? I remember something from the prev. fic...
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signedwow!! and here I thought I liked cliffhangers! hehe, good thing u've finished the fic!
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signedonce again.... huh. wonderfully realistic. I always wondered how mp did her job, as a hunter and such.. I thought j was surprised, then forced into unconsciousness... a struggle? anyway, verrrry good, jarod... oops! sorry... :-p
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signed