[Reviews - 124] starstarstarstarPrinterMicrosoft Word
Summary: stories/395/images/parkerjarod.jpg A love story...my way. ;-) Read and review please
Rated: PG 13
Categories: Indefinite Timeline
Characters: All the characters
Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance
Warnings: Warning: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 27 Completed: Yes Word count: 55206 Read: 183721
Published: 05/08/06 Updated: 19/06/11

1. Zero degrees by whashaza [Reviews - 16] starstarhalf-star (1837 words)

2. Changes by whashaza [Reviews - 2] starstarstarhalf-star (1898 words)

3. Meeting by whashaza [Reviews - 2] starstarstar (1948 words)

4. The saddest Little Valentine by whashaza [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (1947 words)

5. Faith by whashaza [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (1475 words)

6. The gift by whashaza [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (2064 words)

7. The truth about what makes you sad by whashaza [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (1729 words)

8. It's a powerful thing... by whashaza [Reviews - 8] starstarstarstarstar (2589 words)

9. At the hour... by whashaza [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar (1063 words)

Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

Hope I’m not hated for having left this story for so long. ;-) My muse has decided to get back on me on this one after she royally changed my story outline, leaving me hanging in the air. Thank you for those that kept asking.

So, without any further musings…here’s the next chapter.

10. Bloodlines by whashaza [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar (1613 words)

Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

Thank you for the reviews.

11. Getting closer by whashaza [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar (1330 words)

Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

Thank you for the reviews.

12. Proposals by whashaza [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar (1300 words)

Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

Thank you for the reviews.

13. Darkness descends by whashaza [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarstar (1931 words)

Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

Thank you for the wonderful reviews.

14. The world is changing by whashaza [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (1980 words)

Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

Thank you for the reviews and to Manoline for helping my muse along.

15. Legacy by whashaza [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (2243 words)

Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

Thank you for the reviews and Terra for doing a superb job on the Beta thing

16. Despair by whashaza [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar (2819 words)
Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

My muse got inspired by all the reviews. ;-) Thanks. Looks like this is going in another direction than I originally planned, but that probably means I won’t finish in the next two chapters like I set out to do. Thank you to Terra for doing the Beta thing. You did promise to do it for life. ;-)

17. Just like me by whashaza [Reviews - 8] starstarstarstarstar (2663 words)

Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

Thank you for the reviews. Also thank you to Terra and Manoline for doing the Beta thing.

18. Maybe we both deserve more by whashaza [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar (5941 words)

Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

Thanks go to the ladies who helped out on the chapter, Manoline, Jacci and Katie. And to the readers….nice long chapter to compensate for the long wait.

19. If they're real by whashaza [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (3718 words)

Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

Thank you for the reviews. Also thank you to Terra and Manoline for doing a great job on the Beta thing.

20. If you change the story... by whashaza [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (2110 words)

Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

For Kaylin, born on 25 Oct.

Thank you for the reviews. Also thank you to Terra and Manoline for doing a great job on the Beta thing.

21. ...the ending is up to you by whashaza [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (1895 words)

Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

Thank you for the reviews. Also thank you to Topanga and Manoline for doing a great job on correcting all my mistakes.

A/N: I’m writing shorter chapters – but that means quicker updates. Hope you like.

22. Inheritance by whashaza [Reviews - 3] (1457 words)

Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

Thank you for the reviews. Also thank you to Topanga for her input and help in writing this chapter.

23. Breaking point by whashaza [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (1783 words)

Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

Thank you for the reviews. Also thank you to Topanga for great work on making this better.

24. Broken by whashaza [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (1173 words)

Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

Thank you for the reviews. Moreover, my appreciation to Topanga for outstanding work on making this better.

25. Memories by whashaza [Reviews - 2] (1303 words)

Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

Thank you for the reviews. Also thank you to Topanga for great work on making this better. And I'm done with all the rest of the chapters. As soon as they are betaed I'll post them.

26. Explanations by whashaza [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star (2611 words)

Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

Thank you for the reviews. Also thank you to Topanga for great work on making this better.

27. Epilogue by whashaza [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (786 words)