Jarod is suffering from Ennui and during a momentary lapse of concentration is caught by the Centre, who now have their sights set on reclaiming Gemini...
Rated: M
Categories: Indefinite Timeline Characters: All the characters
Genres: AngstWarnings: Warning: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 9
Completed: No
Word count: 34114
Read: 38938
Published: 14/05/08
Updated: 29/11/08
1. Chapter 1: Yellow by _jk_ [Reviews - 21] (3038 words)
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I don’t have the rights to this show or its characters (we’d all still be watching them if I did ; p), and the only profit I make from writing this is the satisfaction I get from knowing that in my head at least, this show will never die… So please don’t sue me (I’m just a student and therefore, more broke than you could imagine, you’d probably get more money out of suing an ant to be honest...) but please enjoy and review ; )
By the way, this is my first plunge into the realm of fanfic writing so please share as much infinite wisdom and advice as to how I’m doing… and whether (or not), I should work this idea through to some sort of conclusion… Please, let me know good, bad or ugly… though constructive criticism is always preferred! Oh and I’m an Aussie so if I go getting all “G’day Mate,” with strange spelling or terminology let me know and I’ll try to sort it out ASAP. Thanks for reading.
Ennui is a noun meaning a weariness or dissatisfaction with life, that results from monotony or a general loss of interest. It is synonymous with tedium or boredom, but with a more depressed undertone...
2. Chapter 2: Shades of Guilt by _jk_ [Reviews - 5] (3865 words)
Thank you to everyone who took the time to read my first posting and an extra super-special thank-you to everyone who reviewed. It’s really great to hear feedback and to have all positive reviews thus far is amazing. You’re all awesome!
This chapter is going to start to bring in the Miss Parker/Lyle back-story a little… Hope you enjoy!
3. Chapter 3: That Kind of Tired by _jk_ [Reviews - 3] (5058 words)
This chapter again focuses on Miss Parker's side of things, hopefully beginning to explain her some-what odd behaviour and guilt though... Didn't get many reviews this time round so hopefully people aren't just being too polite to say that the last chapter was crummy... Anyway, I really hope you enjoy!
And thanks to all those who are reading, a massively huge thanks to those who are reviewing!!
4. Chapter 4: Secrets and Lies by _jk_ [Reviews - 3] (4533 words)
Thank you so much to all those who have taken the time to read this story. And a massive super-special-sparkly thank you to all those who have reviewed, you guys are awesome and I really hope you're told that on a regular basis!!!
This chapter's a bit longer, hopefully you'll enjoy.
5. Chapter 5: Rules of Engagement. by _jk_ [Reviews - 3] (5697 words)
*** WARNING this chapter contains a reference to a minor character death that will be explained in the chapter(s) to follow ***
(I'm far too much of a novice (especially with this piece-the new one I'm working on may be an entirely different story, if it ever gets posted that is), to risk anything that I personally believe couldn't be possible in the series and therefore, it shouldn't offend, but here's the promised heads up just in case).
Thank you as always to those who have read and reviewed-you're all awesome!
Hope you enjoy this instalment, it goes back to being a bit more Jarod centric...
6. Chapter 6:The Line is Crossed by _jk_ [Reviews - 3] (2446 words)
*** WARNING this chapter contains a reference to a minor character death ***
So sorry for the delayed posting, I'd really hoped to update quicker but unfortunately I didn't bank on spending my break dislocating my shoulder (hopefully it was just the punishment I deserved for the sarcastic end notes last time!). So here's the next instalment, hope you enjoy!
7. Chapter 7: I'll never tell. by _jk_ [Reviews - 2] (3026 words)
Thanks to all who've read and reviewed! This chapter's a little shorter than a few previous ones but fear not- it still contains plenty of those frustrating unanswered questions that everybody loves (to hate!) ; P
8. Chapter 8: The Situation. by _jk_ [Reviews - 6] (2555 words)
Thanks as always to those who've read, and a huge thanks to those who've reviewed...
As per a tip I've received from an awesome reviewer (thanks again Topanga!!), I've tried to include a bit more ‘foreshadowing' to this chapter to try and orientate where the plot is at and where the next few chapters are going... Hope it's worked and above all, hope you enjoy!!
9. Chapter 9: Ties that bind. by _jk_ [Reviews - 3] (3896 words)
Please forgive the extremely extended delay and rest assured that this fic is not forgotten. As a reward for anyone still interested, this chapter was alpha-ed (that's right the work she's put in has been nothing short of amazing-way too much to be considered beta :P ), by Topanga-needless to say the greatest and most honest Beta a writer could ever, ever ask for!
As always, a HUGE thanks to everyone who's been so great and reviewed and/or pestered me about updating, you guys really make this so much fun-I only hope you know how much i appreciate it.
Hope you enjoy!