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DISCLAIMER:- in part 1

by Krystal McDermott

Eventually we make it to the car. Oh I think I am going to pass out. Broots looks like he's ready to collapse, I'll join ya buddy. Oh I've never run so much in all my life. Just thank God we're all OK. Hang on. Where's Miss Parker and Jarod? Uh Oh what if Lyle got them? I'm sure they can run faster than us, they should be here by now. For all I now Lyle could be torturing them or worse they could already be .................No that can't happen I only just got to meet them in person, they can't just die on me now! That is not fair. Man I am so self-centered. I should be worrying about them not myself. Speaking about myself though, I forgot to grab all my cool, new clothes before I ran off. Nooooo! How am I going to get them back? Oh Krystal stop being so superficial, they're only clothes for crying out loud, you can always get new ones. Yes, I can always get new ones. That thought calms me. Now where is Miss P and Jarod?

"Syd, Broots they should be here by now, where are they?" I ask concerned. They look at each other, worry written all over their faces.

"I'm sure they're fine" Sydney says soothingly "They just probably had to take a lo.............." Sydney is interrupted by the sounds of people arguing.

"Well I couldn't just leave them there could I?"

"What! Of course you could of there's more to life than just cl........."

Is that who I think it is? I turn the corner and sure enough there's Jarod and Miss P. Yes, they're alive, they're safe, they're well and they're back to fight another day! Woohoo! Wait a minute. Don't tell me she went back to get them. She did! Miss P went back to get our clothes. What a legend!

"Sorry we took so long, but 'someone' couldn't leave without their clothes, so what did we do? We had to run back down SEVEN flights of stairs, back through the middle of the mall, all the way down to the cafe and then McDonalds to get them DIDN'T WE!" Jarod practically yells. I think he's just a little annoyed.

"Oh I don't see what you're whining about, you wrecked a perfectly good pair of six inch ITALIAN stiletto heels, because you weren't watching where you were going!" Miss Parker than turns to talk or rather yell at us. "If the person in front stops running, you'd think you would stop, wouldn't you? But noooooo Mr. Dumb Ass Frankenboy here keeps going, and knocks you down the stairs, ruining my shoes in the process!" Hmmm I don't think she's too happy either.

"But aren't you both grateful that you both made it out alive?" I ask trying to calm them both down. I live to regret that question.

"Grateful, grateful. She almost got me killed all in the name of clothes. She is unbelievable. She is just so superficial! All she ever cares about is herself and to hell with anyone who gets in her way!"

Hey! What's he yelling at me for? I was only making conversation gee.

"Me, me almost get 'you' killed. What about you? Lyle's right behind us, gun in hand, shooting at us and then when I go to shoot back you say 'no don't shoot, you might hurt innocent people'. Innocent people my ass! If the Centre's taught me one thing, it's put yourself before others........ and then, lets not forget the old fossil in front of us at the escalator. No we can't just push him aside because that would be wrong, instead we have to wait 'patiently' behind him while a psycho with a gun is just metres behind us! Some genius!"

Sydney, Broots and I get in the car. There is no way we're getting involved in this one. Scary. I guess this is one point for the non-shippers. Damn!



Yeah I'm gonna end it there and make a dash for the stairs sorry. Plus I can't remember what happens next.

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