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The Invisible Man

            Jarod has always been the center of the universe. His own universe. Always being watched, always being evaluated, the one everyone went to for answers. Under other circumstances it could give a growing boy a swelled head. But for him it’s just life, the way the universe runs. He can hardly imagine anything different.

            But now it is different. He stands on a busy street corner, and no one pays any attention. No one makes him go somewhere, no one watches him, no one demands work and answers. Maybe that will get lonely, but for now, his soul feels free.

 The Visible Man

            Everywhere Jarod goes, he becomes the center of the universe. A small universe, the universe of his sphere of influence. He can’t help it. People always swirl around him like stars around a galaxy’s center. All he wants is to make things better, so he steps in, takes charge, becomes whatever is necessary. And people notice. They love him or hate him, trust him completely or find him strange and suspicious. But he never goes unnoticed. Inevitably he becomes the exact center of whatever situation he is in. He becomes the heart of the situation, the center of the universe.

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