Rated: PG 13
Categories: Indefinite Timeline
Characters: Jarod, Miss Parker
Genres: Drama
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 20 Completed: Yes Word count: 84754 Read: 158578
Published: 18/06/09 Updated: 28/01/11
1. Part One by Miss Shannon [Reviews - 3] (3652 words)
2. Part Two by Miss Shannon [Reviews - 1] (4030 words)
3. Part Three by Miss Shannon [Reviews - 1] (5305 words)
4. Part Four by Miss Shannon [Reviews - 1] (3973 words)
5. Part Five by Miss Shannon [Reviews - 2] (4143 words)
6. Part Six by Miss Shannon [Reviews - 2] (4520 words)
7. Part Seven by Miss Shannon [Reviews - 4] (4404 words)
8. Part Eight by Miss Shannon [Reviews - 1] (4928 words)
Everyone who read chapter seven before I corrected my mistake, please note that indeed the story is set near Washington, D.C. and not in Massachusetts. Obviously I begin to mix up my own stories since “In Dubio Pro Reo” is set partly in Boston. Am I getting old? :-)
9. Part Nine by Miss Shannon [Reviews - 4] (4684 words)
10. Part Ten by Miss Shannon [Reviews - 3] (4486 words)
11. Part Eleven by Miss Shannon [Reviews - 2] (4372 words)
This is a short one, but I just wanted to make sure you know I am still alive. Barely, though, since I am in the middle of exams. ;-)
12. Part Twelve by Miss Shannon [Reviews - 4] (6286 words)
Sorry for the (incredible) delay, but real life was crazy once again. So here's an extra-long chapter. Can't wait to hear what you think!
13. Part Thirteen by Miss Shannon [Reviews - 4] (2469 words)
This chapter is not very long but I thought I'd be nice for once and not keep you waiting until I am back from my vacation. :)
14. Part Fourteen by Miss Shannon [Reviews - 0] (4214 words)
Please note that any medical info that I use in the story is just there to move the plot along. I googled those bits so I do not vouch for their accuracy. I hope you enjoy this chapter.
15. Part Fifteen by Miss Shannon [Reviews - 1] (2525 words)
This chapter is rather short but I'll promise for the next one to be longer... and sooner hopefully! :-)
16. Part Sixteen by Miss Shannon [Reviews - 3] (4218 words)
The end is near, folks. I'd love to hear what you think of this chapter. ;-)
17. Part Seventeen by Miss Shannon [Reviews - 3] (4318 words)
18. Part Eighteen by Miss Shannon [Reviews - 2] (2699 words)
Short but... uhhh... sweet?
19. Part Nineteen by Miss Shannon [Reviews - 4] (5221 words)
Warning, there's a character death in this one! (And some bad language.)
20. Part Twenty by Miss Shannon [Reviews - 3] (4307 words)
This took me long enough to write! Sorry that I kept you waiting for so long! I hope you enjoy this last chapter and tell me what you think...