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Quality Time with Mr Cox
By: G. Barton


The Centre
Blue cove, Delaware
Sub-level 6

Miss Parker glanced back behind  her one last time as she grabbed the door knob to Mr. Cox' office. She slid the key in the lock and turned the knob. Miss Parker slipped in, shutting the door behind her.

Miss Parker opened the file cabinet and flipped through every folder in there. She stopped when she saw the one labeled 'Baby Parker'.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Miss Parker opened the file and began reading.

Someone came to the door.

"Damn." Parker looked around the room for a place to hide.

The door opened and Cox entered the room. He reached for something off his desk when Miss Parker's cell phone rang. Parker hit her head against the wall as she reached to turn her phone off. Cox slammed the door shut and peaked down under his desk to find Miss Parker hiding there.

"Miss Parker, what are you doing here?" Cox asked.

"Searching for your dirty little secrets." Miss Parker crawled out from his desk.

"What secrets? You must have me mistaken for someone else." Cox stood with his arms crossed at his chest.

"Wrong. I saw the file on my baby brother." Miss Parker stood face to face with him, crossing her arms.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Cox stood between Miss Parker and the door.

Miss Parker came around the desk and headed toward the door.

"Leaving so soon, Miss Parker." Cox stepped aside but turned to face her. "I just got here."

"I have some work to do." Parker grabbed the door knob and turned it. It wouldn't open. "What is this some kind of sick joke?" Parker's back leaned against the door.

"What are you talking about?"

"The door." Parker moved out of Cox way as he came closer.

Cox turned the door-knob and it wouldn't open. "Great." Cox dropped his hands and walked over to his desk.

"What?" Parker looked at him and then the door.

"The door is stuck."

"Then get it unstuck." Parker walked over to him.

"I can't. That is one of the quirks of having this room as my office."

"Get on the phone and call someone."

"Do you see a phone?" Cox asked as he stared at her.

Miss Parker looked around the room. No phone. "Wait." Parker pulled out her cell phone. She opened it up. "Dead. Damn it!" Parker slammed her phone shut.

Cox propped his feet up on the desk. "I guess we wait until someone finds us."

"Great, waiting on someone will take forever." Parker paced around the room as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"I'm sure Mr. Broots will find us quickly. He is always scurrying around here."

"No, he won't. I have to tell him what to do, and I didn't tell him where I was." Miss Parker exhaled heavily.

"So you are admitting to pushing him around?"

Miss Parker snapped her fingers. "Where have you been? I always push Broots around." Miss Parker leaned over his desk and stared into Cox's eyes. "And nobody else better do it. Got it!" Miss Parker stood up straight.

"Why do you push Mr. Broots around?" Cox leaned back in his chair.

"He is on my team and he does what I say." Parker locked eyes with Cox. "I'm tired of answering the questions. It is my turn to ask them." Miss Parker tilted her head.

"Ask away." Mr. Cox wrapped his arms around his head and waited for Miss Parker to talk.

"Then tell me who really sent you here?"

"Mr. Parker."

"Why are you really here, Mr. Cox?"

"I told you, to deliver the baby."

"Well, in case you haven't noticed. The baby has been here a while now. So, what are you still doing here?"

"I guess you have to ask someone else."

"Like my father?" Miss Parker took a seat across from Cox.

"I guess so." Cox sat up in his chair. "Well, since we are stuck here. Do you mind if I finish my work?"

"What work?" Parker asked as she watched him walk over to a table.

"I have to finish the eyes on Rocky."


"Yeah, my squirrel." Cox held up a stuffed squirrel.

Miss Parker stood from her chair. "I'm in HELL!" Parker screamed.

"You can help if you like." Cox turned to face Miss Parker.

"No thank you." Parker smirked. She walked over to the opposite side of the room. She slid down the wall to the floor. She wanted to keep her eyes on Mr. Cox. She sat there a while not saying a word.

Finally, Cox walked over to her. "Why are you really here, Miss Parker?"

Parker looked up at him. "I was searching for answers on my baby brother."

"And you think I would know something?"

"You were the one Daddy hired to deliver him."

"That doesn't mean I know where he is now." Cox walked back to his work.

"Which brings me back to my question? Why are you still here?" Parker turned her had from side to side.

"I told you would have to ask someone else."

"I will as soon as I get out of here." Parker rubbed her neck with her hands. "I hear something." Parker stood.

"What?" Cox stopped what he was doing.

"Foot steps." Parker walked over to the door. "In here." Parker shouted.

"Miss Parker?" Broots asked from the other side of the door.

"Broots, you lovable moron. Thank God you found me." Miss Parker kicked at the door.

"Hang on. The door seems to be stuck." Broots turned the door knob as he pushed against the door. "Stand back. I think I have it." Broots pushed again and the door came open.

"Thank you." Miss Parker grabbed Broots and gave him a huge hug. "You saved me from..." Miss Parker glanced over at Mr. Cox. "Well, anyway, let's get out of here."

Broots stood tall, with his chest out, like he was Miss Parker's knight in shining armor.

Miss Parker grabbed Broots arm and headed out the door.

"Come back sometime when you feel like talking some more." Cox smiled from ear to ear as he watched the two of them walk down the hallway.

The End!

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